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1、英语 II (1)教材中三个复习单元的题目汇总(第 2, 3, 5, 6题)Unit6Activity21.She has lived herethree years.A. sinceB.forC.during2.I have given _eating meat.A. overB.downC.up3.He is the man_dog bit me.A.thatB.whichC.whose4.Those cakes look nice. Can I have ?A.oneB.itC.-5.She talking when I am watching TV.A.alwaysB.keepsC.f

2、orever6.I prefer the TV_the radio.A.toB.onC.-7.I can do that job myself.A.byB.onC.with8.Next year, I _ plan to go to Italy.A.amB.-C.have9.The road built last year.A.has beenB.wasC.is being10.She has brought _two children by herself.A.-B.upC.on11.I broke my leg when I skiing in America.A.-B.isC.was12

3、.My father take me to work with him when I was a child.A.didB.usedC.would13.I m in Greece at the moment, I like the weather .A.hereB.thereC.that14.I m tir.eIdworking very hard.A.haveB.have beenC.had15.I an leaving for New York three days time.A.-B.atC.in答案 1-5 BCCAB 6-10 AABBB 11-15 CCABC Activity3P

4、eter Blake is a successful businessman ,but he _1to be very poor. He hadnowhere to live and 2working in a pub when he 3to start hisown business.Peter and always 4 interested in plants and flowers ,5he decided to set up a company 6cared for the plants in big offices. At first he worked on his 7 , but

5、 soon he took 8 twopeople to help him. The company has been growing 9for the last ten years.Peter is now very rich, _10 he complains that now he dosen wt ork withplants but with a computer every day!1. A.wouldB.-C.used2. A.didB.wasC.been3. A.had decidedB.decidedC.was deciding4. A.wasB.hadC.been5. A.

6、soB.butC.-6. A.whoB.whichC.whose7. A.ownB.selfC.-8. A.upB.overC.on9. A.-B.upC.over10. A.thereforeB.soC.but答案 1-5 CBBCA6-10 BACACActivity5My grandfather was a very interesting man. He died when I was 11,but I remember he used to tell me stories about his early life. He told me one about how he used t

7、o race dogs. They raced greyhound, a very fast type of dog. My grandfather had a dog that was very fast and usually won the races. The men used to bet on the dogs and try to win money. One day before a ar ce, a friend of my grandfather s suggested that they bet on a different dog and make my grandfa

8、ther s dog lose the race.My grandfather had no job, so this seemed an easy way to make money.On the day of the race, my grandfather and his friend fed the dog lots of cakes so it wouldn t want to run. Then they took it for a long walk so it was tired. They bet on another dog, but when the race was r

9、un, my grandfather s dog won anyway, so they lost all their money and didn win anything!1 .The author s grandfather doesn t tell stories now.2 .His dog always won when it raced.3 .The author4 .The author5 .The author答案 1、 T 2、s grandfather usually won lots of money.s grandfather and his friend fed o

10、n a dog cakes to make it strong.t win.s grandfather and his friend bet on a dog which didnF 3、 NG 4、 F 5、 TActivity6A survey has shown that people have stopped believing both the media and politicians.A similar surver carried out 5 years ago showed that 50% of people thought that what politicians sa

11、id was usually not true ,and that 35 of people thought that what they saw on the television or read in newspaperswas not true.Now both those figures have increased sharply, to 80% of people not believing politicians and 70% not believing the television or newspapers. Experts think that these figures

12、 are not going to come down in the near future.Stories about politicians and journalists taking money form businessmenhave caused the public to stop trusting them. Also politicians keep making promises that they do not keep. Mr Smith of York said“, When the politicians make new laws, they only help

13、their friends, not people like me” . Mrs Marley of Leeds said, “ The newspapers and television are not interested in what is true; they are only interested inmoney for advertising ”.It has got worse recently as more people can get news from the Internet and learn if the journalists and politicians a

14、re telling the truth or not. What can our politicians and journalists do? The only answer is to be more honest.1 .The number of people believing politicians and journalists has.A.Increased B.not changed C.decreased2 .Experts think this problem.A.will get better soon B.will not get better soon C.will

15、 get worse soon3 .Stories say businessmen give money to.A.Politicians B.politicians and journalists C.journalists4 .Mr Smith thinks politicians make laws.A.to help their friends B.to help him C.to help everybody5 .People can now check stories using.A. the newspapers B.the television C.the Internet答案

16、 1-5 CBBACUnit12Activity21 .The bedroom needs.A. decoratingB.to decorateC.decorate2 .We have our officeevery day by a cleaner.A.cleanB.to cleanC.cleaned3 .That place isthe south of the city.A.atB.inC.on4.It s very convenienthere.A.livingB.liveC.lived5.She likes to spend timewith her grandchildren.A.

17、playB.to play6.majority of people agree with him.A.TheB.A7.He has four successful books.A.wroteB.written8.I have lived here1997A.forB.sinceC.playingC.-C.been writingC.at9.The policeman was attackeda knife.A.onB.byC.with810 .The blue whale is largeset animal in the world.A.aB.theC.-C.inC.Should exerc

18、iseC.would11 .Could you please pay meadvance?A.-B.on12 . every day for 20 minutes.A.ExerciseB.Toexercise13 .If he was fitter, helive longer.A.-B.will14.I have spent a lot of timeworking on this problem.A.atB.-C.on15.My car was beingwhen it was stolenA.repairedB.repairC.repairing答案 1-5 ACBAC 6-10 ABB

19、CB 11-15 CACBAActivity3A survey was carried out last year 1the British Medical Association, anorganisation of doctors. It showed that most people do not do enough exercise. In 1995, 60% of people are walked more than one mile a day. Now, that number hasfallen2 to only 20%.3 more people are going to

20、the gym,fewer people are walking. Doctors say we need4for 20 minutes threetimes a week.5is an easy form of exercise that everyone can do. Ifyou_6one mile each day, you will improve your health very quickly. Doctorssay we need to tackle this problem head7and try 8 peoplefitter because not doing enoug

21、h exercise is responsible 9 many of thecountry hesalth problems. Doctors suggest you go _10 a walk everydayafter dinner.1. A.-2. A.sharply3. A.So4. A.exercising5. A.Walk6. A.walk7. A.down8. A.making9. A.to10. A.at答案 1-5 CACBCB.with B.slightly B.Therefore B.to exercise B.To walk B.walkedB.onB.makeB.f

22、orB.for 6-10 ABCBBC.byC.downC.Although C.exercised C.WalkingC.to walkC.upC.to makeC.atC.andActivity5Speedway racing is a type of motorcycle racing that is done on a track with a special motorcycle. It was introduced to Britain in 1928. The first races were held at High Beech in Epping Forest. Now ra

23、ces are held in special stadiums, but then a track was made in the forest behind a pub called the Royal Oak. The track was not concrete or tarmac, but was made from cinders. The first races were organised by Jack Hill-Bailey. He had visited Australia and seen speedway racing there. When he returned

24、to Britain, he decided to introduce the sport to Britain and started organising the first races with his friends in the Ilford Motorcycle Club. They expected 3,000 people to come and watch the races, but over 30,000 people arrived to see the first races!1.You need a special motorcycle for a speedway

25、 race.1.Speedway races are held on the road.3.Speedway races were held in Australia before they were held in Britain.4 .Jack Hill-Baily organised the first races by himself.5 .There were not many people come to see the first race答案 1、 T 2、 F 3、 T 4、 F 5、 FActivity6We have two cats at home. One is na

26、med Milo and the other Mamma.Milo is aboy cat .Boy cats are called ” Toms” .We think that Mamma is Milo s mother. That is why we gave her the name Mamma.We didn t buy Milo or Mamma. They were straycats and didn t have anywhere to live. They started coming into our garden. They didnot look very healt

27、hy, so we started giving them milk. Then they started coming intothe house, so we adopted them. Because he didn t have a home when he was a kitten,Milo is not very fit. We have to take him to the vet once every three months for aspecial injection.They have lived with us now for 5 years.1.Sarah got t

28、he cats.A.before she moved into her house B.after she moved into the houseC.when she moved into the house2.Sarah thinks.A.Milo is a boy B.Both cats are boys C.Both cats are girls3 .Mamma was named“ Mamm” a because.A.Sarah likes the name B.She is a girl C.They thinks she is Milo s mother4 .Milo and M

29、amma wereA.free B.cheap to get C.expensive to get5 .Milo is not very fit because.A.he visits the vet for an injection B.he was a stray C.he is old now答案 1-5 BACABUnit18Activity21 .When I was a child, wewear a uniform for school.A. have toB.mustC.had to2.1 f I get the new job, I buy a better car.A. -

30、B.willC.would3.1 stopped last year.A. smokingB.smokeC.to smoke4.1 prefer tea coffee.A. toB.fromC.by5.By the end of this year, I enough money for a holiday.A. will saveB.will be saving C.will have saved6.She comes fromPeople s Republic of China.A. theB.aC.-7.A new hotel in the centre of town at the m

31、oment.A. has been built B.is builtC.is being built8.1 havefinished the report.A. yetB.alreadyC.still9 .Given the high price,it s not surprising they didn t buy it.A. andB.butC.-10 .The problem is by pollution.A. causedB.becauseC.due11 .You to exercise more.A. shouldB.oughtC.in12.She was convictedmur

32、der.A. toB.inC. of13.1 f you go by car, you get therlle40 minutes.A. withinB.aboutC.under14.1 her to marry me and she agreed.A. askB.askedC.told15.You like playing football,you?A.don tB.doesC.did答案 1-5 CBAAC 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 BCABAActivity3More and more people _1to install burglar alarms in their hou

33、ses if theywant to get insurance . Insurance companies _2 people in certain areas toinstall the alarms before they will give them insurance for the past year. This is _3to increasing crime in some parts of the country. This can be a problem forpeople _4 are struggling to make 5 ends meet. The alarms

34、,6can be very expensive,need to be installed by an electrician.It is7that 20% of homes have alarms installed, and that another 20% of peopleplan8_ but have not installed them9_ .The insurance companies toldpeople10_ the alarms on all doors and windows.1. A.mustB.haveC.had2. A.have been asking3. A.ca

35、used4. A.which5. A.-6. A.who7. A.estimateB.have been askedB.becauseB.whoB.theB.thatB.estimatedC.askedC.dueC.-C.allC.whichC.estimating8. A.to have them installedB.to have them installingC.to have been installing themC.yetC.installed9. A.stillB.already10. A.installB.to install答案 1-5 BACBA 6-10 CBACBAc

36、tivity5The police are investigating the theft of a statue from the City Museum yesterday. The statue, Which is made of bronze, is over 200 years old. It was given to the museum in 1969 by the famous painter Helen Payne. The statue is of a horse and is about 70cm tall and weighs about 20kgs. Who orig

37、inally made the statue is not know.Plice believe the statue was stolen during the night by burglars who entered the museum through a window at the back of the building. Nobody saw the burglars enter or leave the building, but neighbours said they had heard a window being broken and a car driving qui

38、ckly away from the museum at one in the morning. An expert at the museum said that the statue would not be easy because it was very easy to recognise. 1.The statue was given to the museum over a hundred years after it was made. 2.There were no witnesses to the crime.3 .The statue was made by Helen P

39、ayne.4 .The statue is very valuable.5 .Because the statue was easy to recognise, it would be easy to sell. 答案 1、 T 2、 T 3、 F 4、 NG 5、 FActivity6East London has traditionally been an area which has attracted immigrants. The chance to find jobs in London has led to immigrants from many different parts

40、 of the world living there. Also, because it was the home of London s docks, it was easy forpeople to get there by ship . One famous building in Brick Lane has been a church, a synagogue and is now a mosque. Nowadays this part of London, which is known as the East End, is home to people from many di

41、fferent parts of the world,including Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. This means that there are many shops and restaurants selling ethnic food. In the past the East End was one of the poorest parts of London, but now it is becoming more fashionable and house prices are rising rapidly. This is because

42、 many people want to live near to near to where they work in the centre of the city.Also improved transport links to both other parts of London and to other countries via the Channel Tunnel train station and Docklands Airport have attracted more people to the area. 1.East London has.A.never been a h

43、ome for immigtants B.recently become a home for immigrants C.always been a home for immigrants2.Immigrants are attracted by.A.low house prices B.jobsC.ethnic food3.London s docks were.A.easy to reach by plane B.in East London C.a good place to find work 4.East London.A.is a cheap place to live B.was never a cheap place to liveC.used to be a cheap place to live5.People are attracted to East London because.A.it has good transport links B.there are lots of jobs in East London C.there are lots of good shops and restaurants答案 1-5 CBBCA


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