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1、BatchDoc-Word文档批量处理工具第七届“希望之星”英语风采大赛小学组初赛试题广东赛区深圳分赛区第I卷 听力测试(60%)IListen and choose the words you heard.听录音,选出你听到的单词。录音内容念一遍。(10%)( ) 1.A. an armB. an umbrellaC. hasD. my( ) 2.A. knowB. busC. cardD. park( ) 3.A. tea B. teethC. beesD. teach( ) 4.A. windowB. winterC. wentD. when( ) 5.A. firstB. second

2、C. fourthD. third( ) 6.A. eighty flowersB. eighty floorsC. eighteen floorsD. eighteen flowers( ) 7.A. tiedB. tiredC. timeD. tidy( ) 8.A. rangB. rainyC. rainD. ring( ) 9.A. washB. racesC. rainD. bowl( )10A. whiteB. personC. stocksD. stockingsIIListen and choose the correct responses.听录音,选择恰当的答语。录音内容念

3、两遍。(5%)( ) 11.A. I wash my face.B. I brush my teeth.C. I comb my hair.( ) 12.A. No matter.B. I have a headache.C. I have a dog with me.( ) 13.A. Water.B. Soil and sunlight.C. Both A and B.( ) 14.A. Its hot and wet.B. Its cool and wet.C. Its cold and dry.( ) 15.A. Thats OK.B. Go away.C. Oh, Im sorry

4、to hear that.IIIListen to the dialogue and reorder the following sentences.听对话,用A、B、C、D给下列句子排序。录音内容念一遍。(4%)( ) 16. Its fifteen dollars each night.( ) 17. Im sorry. We dont sell DVDs. You can only rent DVDs here.( ) 18. Excuse me. I want to buy a DVD. How much is this one?( ) 19. How much does it cos

5、t to rent a DVD then?IV. Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct situations.听对话,选择恰当的情景。录音内容念两遍。(6%)( ) 20.A. On the playground.B. In the library.C. In the art room.( ) 21.A. At the clinic.B. At the market.C. At home.( ) 22.A. Helping at home.B. Planning a party.C. Helping tourists.( ) 23.A.

6、Shopping for food.B. Shopping for drink.C. Shopping for vegetables.( ) 24.A. At Christmas.B. At Halloween.C. At Easter.( ) 25.A. In the kitchen.B. In the bedroom.C. In the bathroom.V. Listen and choose the right holiday or date.听有关节日的描述录音,选择适当的节日或日期。录音内容念两遍。(8%)( ) 26.A. Mid-autumn FestivalB. Dragon

7、 Boat FestivalC. Qing Ming Festival( ) 27.A. National DayB. New Years DayC. Chinese New Year( ) 28.A. Thanksgiving DayB. ChristmasC. Easter( ) 29.A. Teachers DayB. Mothers DayC. Fathers Day( ) 30.A. September 10th B. October 10th C. November 10th ( ) 31.A. May 1st B. June 1st C. July 1st ( ) 32.A. O

8、ctober 25th B. November 25th C. December 25th ( ) 33.A. October 29th B. October 30th C. October 31st VI. Listen to the dialogues and the questions, then choose the correct answers.听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。录音内容念两遍。(10%)( ) 34. A. Japan B. America C. China D. England( ) 35. A. Five years old B. Five months o

9、ld C. Four months old D. Four years old( ) 36. A. Milk B. Tea C. Something cold D. Both milk and tea( ) 37. A. At four thirty B. At five thirty C. At five oclock D. At four oclock( ) 38. A. 40 yuan B. 60 yuan C. 70 yuan D. 80 yuanVII. Listen to the letter and choose the correct answer.听一封信,选择正确的答案。录

10、音内容念两遍。(8%)( ) 39. The letter is for _. A. Uncle Jane B. Uncle Sue C. Aunt Jane D. Sue( ) 40. _ got a nice birthday card. A. Uncle Jane B. Uncle Sue C. Aunt Jane D. Sue( ) 41. Sue is going to have _ examination. A. a maths B. a Chinese C. an English D. an art ( ) 42. Sue is going to see her aunt _.

11、A. this summer B. this spring C. next summer D. next springVIII. Listen and choose the correct judgement.听录音,选择正确的判断。录音内容念三遍。(9%)( ) 43. Today is a holiday. A. B. ( ) 44. Peter goes to school at eight oclock. A. B. ( ) 45. Peter gets up late. A. B. ( ) 46. Mrs Black doesnt go to work today. A. B. (

12、) 47. Peters father gets up early. A. B. ( ) 48. Mr Black cooks breakfast at eight. A. B. ( ) 49. Peters sister combs her hair every day. A. B. ( ) 51. Jack is a lazy boy. A. B. ( ) 52. They have breakfast at eight fifty. A. B. 第II卷 笔试(40%)I. Choose the best words.选择填空。(10%)( ) 53. Tom is not good a

13、t maths. He _ study it hard. A. can B. is C. have to D. has to( ) 54. Hurry up, Mary! You _ be late for school. A. are B. were C. are going to D. is going to( ) 55. Ken, do you want _ for breakfast? Yes, please. A. a milk B. some milk C. any milks D. some milks( ) 56. There is _ water left in the bo

14、ttle. Shall I get some? A. a few B. a little C. few D. little( ) 57. We usually have classes _ the afternoon. But we dont have any classes _ Friday afternoon. A. in / on B. in / in C. on / in D. on / on( ) 58. - I have a headache.- Oh, Im sorry to hear that. You should _. A. see the dentist B. eat m

15、ore vegetables and fruit C. do more exercises D. stay in bed and rest( ) 59. Lets play basketball together, _ we? A. is B. are C. will D. shall( ) 60. - Glad _ you. - Me, too. A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw( ) 61. - How you help at home? - I _ sweep the floor. I sweep the floor six times a week.

16、A. often B. always C. usually D. sometimes( ) 62. Which subject do you like _, English or maths? A. good B. well C. better D. bestII. Find out the mistake of each sentence.找出下列句子中的一处错误。(8%)( ) 63. She brushes her teeth one a day. A B C D( ) 64. Please be quite. You shouldnt talk in the library. A B

17、C D( ) 65. Hows the weather like in Canada in winter? A B C D( ) 66. Whats matter with you? A B C D( ) 67. Our plant need a small pot of soil, a lot of light and lots of water. A B C D( ) 68. There is no stairs in the house of the future. A B C D( ) 69. How can I get to the Toy Museum? You need take

18、 the bus No. 102. A B C D( ) 70. Whens your birthday? Its on October the thirtyth. A B C DIII. Reorder the words to make a sentence.连词成句,选择最佳的答案。(2%)( ) 71. to speak, I, my wife, would, to, Mrs Smith, like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A. 3-6-4-7-1-5-2 B. 6-3-4-7-5-1-2C. 2-4-7-1-5-3-6 D. 2-7-4-1-5-6-3( ) 72. Kens f

19、ather, to talk, to strangers, tells him, not, in the street 1 2 3 4 5 6 A. 1-4-5-6-2-3 B. 1-5-4-2-6-3C. 1-4-5-3-2-6 D. 1-4-5-2-3-6IV. Reorder the sentences to make a dialogue.把下列句子重新排列组成对话,选择最佳的答案。(2%)( ) 73. . Its in the red box. . Oh, its in your bedroom. . Thank you, Mum. . Wheres the red box? .

20、Wheres my coat, Mum? A. - B. - C. - D. - ( ) 74. . Yes, here you are. . How much is it? . Can I have a look at that camera? . Can I help you? . Its 365 yuan. . Its too expensive. Lets go next door. A. - B. - C. - D. -V. Complete the article with the proper words.完型填空。(7%) Its true that food is very

21、important for us. If a person does not eat food, he will feel _75_. If he cannot find food when he is eager for food, he may feel very 76 . Maybe he will become sick, or even die. Now there is a question - what kind of food is 77 for us? Is meat better than vegetables and fruit? 78 are vegetables an

22、d fruit better than meat? For some people, it is very easy to answer it: vegetables and fruit are surely better than meat, because they 79 eat meat. But for 80 of us, it is not very easy to decide on which is better. Doctors say it is not really important for us to decide on which is better, meat or

23、 vegetables and fruit, 81 taking a balanced diet of meat, vegetables and fruit is important.( ) 75. A. thirsty B. dirty C. sad D. hungry( ) 76. A. calm B. bad C. happy D. well( ) 77. A. good B. well C. bad D. cheap( ) 78. A. But B. There C. And D. Or( ) 79. A. always B. usually C. often D. never( )

24、80. A. some B. any C. most D. few( ) 81. A. but B. its C. and D. orVI. Read the story and choose the best answer.阅读下面的一段故事,选择符合原文的最佳答案。(5%)Its seven thirty in the morning. A man is walking down the street and reading his newspaper. He has an umbrella in one hand because it is raining. In his other h

25、and he has his newspaper. He isnt being very careful today. He doesnt stop at the crossing but walks across the street. A car nearly hits him.A policeman calls to him, “Be more careful, please! You must look where you are going!”I walk down the street next to the man and ask him a few questions.“Do

26、you always read your newspaper in the street?”“No. Before, I went to work by bus. But now I walk. Its slower, but its cheaper. I like it better.”“But its raining today,” I say to him. “Why didnt you take the bus?”“Well,” he said. “I must tell you. I like reading the newspaper in the morning. I have

27、to read it for my work. But my problem is this. I dont have time to finish the newspaper in the bus. The journey takes only ten minutes. On foot the journey takes 55 minutes. So now I walk.”“So is that the answer to your problem?” I ask.“No, it isnt! I still cant finish my newspaper on my way to wor

28、k. So tomorrow Im going to buy a smaller one!”( ) 82. The man in the street is _. A. looking at the rain B. looking at the cars C. looking at his newspaper D. looking at the policeman( ) 83. The man walks to work now _. A. but went by bus before B. and walked to work before C. but went by car before

29、 D. but sometimes takes the bus( ) 84. He likes walking to work because _. A. the bus is too dear B. he likes reading in the bus C. he doesnt like buses D. his journey to work takes longer( ) 85. Tomorrow hes going to _. A. take the bus again B. read fewer pages C. walk faster D. read faster( ) 86.

30、The best title(标题)is _. A. Reading Newspaper B. Reading in the Rain C. Walking in the Rain D. Walking to WorkVII. Think and choose.思考并选择正确的答案。(6%)( ) 87. Bill, George, Sally and Ann are brothers and sisters. One of them is 15. One is 12, one of the boys is 13, and one of the girls is 14. Bill is old

31、er than Sally but Ann isnt. How old are they? Bill is _, George is _, Sally is _, Ann is _. A. 12; 13; 14; 15 B. 15; 14; 13; 12 C. 15; 13; 14; 12 D. 14; 15; 12; 13( ) 88. Three teachers are talking in the classroom. They are a Chinese teacher, a maths teacher and an English teacher. A speaks Chinese

32、 in class. The English teacher is a good woman teacher. C is the maths teachers sister. Who is the maths teacher? A. A B. B C. C D. We cant know.( ) 89. Tom gets twenty-one bottles of orange from his father. And his grandpa says “If you give me three empty bottles, Ill give you a bottle of orange.”

33、Tom drinks all of the bottles of orange, and gives the empty bottles to his grandpa. Then his grandpa gives him some bottles of orange. How many bottles of orange does Tom drink in all(一共)? A. 21 B. 31 C. 29 D. 30( ) 90. Which number should replace the question mark to continue the series? A. 33 B.

34、3 C. 21 D. 31( ) 91. There _ triangles and _ squares altogether in the diagram on the right. A. 25; 6 B. 19; 8 C. 23; 7 D. 25; 7( ) 92. Look at the following two pictures. Which road is easier for the truck to drive up?第七届希望之星英语风采大赛小学组初赛笔试试题录音材料第I卷 听力测试(60%)IListen and choose the words you heard.听录音

35、,选出你听到的单词。录音内容念一遍。(10%)每小题1分 参考答案:1-5: BDBBD 6-10: CDBBD录音材料:1. Excuse me. Have you got an umbrella?2. If you see a notice saying “No parking”, you cannot park your car there.3. How often do you brush your teeth?4. I want to go to Harbin in winter.5. Go down this street and take the third turning to

36、 the right.6. There are eighteen floors in that tall building.7. They made the room clean and tidy.8. We saw him in the rainy season.9. We watch boat races at Dragon Boat Festival.10.Children cant wait to open the presents in stockings.IIListen and choose the correct responses.听录音,选择恰当的答语。录音内容念两遍。(5

37、%)每小题1分 参考答案:11-15 ABCAC 录音材料:11. What can you do with a towel?12. What is the matter with you?13. What do plants need?14. What is the weather like in Shenzhen in summer?15. I have a fever. I feel sick, too.IIIListen to the dialogue and reorder the following sentences.听对话,用A、B、C、D给下列句子排序。录音内容念一遍。(4%

38、)每小题1分 参考答案:16-19: DBAC录音材料:-Excuse me. I want to buy a DVD. How much is this one?-Im sorry. We dont sell DVDs. You can only rent DVDs here.-How much does it cost to rent a DVD then?-Its fifteen dollars each night.IV. Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct situations.听对话,选择恰当的情景。录音内容念两遍。(6%)

39、每小题1分 参考答案:20-25: BACCBA录音材料:20. -(小声说) Hey, Tom. Please be quiet. They are reading. - Sorry. I must be out.21. - Whats wrong with you, Tom? - I have a bad cold, doctor. What should I do? - You should take this medicine and drink much water.22. - Excuse me. How can I get to the airport? - You can take the bus No.108 or you can take a taxi. - Thank you. - Youre welcome.23. - How much are these beans? - They are two yuan a kilo. - May I have two kilos, please? - Here you are. Four yuan, please. - Thank you.24. -


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