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1、Richard Wu110#, college road, Haidian District, Beijing 100191 (+86)187-0150-* *Education Background 2010.09-2013.03 Beijing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsComputer Application Master2006.09-2010.07 Harbin Institute of TechnologyDigital Media TechnologyBachelorSeveral Compulsory: Computer

2、 Architecture, Mathematical Analysis, C+ And Object-oriented Programming, Database Principal and Application, Windows Game Design, Computer GraphicsSocial Practice 2007.06-2007.09Beijing Digital Knowledge Technology CooperationAnimationl Analysis design summary of child English, make story board of

3、every lens, assemble original image, and compose dub、audio.l Learn Flash in one week, and consult animation skills from master about role and lens motion to improve efficiency.l Communicate with cooperation person in charge, analysis and solve detail problems in developing process.Extracurricular Ac

4、tivities 2009.06Preparation of campus contest gameGame Designl Formulate the feature of the game,arrange schedule, build up development environment with C+ and DirectX, and write brief design.l Survey human game rule, and devise play points, audio, artificial intelligence, compile detailed design of

5、 the game.l Write program codes on the basis of flow chart test the correctness in the program and amend logics, data flow, spelling errors.l Summarize the work of the project; analysis the reason of mistakes in development; propose efficient suggestions for follow-up project.2008.10-2008.11Today Te

6、levision CompanyAdvertisement Productionl Devise advertisement formula; discuss with project leader; write manuscript play and audio design; determine final executable scheme.l Set up advertisement model in 3Ds Max with three cloth-ray principle; select optimal parameters in texture; batch rendering

7、 to files.l Use Combustion to composite material; write summary about color mixing, level, animation effect; propose guiding recommendations.2008.08-2008.10Personal Blog WebsiteDeveloperl Learn website development process; deploy develop environment with Visual Studio and SQL Server; learn Html、CSS、

8、JavaScript.l Survey website requirement; analysis classic blog websites; devise website structure with Photoshop, and choose website color tone.l Design database with SQL Server; optimize code structure of website with the help of CSS to reduce load time when open a web page.2008.03-2008.05Embedded

9、Development LaboratoryModelerl Lay out front display of virtual school of Harbin Institute of Technology; arrange work schedule according to group assignment.l Communicate with programmer to discuss optimizing skills of model, texture; use these skills to guide model, texture making.l Test the inter

10、active display effect of the virtual scene; propose recommendations of improvement to programmer.2006.11-2008.04Nonlinear Editing LabsMaintenance Staffl Comply with laboratory regulations to perform work; maintain laboratory environment, and get compliment of school assessment center.l Examine devic

11、es in lab regularly; update, replace, remind defective equipment; report abnormal matters to laboratory director.l Record people to experiment; hold regular meeting with other maintenance staffs to talk about the work of the past and the next.Awards l 2007-2008 Got National inspiration Scholarship t

12、wice (top 5%).l 2007.12 Got Excellent Student (top 15%).Others English:Passed College English Test-6Computer Test:Passed National Computer Rand Examination; obtained qualification for Computer and Software Technology Proficiency.Computer Skills:Experienced in using office, Photoshop, 3Ds Max, After

13、Effects, SQL Server etc, and qualified in mastering Java/C+.Hobbies:Chess、Football、Climbing、History*北京市北京航空航天大学学院路110号 100191 (+86)187-0150-* *教育背景 2010.09-2013.03 北京航空航天大学计算机学院计算机专业计算机应用硕士2006.09-2010.07 哈尔滨工业大学人文学院 广播电视编导专业媒体技术与艺术本科部分必修课:微机原理、数学分析、C+与面向对象设计、数据库、游戏设计、计算机图形学实习经验 2007.06-2007.09北京数字博

14、识科技有限公司动画制作l 分析少儿英语概念设计,制定分镜头故事板,把原稿形象组合为动画,合成配音、音效,输出并剪辑加定版l 一周内学会Flash矢量动画制作软件,向师傅请教制作动画场景、角色、镜头运动的方法,提高制作效率l 与公司沟通、协调项目进展,分析并解决项目进展中的细节,不断完善产品以满足公司反馈要求课外活动 2009.06准备哈尔滨工业大学(威海)校园游戏竞赛游戏开发l 制定游戏设计特色,确定游戏定位,安排工作日程,搭建C+、DirectX开发环境,撰写游戏概要设计l 向游戏玩家咨询常规游戏规则,以此制作玩法、关卡、音效、AI 等的设计,编写游戏详细设计方案l 根据程序流程图编写代码,

15、测试软件正确性,修正程序中的编程错误、逻辑错误、数据错误等l 撰写总结报告,分析开发中出现的错误,总结在这次开发中的经验教训,提出对以后开发工作的指导建议2008.10-2008.11今天影视公司广告制作l 设计广告设计文案,与项目负责人沟通之后撰写分镜头剧本以及声音设计,与项目负责人反复沟通之后确定最终执行方案l 运用三点布光原理,在3Ds Max中搭建广告模型,对比不同模型纹理,选择最优参数数据,设定摄像机动画,batch渲染输出l 使用Combustion合成素材,经过调色、层级设定、动画测试效果,编写总结报告,与项目负责人讨论后续工作的指导建议2008.08-2008.10个人博客网站

16、设计员l 学习网站开发流程,配置开发环境,练习使用Html、CSS、JavaScript,手工编写网页代码并测试l 进行网站需求分析,学习经典个人博客案例,撰写概要设计,使用Photoshop设计网站框架,确定网站色彩基调l 设计后台数据库,并在SQL SERVER上实现,优化网站,减少网站加载时间2008.03-2008.05哈尔滨工业大学嵌入式开发实验室模型师l 策划哈尔滨工业大学(威海)虚拟校园前台展示,按照小组分配的任务,安排日程进度l 与后台开发人员交流,讨论优化模型、纹理的方法,使用优化方法制作模型、纹理,减少软件加载的数据数量与复杂度l 测试虚拟场景浏览效果,给开发人员提出改善建

17、议2006.11-2008.04哈尔滨工业大学非线性编辑实验室管理员l 严格按照实验室管理规则执行实验室仪器设备的使用与维护,维护实验室环境,得到学校评估中心的好评l 定期检查实验室设备运行状况,更新、替换、修复存在缺陷的设备,将异常情况实时报告给实验室主任l 记录实验室人员的相关信息,协调实验室设备借用。与其他实验室管理员定期开会讨论以后工作注意事项与计划安排所获奖项 l 2007-2008 连续两年获得国家励志奖学金(前5%)l 2007.12 “三好学生”(前15%)其他 英语:通过大学英语六级考试计算机考试:通过全国计算机等级考试(三级网络技术)、计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试计算机技能:熟练使用Office办公软件、Photoshop、3Ds Max、After Effects、SQL Server等,熟练掌握C/C+兴趣爱好:国际象棋、足球、登山


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