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1、(1)介绍自己(以及观点、看法)1.Whatsyourname ?2.Doesyournamehaveanyspecialmeaning ? 3.Wherewereyoucomefrom ?4.WhichisthebestplaceyouvebeentoChina ?5.Whenwillyougetmarried ?6.Whatdoyoudoforaliving ? 7.WhatdoyouthinkofthefutureofChinakeepsanopenpolicy ?8.Whatdoyouregardasthemostsignificanteventsinrecenthistory ?9.

2、Howawaredoyouthinkpeoplearenowadaysaboutenvironmentalissues ?10.Howseriousisunemploymentamong young people ?11.Inyouropinion,whatarethemostseriousproblemsassociatedwithmodernlife ?12.Whatdoyouthinkhavebeenthemostimportantchangesinyourstudy fieldoverthepast5years ?13.Astherearemoreandmoreprivatecars,

3、whatdoyouthinkthegovernmentshoulddoinordertoencouragecitizenstousepublictransport ?(2)学过什么1.Whatisyourmajor?2.Howdoyoulikeyourmajor?3. Whenandwheredidyougraduate?Whatqualificationshaveyouobtained?4.Couldyousumupyourownstudyhabitsinafewpoints?5.Doyouthinkthesubjectsyouarestudyingtodayarerelevanttopre


5、y?(4)家庭介绍1.WhatdoyoudoduringtheSpringFestival?2.Canyoudescribeoneofthemainfestivalscelebrated ?3.Couldyoutellmesomethingaboutyourfamily?4.Whatdifficultiesdoyour parentshaveconcerningtheiroldage?5.Doesyourfamilysupportyourdecisiononstudying?Whathelpdotheyoffer?(5)大学介绍1.Which kind of professor do you

6、like best?2.Whatimpressedyoumostwhenyouwereatuniversity?3.Whatisthebestuniversityinyouropinion?4.Whatkindofdifferencesinthe system of higher educationbetweenChinaandother countries?(6)为什么考研1.Whatisthebiggestproblemyou will face?2.Whydidyouchooseouruniversity?(7)自己的爱好,为什么?1.Whatdoesfriendshipmeantoyo

7、u?Whatkindofpeopledoyoumakefriendwith?2.Whatareyoursparetimeinterests?3.Howdoyouspendyourweekends?4.Whatisyourfavoritesport?Whataretherules?5.Whatkindoffilmsdoyoulikebest?6.Whatkindofmusicdoyouenjoy?7.Wherehaveyoubeentravelingto?Whichplaceinterestedyoumost?8.Doyouenjoytraveling?If yes. Where and why

8、?9.Wouldyouwant to be a volunteer during Olympic Games?(8)研究生计划1.Whatsocial responsibilitiesshouldapost-graduatetake?2.Whatareyourjobprospects?3.Ifyouhadtheopportunitytochangeyoursubject,whatwouldyoudowithit?4.WhatproblemdoyouthinkyouwillhaveinXXX?5.Howwillyouovercomethedifficulties?6.Doyouthinkyouw

9、illbeabletocopewithEnglish-demandsofyourintendedstudyprogram?7.Whatdifficultiesdoyouthinkyoullencounterinyourstudies?8.Whatdoyouintendtostudy?9.If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?10.Shouldyoustudymoretheoryordomorepractice?Giveyourreasons,please.11.Whatdoyouintendtodo

10、afteryoufinishstudying?12.Howdoyouseeyourselfintenyearstime?13.Whatbusinessdoyouhopetohave?14.Whatwilldoifyoucannotfindajobafter graduation?15.Howdoyouaffordyour tuition?英语口语复试完整版 1. 自我介绍(self-introduce) Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. Now let me introduce myself to you. My na

11、me is song jianxun, 23. I come from weifang,a beautiful city in Shandong Province.I entered the school of electronic information and control engineering of Shandong Institute of Light Industry in Sept 2004.Over the past three and half years,I have obtained learning scholarships five times and expand

12、ing-quality six times,I am the monitor and the Chinese Communist Party branch secrety of my class. In my spare time,I like reading books,playing tennis and collecting stamps.I am able to operate the computer well and skillful in searching for information on the Internet. Of course, if I get the chan

13、ce to study in this famous University,I will try my best.Thank you!2.考研、选此学校的原因 (reasons for my choice) There are several reasons for this question. First of all,I love this major so I want to have the further study in this field.Its a pleasure to be with my favorite majorfor lifetime. I suppose thi

14、s is the most important factor in my decision. Secondly, It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.Last but not least,I also hope I could succeed in this field and I believe I could.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundati

15、on for future profession after two years study here. 3.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study) If I get the chance to study in this famous university,I will concentrate on the study and research in this field.Firstly,I will hard to learn the theoretical knowledge,constructing a solid base for my

16、 future work,Secondly,I would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor and classmates so that I could improve my practice ability.I believe my dream will finally come true after two and half years of learning .Thank you4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown) I am from Zhucheng Weifang, a fam

17、ous city with a long history. It is called long Cheng because it is the Home of the dinosaur”. The city is in the eastsouthen part of Shandong province. Many famous people were born here, for instance,Wang jinmei, Zang kejia and so on . . You know, there is a saying that The greatness of a man lends

18、 a glory to a place. I think the city really deserves it. Thank you 5.你的家庭(about family) There are four members in my family; my grandpa,my parents and me. My grandpa is nearly eighty.My parents are farmers. They very love me and I very love them,too.Im appreciated to them because they offer everyth

19、ing. Thank you6.你的大学(about university) As the only light-industry-based higher education institution in Shandong Province, Shandong Institute of Light Industry (SDILI) is situated in Jinan, the capital city of Shandong, a famous historical and cultural city known as the City of Springs. The Institut

20、e possesses an abundant of scientific research facilities, strong teaching staff, as well as favorable studying environment. Shandong Institute of Light Industry has also been very active in international exchanges and cooperations. Over the years, it has established a broad international network for educational cooperations and has signed exchange agreements with over 21 universities or research institutions in many foreign countries. Thank you英语口试问题有自我介绍,六级成绩,如何查找资料,如何准备一个课题,家乡介绍,学校介绍等


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