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1、2008年华英学校素质检查英语试卷一、 听力部分(A) 停下面五个问题,选择与问题相对应的图片。问题只读一遍。 略(B) 听下面五个句子,选择恰当应答。每个句子读一遍。 ( )6.A.Thank you B.With pleasure C.Not at all ( )7.A.Peter B.My brother C.My mother ( )8.A.Yes, it is B.Yes, it does C.No, it doesnt ( )9.A.Dont thank me B.Thats all righr C.Thats right ( )10.A.Allen B.Jim Smith C.I

2、m Jack(C) 听下面五段对话,每段对话后你将听到一个问题,在各题所给的三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,每段对话听两遍,每段对话读两遍。( )11.A.Fruit B.Vegetable C.Meat( )12.A.3 meters B.300 meters C.3000 meters( )13.A.On Monday B.On Tuesday C.On Wednesday( )14.A.At home B.At a bookstore C.At school( )15.A.On her bike B.On a bus C.On foot(D) 听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。( )16

3、.Dick when he is 7 years old. A.starts school B.helps his mother C.does sports( )17.Dicks mother is at 10 oclock.A. watching TV in the bedroomB. helping David with his homeworkC. doing some housework( )18.Dicks father comes home at . A.10 a.m B.2 p.m C.6 p.m( )19.Dicks mother asks Dick to . A.stay a

4、t home B.wash apples C.eat a small apple( )20.Dick chooses . A.the biggest apple B.the smallest apple C.the best apple(E)听下面一封信,填写所缺单词,每空限填一词。信件读两遍。Dear Tim, My name is Allan. Im 12 years old. I have a dog. Her name is Bella. Shes a(21) dog and I really like(22) . I have lots of hobbies. I like play

5、ing the(23) and fishing. They are fun. I dont like drawing or painting. They are boring. I am not good at those things. I dont like shopping but my(24) does. How about you? (25) soon, Allan二、 选择最佳答案。( )26.-Look! There are too many people on the bus. -Lets . A.take a bus B.get on the bus C.take a tax

6、i( )27.In china people drive on the right, in England people drive on the left. A.and B.but C.or( )28.-Dad,my teacher Tommy will go back to England next week. -Really? I am to hear that. Hes so nice to you.( )29.The are broken and the floor is full of and water. A.glass,glass B.glasses,glass C.glass

7、es,glasses( )30.-Jane is doing shopping with her mother.Why? -She a party.A.has B.is having C.will have( )31.-Where is John,Steven? Is he late for work? -I dont think so.Maybe the traffic is too busy today.A.always B.sometimes C.never( )32.-Whos that man under the tree? -Hes my fathers . I call him

8、Uncle James.A.father B.brother C.son( )33. ! The train will arrive in 5 minutes.A.Be quick B.Be careful C.Take your time( )34.-I cant find my notebook in my schoolbag. -I think Miss Green keeps it. And get it back.A.Go B.Come C.Find( )35.-I am very thirsty,mun. -buy some drinks in shops over there.A

9、.a B.an C.the三、阅读理解。(A)根据短文内容,判断句子正误。(正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”)An old lady has a cat. The cat is now very old. It cannot run fast, and it cannot bite. When the old cat sees a mouse, it jumps to the mouse and catches it, but the mouse still gets out of its mouth and runs away. Then the old lady is very angry.

10、 She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her, “Dont beat me. Please be kind to me. When I was young, I gave you a lot of help.”( )36.An old lady has a young cat( )37.The cat cannot run fast or bite.( )38.The cat catches a mouse,but then it lets the mouse go.( )39.The old lady is angry at the cat

11、 and beats it.( )40.The cat didnt help the old lady before.(B)根据所提供内容,选择正确答案。(D)根据短文内容,在空格内填写正确的内容。(每空只填一词)On Sunday, my father and I ride bikes to go to the Phonix Zoo. We get to the zoo at nine. There are lots of people. We see monkeys, zebras, giraffes, lions and tigers. We take a bus through the

12、 zoo. We take many photos of the animals because I want to sent them to my friend, Eric. He is in Florida. At night, we go to see Zoo Lights. There are different kinds of lights. Look! There are many big light stars on that tall tree. How nice they are! I like them very much. I have a good day in zo

13、o.51.We go to the zoo at nine in the on Sunday.52.We see kinds of animals in the zoo.53.We go through the zoo by .54.I will send the to Eric in Florida.55.I am very in the zoo.(E)根据刘先生的自述,为他填写求职申请表。注意:表格的首字母要求使用大写字母。I am David Liu. I am 21 years old. I study car design in Beijing University. I can s

14、peak English and German. I am good at computer. I am interested in film and music. I want to be a car designer in an international company.Application FormName:David Liu Aga:21Major(主修科目)(56) in Beijing UniversityJob to apply(申请)(57) Languages(58) HobbiesWatching(59) and listening to(60) 三、 单词拼写 Dow

15、n, thank, sit, red, he, up, no, glad, stand, bus, time, again, angry(A)(61) comes to the stop. An old man gets on it. Theres(62) seat for him. “the boy will give you his seat,” the driver says to the old man. But the boy in the seat doesnt(63) up. The driver looks at(64) . then he says to the old ma

16、n(65) in big voice. “the boy will be(66) to give you his seat!”. This(67) the boy hears it. His face turns(68) . he gets up at once. The old man sits(69) and says to the boy, “(70) you,my boy.”(B)根据短文内容及首字母,在空格中补全单词,注意形式。(每空只填一词)Welcome to Beijing, the(71)c of china. Beijing is in the(72)n of china.

17、 It is(73) in spring and cool in autumn. Beijing(74)h a history of more than 3,000 years. Now there are(75) 12.5 million people in Beijing. Beijing is famous for(76)i building and food. Tourists(游客)like to (77)v Beijing in autimn. The 2008 Olympic Game will be held in Beijing this year. Many old people try to learn English(78)w . they want to work(79)f the tourists and show them around the(80)c . they all say, “we are ready.”


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