六年级英语上册 Lesson19 Christmas Gifts教案 冀教版(一起).docx

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1、 Lesson 19:Christmas Gifts教学目标:1.知识目标:掌握四会单词 Santa, something, thing;并且在句型中正确运用。了解课文内容,熟读课文。2.能力目标:学会与人合作学习,在相互交流中准确运用本课单词Santa,something,thing和句型。3.情感目标:通过圣诞节赠送礼物,了解西方习俗,同时使学生懂得关心他人。教学重点: 掌握四会单词Santa, something, thing,理解课文。教学难点: 区分something 与thing的用法教学过程:Step 1 、Class opening and Review1) Greeting

2、Say hello to the students .Ask the weather and date.2) Review Play “ Never Never ” to review adverbs of frequency .(usually sometimes alwaysnever)例如:Li Ming always wears dress ,yes or no? Review the words : umbrella buy rainy snowy .(Use the words cards)Step 2 、Presentation and practice1、Teaching “

3、Santa something thing ” .1) Demonstrate “ Santa ” with your poster showing Santa . Note the capital letterat the beginning of the word .T:What does he wear?(学生自由回答)Read the word.2)demonstrate “ thing ” and “ something ” .T : (Point to the green objects )This pen is green . This shoeis Green . This a

4、pple is green . Thesethingsare green . Say it , please , class .C : These things are green .T : Yes ! These things are red . What colour are these things ? These C : These things are red .T : ( Point to the yellow objects .) What colour are these things ?C : These things are yellow .T : Very good !

5、I want something blue . Say it , please ,class .C : Here is something blue .T : What is it ?C : Its .3) Practice Read row by row . Make sentences with “ thing and something ” .Game:Point something.2、Teaching “ the text ”1) Read the text and think over the question : What do you think Li Ming wants f

6、or Christmas ?Discuss in groups .Answer the questions .Listen to the tape .Role play the text .Step 3 ConsolidationPlay “ I see something .”Use the words ang the sentences of this lesson.Work in groups,then show.Step 4 HomeworkWrite some sentences with “thing”,something.教学反思:设计游戏情景,复习巩固对话内容。在对话复习教学中设计适合儿童口味的游戏情景,是寓教于乐的好方法,能帮助教师把单调乏味的复习工作变得生动活泼,为学生在轻松自然的气氛中进行语言操练创造了条件,使学生乐而好学。


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