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1、宁波大红鹰学院 毕业论文外文翻译所在学院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 财务管理 班 级: 08财管7班 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2011 年 11 月 19 日译文:小企业金融经济学:在财政增长周期,私人股票和债券市场的角色 创业型企业作为经济增长的发动机的作用已经获得了相当大的公众的关注在20世纪90年代。这个重点,大部分源于创新 - 尤其是在高科技,信息和生物技术领域 - 从信仰是非常依赖一个蓬勃发展的企业部门。令人瞩目的成就,如微软,基因泰克和联邦快递公司的故事,体现的意义,创造新的合资公司是未来生产率的必要条件。其他最近的“现象有进一步集中公众的关注和对小企业的认识,包括创业中


3、。同样,货币政策“信贷渠道” - 机制,通过货币政策的冲击可能对小企业的资金不成比例的巨大影响 - 产生了大量的分析和辩论。其他关键问题,如“首次公开发行之间的联系(IPO)的市场风险资本流动,创投机构投资的谨慎人规则,和小企业融资的金融体系结构中的作用,才刚刚开始吸引研究的关注。小企业融资的私人市场,特别有趣,因为他们是如此不同,从该基金的大型企业的公众街市。私人股权和债券市场提供了高度结构化的,复杂的合同,往往敏锐地信息不透明的小企业。这是公众的股票和债券市场基金相对信息透明的大型企业,往往比较通用的合同下。发挥金融中介机构可以评估通过筛选的活动小的业务素质和地址信息的问题作为信息生产者的




7、内人士提供的 - 企业家,创业团队,家庭和朋友的其他成员。此外,小企业普遍接受私人“股权和债务市场的外部资金,而不是公众街市。部分小企业的资本结构决定是否和何时进入公共资本市场通过首次公开招股,虽然绝大多数的企业永远也达不到这一点,在金融成长周期。即使在小企业之间的内部融资和外部融资的区别并不总是彻底清除,因为业内人士往往对金融机构提供的外债提供个人担保或承诺个人抵押品。在私人市场的中介机构也评估内业主的个人财务状况 - 包括未在该公司投资资产 - ,使这些个人资产也有一个关系到公司的资本结构。最后,绝大多数是小企业所有者管理,减轻影响的大型企业的资本结构选择的所有者和管理者之间的代理冲突。然


9、,应该证明是非常有用的描述和这里的新的数据资源的可用性。引自:.小企业金融经济学:私人股票和债券市场在财政增长周期中的作用J。银行和金融,1998,22:613- 673。原文:The Economics of Small Business Finance:The Roles of Private Equity and Debt Markets in the Financial Growth CycleThe role of the entrepreneurial enterprise as an engine of economic growth has garnered considera

10、ble public attention in the 1990s. Much of this focus stems from the belief that innovation - particularly in the high tech, information, and bio-technology areas - is vitally dependent on a flourishing entrepreneurial sector. The spectacular success stories of companies such as Microsoft, Genentech

11、, and Federal Express embody the sense that new venture creation is the sine qua non of future productivity gains. Other recent “phenomena have further focused public concern and awareness on small business, including the central role of entrepreneurship to the emergence of Eastern Europe, financial

12、 crises that have threatened credit availability to small business in Asia and elsewhere, and the growing use of the entrepreneurial alternative for those who have been displaced by corporate restructuring in the U.S.Accompanying this heightened popular interest in the general area of small business

13、 has been an increased interest by policy makers, regulators, and academics in the nature and behavior of the financial markets that fund small businesses. At the core of this issue are questions about the type of financing growing companies need and receive at various stages of their growth, the na

14、ture of the private equity and debt contracts associated with this financing, and the connections and substitutability among these alternative sources of finance. Beyond this interest in the micro-foundations of small business finance is a growing interest in the macroeconomic implications of small

15、business finance. For example, the impact of the U.S.“credit crunch” of the early 1990s and the effect of the consolidation of the banking industry on the availability of credit to small business have also been the subject of much research over the past several years. Similarly, the “credit channels

16、” of monetary policy - mechanisms through which monetary policy shocks may have disproportionately large effects on small business funding - has generated considerable analysis and debate. Other key issues, such as the link between the initial public offering (IPO) market and venture capital flows,

17、prudent man rules regarding institutional investing in venture capital, and the role of small firm finance in financial system architecture are just beginning to attract research attention.The private markets that finance small businesses are particularly interesting because they are so different fr

18、om the public markets that fund large businesses. The private equity and debt markets offer highly structured, complex contracts to small businesses that are often acutely informationally opaque. This is in contrast to the public stock and bond markets that fund relatively informationally transparen

19、t large businesses under contracts that are more often relatively generic.Financial intermediaries play a critical role in the private markets as information producers who can assess small business quality and address information problems through the activities of screening, contracting , and monito

20、ring. Intermediaries screen potential customers by conducting due diligence, including the collection of information about the business, the market in which it operates, any collateral that may be pledged, and the entrepreneur or start-up team. This may involve the use of information garnered from e

21、xisting relationships of the intermediary with the business, the business owner, or other involved parties. The intermediary then uses this information about the initial quality of the small business to set contract terms at origination (price, fraction of ownership, collateral, restrictive covenant

22、s, maturity, etc.).A contract design and payoff structure is chosen on the basis of the financial characteristics of the firm and the entrepreneur as well as the firms prospects and the associated information problems. High risk-high growth enterprises whose assets are mostly intangible more often o

23、btain external equity, whereas relatively low risk-low growth firms whose assets are mostly tangible more often receive external debt for reasons explored below. Finally, in order to keep the firm from engaging in exploitive activities or strategies, the intermediary monitors the firm over the cours

24、e of the relationship to assess compliance and financial condition, and exerts control through such means as directly participating in managerial decision making by venture capitalists or renegotiating waivers on loan covenants by commercial banks.This paper has several motivations. The first is to

25、provide as complete a picture as possible of the nature of the private equity and debt markets in which small businesses are financed based on currently available research and data. The second is to draw connections between various strands of the theoretical and empirical literature that have in the

26、 past focused on specific aspects of small firm finance but often have not captured the complexity of small business finance and the alternative sources of funding available to these firms. The third goal is to suggest extensions to the research in key areas related to the markets, contracts, and in

27、stitutions associated with small firm finance and to highlight the relatively new data sources available to address these issues.Public focus on small business finance derives both from the spectacular success of some recent entrepreneurial firms and from concern that many small businesses with posi

28、tive net present value projects may not be able to obtain sufficient external finance. Causes for concern include, among others, the recent credit crunches in Asia and the U. S., the lack of well-developed venture capital markets in continental Europe and elsewhere, and the potential impact of finan

29、cial institution consolidation on the availability of credit to small business everywhere. This paper explores a number of facets of small firm finance, the investors and intermediaries that provide it, and the private equity and debt markets in which they function. We see much of small business fin

30、ance through a growth cycle paradigm, in which different capital structures are optimal at different points in the cycle, although we emphasize that this paradigm does not fit all small businesses.The issues surrounding capital structure for small businesses are generally different than those that a

31、re most important for large corporations, and often involve the intertwining of the personal finances of the entrepreneur and other insiders with the finances of the firm. Unlike large firms, small firms typically have a substantial amount of their funding provided by insiders - the entrepreneur, ot

32、her members of the start-up team, family, and friends. In addition, small businesses generally receive their external funding in private “ equity and debt markets, rather than public markets. Part of the capital structure decision for small firms is whether and when to enter public capital markets v

33、ia an IPO, although the vast majority of firms never reach this point in the financial growth cycle. Even the distinction between insider finance and external finance in small business is not always completely clear, since insiders often give personal guarantees or pledge personal collateral against

34、 external debt provided by financial institutions. The intermediaries in private markets also evaluate the personal finances of the inside owners - including assets that are not invested in the firm - so these personal assets also have a bearing on the capital structure of the firm. Finally, the vas

35、t majority of small businesses are owner-managed, which alleviates agency conflicts between owners and managers that affect capital structure choices in large corporations. However, owner management may introduce other factors into capital structure decisions of small firms, such as the owner/manage

36、rs level of risk aversion, or his/her incentive to issue external debt rather than external equity in order to keep ownership and control of the firm.While much research has begun on the topic of small business finance, even more remains to be done. Our analysis of the financial growth cycle and the

37、 interconnectedness of small firm finance suggests that some of the most exciting areas for future research may involve investigating how sources of small firm finance may change over the business cycle, in reaction to changes in government policy, during times of distress in private or public marke

38、ts, and as information processing technology continues to improve. Moreover, it is important to determine the effects of the availability and cost of small business finance on the formation of new firms, their ability to engage in risky or opaque activities, and their effects on employment, real out

39、put, and economic growth. The availability of new data resources described and employed here should prove very useful in pursuing these and other research agendas on small business finance.引自: Berger A N,Udell G FThe Economics of Small Business Finance:the Role of Private Equity and Debt Markets in the Financial Growth CycleJJournal of Banking and Finance,1998,22:613673


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