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1、新译林英语三年级下册 Unit3 Is this your pencil? 讲义及练习教学内容询问物品的归属。询问人或物品的位置一、 词汇Pencil 铅笔 schoolbag 书包 pen 钢笔 crayon 蜡笔 ruler 尺子 pencil case 铅笔盒 lunch box 午餐盒 where 在哪里 over there 在那里 isn t=is not that s=that is where s=where is二、句型及语法1 、询问物品归属的句型及其答句-Is this/ that your挺/那是你的。吗?-Yes, it is.是的,它是。 No, it isn 不,

2、它不是。 t.(this 指近处的物品 that 指远处的物品 )句中的 your 可以用 my / his / her / their 等替换2 、如何介绍自己的物品This /That is my 这/那是我的。3 、询问某人/ 某物位置的句型Where is/are+某人 / 某物 ?4 、习惯搭配/短语on the floor在地板上beside the door 在门旁边talk about 谈论Thank you. 谢谢你。随堂练习 一、 英汉互译。1 .我的铅笔 5.lunch box 2. 那个橡皮 6.that isn t 3 . 这枝钢笔7.on the floor 4.

3、在那边 8.for you 二、写出完整形式或者缩写形式it s ()he is ()isn t () that is () I m ()where is( )三、 给下列单词分类。ruler , run , rubber , pen ,talk , eat , pencil , shout , drink , sleep , crayon学习用品: ()() () () () 动作类的词: () () () () ()四、选择1. 你问别人那是什么,你会说: A. What s that? B. What s this?2. 你告诉别人这是你的蜡笔, ,你会说: A. This is my

4、crayon. B. This isn t my crayon.3. 你想问那是不是一个蛋糕,你会说: A. Is that a cake ? B. Would you like a cake ?4. 你想知道直尺在哪里,可以问: A. where s the ruler ? B. what s the ruler ?5. is the pen? It s black. A. WhereB. What colour6. is the pen? It s on the floor. A. WhereB. What colour7. Look at my pencil.A. It s great.

5、 B. It s red.8. Don t eat here. A. YesB. Im sorry9. 老师告诉你你的书包在那边时,她说: A. Your schoolbag is here . B. Your schoolbag is over there .10. 你问那是不是你的钢笔时,可以说: A. Is that your pen ? B. Is that my pen ?11. that your crayon? Yes, L1 . Is, it is. B, Is isn t. C. Are, they are.s)ver12 .Where s my schoolbag?A. T

6、hat smy schoolbag.B It sny schoolbag.C. Itthere.13 .当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:A. This is for you.B. Thank you.C. Is this for you?五、根据情境选择合适的句子。()1.你请Helen进入你的房间,可以说:()2.当你想知道这是不是对方的爸爸时,你会说:()3.当你向朋友介绍哥哥时,你会说:()4.图书管里,你叫 Mike不要吃东西,会说:()5.你告诉朋友那不是你的铅笔,说:A . That s not my pencil.B. Come in, please.C. This is my

7、brother.D Don t eat here.E Is this your father ?六、连词成句。(注意首字母的大写和标点符号)1 this , is , ruler, a (?)可编辑4 is, box , your , lunch , where( ?)找出句中的错误并在横线上订正 (10分i() L Xo, 立 良*AB()2. Thai is your pencil?A B()3. W lien* hit ytiur mlfT?A IFI 4. This rakR is hi vcm. H()5. This is nn Iwiok.丁 选出与画线部分单词属于同类的词(1()令)1.口 |时1 in my JiJiKii ixjK ?A w iridi jwB. wIlHt(J. vJllk,)2.This % nr nikr.A, pf-tn ilH. cakeC. 4hmiI)3.li.ivr a grm rulKnA. ealB. pieC. led)4.This is a robot.A. dnnk艮“(J. dtr)5.Whal this?A.B. likeC. sleep


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