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1、 广东版开心英语四年级下册教学计划学情分析(包括班级基本情况、学生年龄特征、学习情况以及上学期成绩等的分析)四(3)班共有学生 48 人,男生 27 人,女生 21 人。其中学困生有 10 人,占班级人数的 20.8%,中层生有 23 人,上层生有 15 人。经过上学期的学习,该班的学生学习积极性有了明显的好转,作业书写也有很大的进步,有部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯,课堂的纪律已有一定的进步了,根据该班特点,本学期要使用各种方法,关注英语基础不好的学生,减少差异,让所有的学生都有所收获。教材分析(包括教材版本、章节(单元)教学内容、教学目的要求、教学重点及教学中应注意的问题等的分析)本册书

2、共有 8 单元和两个文化学习模块,8 个单元的教学话题分别是:MySchool, Our New Home, Bank or Beach, Free Time, Our Clothes, Jobs, Hobbies,Weekend Fun。 两个文化学习模块的内容分别是 School Life 和 OutdoorActivities。1. Identifying differe places at school and describe the function of the places.2. Talking about a new home.6. Asking about and resp

3、onding to questions about what one does or what onewants to be.1 / 5 广东版开心英语四年级下册教学计划6、注重能力培养。培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。突出兴趣激发。教学形式多样化。包括对话、歌谣、小诗、歌曲、游戏、绘画等。1、备好课是上好课的关键。每一节课都要紧密联系学生学习的实际情况,认真备课,写出具有实际意义的教案,教学反思与教学随笔。2、根据每一个单元不同的特点,确定不同的教法与教学手段,为学生提供空间表演,练习说所学的内容,让所学真正所用,达到学以致用的目的。3、充分利用现代化各种教学手段,将多媒体

4、、动画等学生喜欢的东西搬入课堂,丰富课堂,使课堂活起来,让每一个学生都能够参与到各项活动中来,锻炼学生的表演、会话、合作等能力。4、注重情境教学,营造学习氛围。在课堂上通过多媒体,简笔画以及英语小故事等各种手段,给语言学习创设有意义情境,让孩子在有效的情境中感受和学习语言。5、设计全面、高效的课外作业,培养学生良好的书写习惯,做到整洁、规范、正确地书写。2 / 5 广东版开心英语四年级下册教学计划1. Vocabulary: a teachers office, a classroom, ahall, a library, a music room, an art room, a gym,a

5、playgroundUnit one: My School2. Target: (1)This is my school. There is a hall, agym, a teachers office, a library, an art room anda music room.(2). How many classroomsare there?- There are twenty-five classrooms.3. Story:(1) There are lots of classrooms.(2) There isnt a lunch room.4. Sounds and word

6、s: room, moon, cool,classroom, school, noodles第U1周1. Vocabulary: a living room, a dining room, abedroom, a kitchen, a bathrrom, a garden.2. Target:(1). Is there a living room in your new home?- Yes, there is.(2). Is there a garden? - No, there isnt.3. Story: (1) What about a garden?(2) There isnt a

7、garden, but there are threebathrooms.4. Sounds and words: arm, art, park, card, garden,party第U2周1.Vocabulary: a movie theater, a swimming pool,a hospital, a bank, a shopping mall, a restarant, apark, a supermarket2. Target:(1). What are you going?- Im going to the bank.(2) Is she going to the bank?第

8、- No, she isnt. Shes going to the park.(3) Are they going to the beach?- Yes, they are.3. Story: (1) Are you going to the hospital?- No, we arent.U33. Story: Can read andunderstand the conversation.周4. Sounds and words.ship, shirt, she, shorts,shoes, shopping3 / 5 广东版开心英语四年级下册教学计划1.Vocabulary: go to

9、 the zoo, buy an icecream, call my friend, borrow a book, watchTV, listen to a song2. Target: (1). May I have a peach?- Yes, please.Unit four: Free Time1.Vocabulary: Make the pupilsread, understand and write the第- No, you may not. Sorry.3. Story: (1) May I have an ice cream, please- Yes. Here you ar

10、e.(2) Thank you! - Youre welcome.4. Sounds and words: tea, read, peach, clean,speak, ice cream1.Vocabulary: coat, dress, shirt, T-shirt,sweater, cap, shorts, shoes2. Target: (1). Is this your T-shirt?- No, it isnt.(2) Are these Moms shoes?- No, they arent.(3) Whose dress is this?- Its Lisas dress.3.

11、 Story: (1) Whose blue socks are these?- Theyre Tonys.(2) Whose red and blue T-shirt is this?- I dont know.第十U 至5 十一周4. Sounds and words: bird, girl, shirt, skirt,first, birthday1.Vocabulary: a taxi driver, a firefighter, apolice officer, a writer, an office worker, adoctor, a nurse, a teacher第1.Voc

12、abulary: Make the pupils 2. Target: (1). What do you do?十- Im a nurse.(2). What do you want to be?- I want to be a teacher.3. Story: (1) I want to be a firefighter.(2) What do you want to be?- I want to be a magician!4. Sounds and words: father, mother, sisters,worker, teacher, driver3. Story: Can r

13、ead and understandthe conversation.周4 / 5 广东版开心英语四年级下册教学计划1.Vocabulary: ice-skating, listening to musicwatching TV, riding a bike, playing cards,making modelsUnit seven: Hobbies2. Target:第十1.Vocabulary: Make the pupils (1). Whats your hobby?U7(1) Im painting. I like painting. My hobby ispainting.(2)

14、. Do you like swimming, dancing or reading.4. Sounds and words: bike, time, ride, knife,five, kite五周1.Vocabulary: go to the park, see a movie, playoutside, read a story, make a snowman, surf theInternet2. Target:第十(1). What do you want to be?- I want to see a movie.(2). Do you want to make a snowman?- Sure.(3) Do you want to see a movie?- Not really. I want to go to the park.3. Story:(1) Lets make a snowman.(2) I want to make his body. Do you want tomake his head.U8七周4. Sounds and words: star, stop, stand, story,study, student.十八总复习10课时周至二十周5 / 5


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