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1、三年级英语学科(上)第四单元形成性测试赛试卷价等级优良达标待达标在相应等级上划“”一、 日积月累(将下列字母重新排列组成新的单词,并写出汉语意思) 单词 意思1, o s n 2. t r f a e h 3. l a t l 4. e r m o h 5. l d o 二、辨一辨(找出每组中不同的单词)( ) 1 A father B book C mother ( ) 2 A daughter B son C sun( ) 3 A doctor B nurse C daughter( ) 4 A singing B crying C talk( ) 5 A old B sister C y

2、oung 三、 连一连doctor 学生 女儿 playpolice officer 医生 玩 daughterteacher 警察 兄弟 tallnurse 教师 高 youngstudent 护士 年轻的 brother四选择合适的单词使句子完整。( )1 She is .A play B who C crying( )2 I am ten years A young B cold C old( )3 What are they ?A matter B doing C playing( )4 Whats matter?A this B that C the ( )5 I feel too

3、sick go to school!A to B for C of( )6 This is family.A Li Ming s B Li Ming C Jenny( )7 They talking.A are B is C am( )8 My family lives China.A on B in C for( )9 Listen !The students A sing B singing C are singing ( )10 My mother is a woman .A pretty B handsome C long五、情景对话A okay B Relax C where D a

4、 little E stillA Jenny, 1 is Lynn?B Shes 2 at school ,she cut her finger.A Oh, no! Is she ?B 4 ,Mum! Lynns okay. Its only 5 cut.六、选择合适的答愈,用线连起来。1 Happy birthday A My finger hurts2 How old are you? B Sure3 What is she doing ? C Thank you4 Whats the matter ? D I am eight5 Will you come to my birthday party? E She is singing七、连词成句1 He is or old young 2 My pretty sisiter is very 3 old are How you ? 4 birthday is Today my 5 My short is a woman mother


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