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1、()1.A.ideaB. instead()3.A.easyB. sea()5.A.manB. woman()7.A.theseB. this()9. A. cough B. carefuln、听音;根据所听顺序用数字2018第一学期期末质量检测三年级英语完成时间:60分钟题号InmwVVIvnvrnIXXXIxn总分得分听力部分(50分);将其序号填入括号内。I、听音;选出你所听到的单词()2. A. cake B. lake()4. A. shorts B. horse()6. A. worry B. sorry()8. A. pet B. wet()10. A. airport B. a

2、nimal(1;2;3;4;5)给下列图片重新排序。出、听对话;填嘴巴;画笑脸(can)和哭脸(can t)。1. have a drinkA-2. have an ice cream-3. have some biscuits4. go to the shop5. watch TV八UB.5.E.V、听音;选出你所听到的句子;并把序号写在题前的括号内。()1. A. We use a knife and fork. B. We()2. A. What are these ? B. What are those ?()3. A. He s running.B. She()4. A. I ve

3、got a doll. B. He()5. A. Can I come in ? B. Yes; please.VI、听音;用数字(1;2;3;4;5 )给下列句子重新排序。re making a cake.s working.s got a dog.( )Daming is going to run a race.()I m going to do high jump.()I m going to do long jump.( )It s going to be Sports Day on Friday.( )What are you going to do ; Lingling ?笔试部分

4、(50分)口、请按顺序规范默写26个大小写英文字母。皿、请根据所给语境写出正确的单词。It s(困难的)for English people.Sam is ill. He s got a( 感冒).A: What are they doing ? B: They are(戈 U )a dragon boat.(全部的)the birds are lovely.5.We re going to( 参观)the zoo.IX、选择;将正确的答案写在题前的括号内。()1. She a pet cat.A. has got B. have got()2. There three people in m

5、y family.A. am B. is C. are()3. A:Can you run fast ? B:A. Yes; I am. B. Yes; I can.()4. I can jump far;I can t jump high.A. and B. but()5. Please be quiet! Sam is his homework now.A. doing B. do C. doesX、根据问句选答句;把正确的序号写在题前的括号内。()1. Do you want noodles?、I m reading.、Yes; please.、No; I haven t.、There

6、are ten.I m going to be a doctor.()2. What are you doing ? B()3. Have you got a test today?C()4. What are you going to be ?D()5. How many men are there? EHamburgers and chips are EnglishXI、根据语境;选择恰当的单词填写在横线上。elephant ;winner , fast food , clever , Hong Kong2. You are a boy.3. We re going to go to.4.

7、 Ahh! I m the.5. Look! There is an.刈、阅读理解;根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F )。Hi; I m Dongdong. There are five people in my family. There are two men. They remy grandpa and my dad. There are two women; too. They re my grandma and my mum. There is one boy. That s me. My dad is a bus driver. I ve got a toy car. I like

8、 it very much. I m going to be a driver.( )1. Dongdong is a girl.( )2. There are five people in Dongdong s family.( )3. His dad is a taxi driver.( )4. Dongdong has got a toy bus.( )5. He s going to be a driver.三年级英语听力题:注意:每道听力试题读二遍;听力时间控制在 25分钟内。I、听音;选出你所听到的单词;将其序号填入括号内。1. That s a good idea !2. Thi

9、s lake is very beautiful.3. I m going to swim in the sea. 4. Those are Amy s shorts.5. This is an old woman.6. Don t worry! Let me help you.7. These ducks are very naughty.8. Sam s clothes are wet.9. Be careful! The tree.10. They re going to go to the airport.n、听音;根据所听顺序用数字(1;2;3;4;5) 给下列图片重新排序。1. W

10、e use chopsticks in China.2. They re feeding the ducks.3. Sam can jump far.4. There is a camel.5. My father is a train driver.出、听对话;填嘴巴;画笑脸(can)和哭脸(can t)。1 、 Daming: Dad; can I have a drink; please?Dad: Yes; Here you are.2 、 Daming: Can I have an ice cream?Dad: No; you can t. Look; no ice cream.3 、

11、 Daming: Can I have some biscuits?Dad: Yes; you can.4 、 Daming: Can I go to the shop?Dad: No; you can t. You are ill.5 、 Daming: Can I watch TV?Dad: Yes; you can.Daming: Thanks ;dad.IV、听音连线。A: What are you doing;Sam?B: I m playing football.A: What are you going to do; Amy ?B: I m going to watch TV.D

12、aming has got a computer game.A: Can you eat fish; Lingling ?B: Yes; I can.5. This is Ms Smart s book.V、听音;选出你所听到的句子;并把序号写在题前的括号内。1. We re making a cake.2. What are those ?3. He s running.4. He s got a dog.5. Can I come in ?VI、听音;用数字(1;2;3;4;5 )给下列句子重新排序。It s going to be Sports Day on Friday. Daming

13、 is going to run a race. I m goingto do long jump. What are you going to do ; Lingling ? I m going to do high jump.听力部分到此结束!三年级英语答案及评分标准:听力部分I、(1X10= 10 分)a B B a B a a B B A n、(2 X 5= 10 分)3- 5 -1- 2 -4IV、(2X5= 10 分)1-B 2-A 3-D 4-E 5-CV、(1X5= 5 分)BBABAVI、(1X5= 5 分)2-5-3-1-4笔试部分叩、5分(备注:要求一律用手写体规范书写2

14、6个大小写英文字母;如果个别字母没变体就算错误;4个或4个以内字母合计0.5分;共52个字母合计5分;扣完为止!)皿、(2X5= 10 分)hard ; cold ; rowing ; All ; visit _(备注:画有“一一”黑体的部分各扣 0.5分。要求一律用手写体书写单词;如果个别字母没变;整体书写扣0.5分。)IX、(2X5= 10 分)ACBBAX、(2X5= 10 分)BACEDXI、(2X5= 10 分)1.fast food 2.clever 3.Hong Kong 4.winner 5.elephant(备注:要求一律用手写体书写单词;如果个别字母没变;整体书写扣0.5分。)刈、(1 X5= 5 分)F T F F T备注:卷面满分为 100分。(听力50分;笔试50分。)优秀:90-100良好:80-89及格:60-79不及格:0-59


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