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1、有关于购物英语对话带翻译随着全球化与多元文化的发展,英语正跻身为一种国际语言被广 泛使用。精心收集了有关于购物英语对话带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!有关于购物英语对话带翻译篇ILinda :Oh, finally have I found this kind of fruit, durian.哎呀,终于找到榴莲了,太好了。Tom :Yes, only a few vendors sell this.是啊,卖这种水果的人不多。Linda :I heard about it from my friends. What does it taste like?我是从我的朋友那听说这种水果的。吃起来是什么味道

2、?Tom :Delicious, of course. Youll love it after one taste.很好吃。保证你吃一回就会喜欢。Linda :But I don’t know how I should eat it. Is there a special way?但我真的不知道怎么吃。你知道它有什么特殊的吃法吗?Tom :I dont know, but my wife does. Ill give her a call and you can ask her.我也不知道,不过我老婆知道。我给她打个电话,你问她吧Linda :Thanks. If I need t

3、o buy some again, Ill make sure to get it from you.谢谢,以后一定还到您这儿来买。有关于购物英语对话带翻译篇 2lily :can i help you?您好。tom :yes. i want to buy a skirt for my wife.你好,我想给我太太买条裙子。lily :how about this one?这条怎么样?tom :it looks nice. ill take it. could i have it gift-wrapped?看起来不错。就这条吧。能包起来吗?lily :sure. just a moment,

4、please.当然,稍等。tom :thank you. by the way, what if my wife doesnt like it?谢谢。对了,要是我太太不喜欢怎么办 ?lily :well, you can bring it back for a refund within a month.嗯,一个月内您可以拿回来退。有关于购物英语对话带翻译篇 3Lily :May I help you?您需要点儿什么?Tom :Id like to have a look at your air conditioners…this one looks pretty good.我想

5、看看空调……这个看起来不错。Lily :Yes, its the summers best-seller.是啊,今年夏天这款很畅销。Tom :And what about your customer service?售后服务怎么样?Lily :We provide free delivery and installation, along with a1-year warranty that covers parts and service.我们提供免费运输和安装。保修期一年,包括免费维修和提供零 部件。有关于购物英语对话带翻译篇 4Tom :Honey, I be

6、t this would look great on you.宝贝儿,你穿这个肯定好看。Lily :No. I wouldnt be caught dead in that ugly outfit!不要,我才不要穿那么难看的衣服现眼呢!Tom :Ugly? Its a lovely dress!难看?这不挺好看的衣服吗?Lily :Mom, please! Im 20. Why do you always want to dress like Im 30?妈,你饶了我吧!我明明只有二十岁,你怎么总想把我往三十岁 打扮啊?Tom :Forget it. We never see eye to e

7、ye on fashion.算了吧,咱俩买衣服根本对不上眼。有关于购物英语对话带翻译篇 5May :Can I have my money back on this skirt?这件裙子可以退钱吗?Salesman :Anything wrong with it?有什么问题吗?May :Yes, this is defective. See? I didn’t notice this hole when I bought it.有啊,这条裙子有瑕疵,看到没?我买的时候没有注意到这个洞。Salesman :Oh, I’m very sorry about that. Yo

8、u can change it for another one if you prefer.哦,是在很抱歉。如果你愿意的话,可以换另外一件。May :If you have exactly the same one-sizecolor, samedesign, and same size, of course.如果你们有完全一样的一一同样颜色,同样款式,同样尺寸,当然 愿意。Salesman :This one is the same size and color. But the design is different.这一件是同样的尺寸和颜色。但是款式不同。May :Oh, I guess I have no choice. I’ll take this one.哦,我想我别无选择了,就换这一件吧 6


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