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1、单选技巧高考:15分(难度较大、纯语法题)中考:10分(难度较小)原则:1.无需过多地训练单选,少而精。(中考其实认真搞定100道常见单选 即可)2做一题,透一题!(能当小老师分析出来!)3速度要快,争取5分钟搞定10个题。4运用解题技巧。5对于常见考题一定善于发现和总结。线头法(含固定搭配法):打记题干中的关键词,扯出答案。()1. Lana said that she wasnt mad Marcia anymore.A. toB. atC. for()2. They are thinking |about|the poor children.A. helpB. to helpC. hel

2、pingD. helps()3. She will go to Marcias house Friday night.A. atB. inC. forD. on()4. Yesterday Dick made me for a long time.A. to wait B. waitC. waitedD. waiting中文法:根据中文翻译做题。(选连词时常用。)()5. I need some money to buy clothes my mother. Her clothes are out ofstyle.A. after B. to C. of D. for()6. My littl

3、e sister went to school early she was 川 yesterday.A. because B. if C. when D. though从易到难法:题干有两空时,先从容易的那空做起(有可能从第一空做起哦)()7.a basketball player he wants to be a person Yao Ming.A. Like, likeB. As, as C. As, like D. Like, as()8. Do you like playing football or playing violin?A. the, theB. the,/C. /, th

4、eD. /, /语感法:不用分析,直接凭感觉读出答案(考平时背得滚瓜烂熟的句型或短语时常用)().9 Could you please me some advice?l.A. giveB. giving C. to give()10. Thanks so much your beautiful photos.A. for B. with C. at排除法:根据一定判断,将选项依次排除(遇到难题时常用此法)。()11 The factory we will visit next week is not far from here.A . when B where C which()12. We

5、were very that Jimdidn pass the exam.A. surpriseB. surprisingC. surprised结构分析法:用斜线将长句砍断,化长为短,化难为易。(题干比较长时可用此法)()13. My father and my mother think that they won t gdo the mountains /if it the day after tomorrow.A. rain B. is raining C. rains D. will rain模板法:套用熟悉的句型或口诀答题。(感叹句,enough等的用法常可闲T-()14.fine

6、day it is !A. How a B. What a C. What()15. The boy is to go to school .A. enough old B. enough young C. old enough()16.is good for your health.A Read B Reading C Reads杂交法:几种方法同时运用。(排除法被用的频率最高)()17. This book isn t useful. Please.A. take part in B. take it away C. take away it()18.I dont know when he back,but as soon as he back,I will tell you.A. comes comes B. will come comesC. will comes will comes


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