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1、英语(二)模拟测试 3PART ONE ( 50 POINTS )1. Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 points , 1 point for each item )从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。并在答题卡将相应的字母涂黑。2. The neighbors do not consider him quite as most evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.A .respectful B. respectingC. respectable D. respective3. Most Arab

2、countries have a six-day workweek from Saturday through Thursday. When with the Monday to Friday Practice in most western countrie,sit leaves only four workdays shared.A. associated B. matchedC. satisfied D. connected4. , the worse I seem to feel.A. When I take some at someB. The more medicine I tak

3、eC. Taking more of the medicineD. The more medicine taken5. I dont know how to get Susan to give up smoking , but Im going to do it.A. in any case B. in no caseC. by some means D. by no means6. Human beings a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects.A .oblige B. oweC. thank D. gratitude7. , he is

4、 a healthy.A .Though old as heB. Though he is as oldC. Old as he isD. Old though he is8. Many graduates of four year colleges are finding that an MBA degree is not a for a good job.A. proofB. guaranteeC. certificateD. evidence9. No sooner his room when the telephone rang.A. did he enterB. he had ent

5、eredC. had he enteredD. he has entered10. The villages wanted very much to have a cinemain this area.A. to be builtB. buildC. builtD. be built11. I wish I my research paper yesterday. But I was too late.A. had finished to writeB. could have finished writingC. could have finished to writeD. might fin

6、ish writing12. Cloze Test (10 points, l point for each item )下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答 案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Dear Sir,I was thrilled 11 read your advertisement for a sales representativein the“ Dolmeth Advertiser, because I can state quite truthfully that it has always been my ambition to work fo

7、r your firm , which has 12_justifiably high international reputation for the quality of its products.I was educated at Barmouth Grammar School, which I left in 1984. My schoolmasters all spoke very highly 13_my work, and I was always considered the bright boy of my class.I trained for six months 14

8、a sales representative with Edgeley Brothers but I left because their old-fashioned selling methods irked me. I had always be interested in the techniques of seeling=15_ as my father says could “sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo. ”16 the way,I won second prize for art in my first year at BarmouthGram

9、mar.I should expect a fairly high salary , but I should arrange that with you at the interview. I always believe .17_the workman is worthy of his hire, dont you?My referees are two of the 18 respected residence in the district. Their honesty is beyond dispute.The first is our vicar, Mr. Brown. You m

10、ay have seen him 19 television on “Late Call, or on one of his TV appearances.His address is The Vicarage, Barmouth and Norfolk.My other referee is my scoutmaster; Mr. W. Johnson of 42, Lynmouth Crescent Barmouth, Norfolk. He has known me almost all my life. I have oftenbeen at scout camps with him,

11、 where my knowledge of woodcraft proved of great value. And Im sure that if I am given the 20 you will never regret it, and I look forward confidently to the interview.11. A. to B. at C. of D. with12. A. a B. an C. many D. much13. A. of B. in C. about D. at14. A. to B. of C. as D. for15. A. and B. b

12、ut C. as D. then16. A. in B. by C. of D. on17. A. that B. which C. what D. where18. A. least B. best C. most D. high19. A. in B. at C. on D. over20. A. job B. task C. assignment D. money111. Reading Comprehension (30 points , 2 points for each item )从下列每篇短文的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。Passag

13、e OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Alcohol affects the brain ; and its immediate effects are more marked on those who are not used to the drug than on regular drinkers. It is not a stimulant but a depressan t which adversely affects concentration, removes inhabitations, and i

14、ncreases the risk of accidents. Under the influence of alcohol people are less able to exercise self-control and may say and do things that they afterwards regretperhaps for the rest of their lives. For example, a girl who does not wishto have a baby may be made pregnant by a man whom she would not

15、have chosen as the farther of her child; and a man may make pregnant a woman whom he would not have chosen as the mother of his child. Some other forms of drug taking, like drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco, are part of group behavior. Such drug taking is encouraged by those who are already addic

16、ted to the drugand by those who profitby making and selling the drug.I mean one who starts taking a drug may soon become addicted to it. As with all bad habits, it is better not to start drug taking than to suffer the physical and emotional harm caused by the drug and to have the problem of trying t

17、o break the addiction. It is best,therefore, to refuse the drugs that is offered. Apart from otherconsiderations, drugs that come from unreliable sources ( because their manufacturer and distribution is against the law.) and not available in carefully measured and doses and their purity are not guar

18、anteed. Their effects are unpredictable and they may well be dangerous. If such drugs are offered by so-called friends you wouldnt be well advised to find new friends , who share your values, and to continue being yourself.21. Regular drinkers of alcohol are those whoA. are not used to the drugB. ma

19、ny get immediate effects from the drinkC. sufferer a lot from the drinkD. drink the drug very often22. Under the influence of alcoho,lpeople.A. are able to concentrate themselvesB. are able to exercise self controlC. are afraid of taking the risk of accidentsD. may see and do things that they afterw

20、ards regret23. The girl in the passageA. is made pregnant by a man she doesnt likeB. wishes to marry the man who is her babys fartherC. does not really like the man to marry herD. does not have a baby24. According to the author, we you are offered a drug, youd betterA. refuse itB. take it from relia

21、ble sourcesC. accept it and soon become addicted to itD. start drug taking25. Drugs that come from unreliable sourcesA. are illegalB. are not available in measured dosesC. are encouraged to takeD. are manufactured abroadPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Everybody gets

22、sick. Disease and injury make us suffer throughout our lives until , finally , some attack on the body brings our existence to an end. Fortunate,ly most of us in modern industrialized societies can take relatively good health for granted most of the time. In fact , we tend to fully realize the impor

23、tance of good health only when we or those close to us become seriously ill. At such times we keenly appreciate the ancient truth that health is our most precious asse,t one for which we might readily give up such rewards as power wealth, or fame (荣誉).Becauseill health is a universal problem , affec

24、ting both the individual and society, the human responseto sickness in always socially organized. No society leaves the responsibility for maintaining health and treating ill health entirely to the individual. Each society develops its own concepts of health and sickness and authorizes certain peopl

25、e to decide who is sick and how the sick should be treated. Around this focus there arises, over time, a number of standard, values, groups, statuses, and roles: in other words, an institution( 体系, 机构) 。 To the sociologist (社会学家) , then, medicine is the institution concerned with the maintenance of

26、health and the treatment of disease.In the simple pre-industrial societies,medicine is usually an aspect of religion.The social arrangements for dealing with sickness are very elementary, ofteninvolving only two roles : the sick and the healer(治疗者)。 The later is typically also the priest (牧师), who r

27、elies primarily on religious ceremonies,both toidentify and to treat disease:For example, bones may be thrown to establish acause, songs may be used to bring about a cure. In modern industrialized societi,es on the other hand, the institution has become highly complicated and specialized, including

28、dozens of roles such as those of brain surgeon,druggist, hospitaladministrator , linked with organizations such as nursing houses,insurancecompanies, and medical schools. Medicine, in fact , has become the subject of intense sociological interest precisely because it is now one of the most pervasive

29、 and costly institutions of modern society.26. Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph ?1A. Nowadays most people believeB. Human life involves a great deal of pain and suffering.C. most of us are aware of the full value of healthD. ancient people believed that health was mor

30、e expensive than anything else.27. The word “authorize”in paragraph 2 means“ ” 。A. make way forB. give power toC. write an order forD. make it possible for28. In paragraph 2, we learn that the sociologist regards medicine as .A. a system whose purpose is to treat disease and keep people healthyB. a

31、universal problem that affects every societyC. a social responsibility to treat ill healthD. a science that focuses on the treatment of disease29. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT true ?A. In the past, bones might be used to decide why people fell illB. In pre-industrial socie

32、ties priests sometimes treated patients by singingC. Modern medicine is so complicated that sociology no longer has a place in it.D. there were only two roles in an elementary medical system, the patient and the one who tried to cure them.30. The author of this passage is mainly concerned with .A. s

33、ociological aspects in medicineB. medical treatment of diseasesC. the development of medical scienceD. the role of religion in medicinePassage threeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passageLets look at another example of how peoples communication patterns differ : the way people conserve

34、. Some foreigners have observed that when Americans carry on a conversation, it seems as if they are having a Ping-Pong game. One person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back and the game continues. If one person doesnt return the ball , th

35、en the conversation stops. Each part of the conversation follows this pattern: the greeting and the opening, the discussion of a topic, and the closing and farewell. If either person talks too much , the other may become impatient and feel that he is dominating the conversation. Similarly , if one p

36、erson doesnt say enough or ask enough questions to keep the conversation goin,g the conversation stops.Many North Americans are impatient with culturally different conversation styles simply because the styles are unfamiliar. For example, to many North Americans, it seems that some Latin Americans d

37、ominate conversation,s or hold the ball too long. Speaking of her co-workers from several Latin American countrie,s one North Americans woman said, “ I just find it difficult to cut in. they seem to take such a long time to express themselves. They give you a lot of unnecessary detail” s. when she t

38、alked with them, she became tense, becauseshe found it so hard to participate. Yet she also noted that when they talked to each othe,r nobody seemed uncomfortable or left out.The North American woman didnt know how to interrupt the Latin American conversations because North American ways of listenin

39、g and breaking in are very different. She had been taught to listen politely until the other person had finished talking. (once again, there are gendef性别)difference; it has been observed that men tend to interrupt women more than women interrupt men.) when the North American woman did what was“ natu

40、ral” or “ normal” for he(r i. e., listen politely without interrupting ) , she was not comfortable in the conversation with the Latin Americans. The result was that she became more passive in her conversations with her co-workers. The differences between the unspoken rules of conversation of each cu

41、ltural group interfered with their on-the-job relationship.31. When North Americans converse together, each one of the group is supposed to .A. participate in the talkB. play Ping-Pang gamesC. interrupt the speakerD. dominate the conversation32. When North Americans converse with the Latin Americans

42、, the North Americans would feel .A. involvedB. left outC. comfortableD. relaxed33. To the North Americans, the Latin Americans are .A. politeB. communicativeC. dominantD. familiar34. We can infer from this passage that .A. people from different cultures cannot communicate with each other.B. differe

43、nt conversational styles may affect peoples relationshipsC. men are more talkative than womenD. North Americans conversational habits are better than those of Latin Americans35. The best title for this passage is .A. Different Conversation StylesB. Different Conversation TopicsC. Different Conversat

44、ion ProcessesD. Different Conversation EffectsPART TWO ( 50 POINTS )IV. Word Spelling ( 10 points ,1 point for two items )将下列汉语单词译成英语。 每个单词的词类、 首字母及字母数目均已给出。 请将 完整的单词写在答题纸上。36 .易受伤的,弱小的a. v37 .火山 n. v38 .宇宙的,普遍的a. u39 .实现;完成;履行vt. i40 .提名,任命n. n41 .(被)拉长v. s42 .胃,胃口 n. s43 .目的地;终点n. d44 .预算 n. b45 .

45、买,购买vt. p46 .禁止,不准vt. p47 .最适宜的,最理想的a. o48 .打翻,推翻 vt. o49 .暴行,愤慨 vt. o50 .核子的,核心的a. n51 .老兵,老手n. v52 .而且,止匕外ad. m53 .弥漫的,渗透的,遍布的 a. P54 .忽视,忽略v. n55 .简化 vt. sV. Word Form ( 10 points,1 point for each item)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。56. Clinton won in the states that gave him an overwhelming 370 ele

46、ctoral votes, ( compare) with 168 for Bush and none for Perot.57. I used a computer or it ( take) me much longer to finish the work.58. The robots used in nuclear power plants handled the radioactive material,s preventing human personnel from ( expose) to radiation.59. A person with an appreciation

47、of art and literature is ( quality ) forthe job.60. These ( electricity ) appliances are all identical in construction,but each one is special in its function.61. He wishes to write another letter which will clear up all the ( misunderstanding)62. The traditionalist type of composer treats a well-es

48、tablished pattern in a ( create) and63. It goes without ( say) that healthy men are happier than sick men.64. Once wasting time becomes your habit , you will continue ( waste) more time.65. If you look up tonight, you will see that the stars shine brightly in the ( cloud)sky.VI. Translation from Chinese into English ( 15 points , 3 points for each item)将下列各句译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。66. 新开发的机器人有触觉,可以看见物体,


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