五年级上册英语试题-期中检测试卷 人教新起点2014秋(无答案).docx

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1、 三、 听录音,选出你所听到问题的最佳答语(10 分)2019-2020 学年度第一学期五年级期中英语检测试卷()1.A.Yes,she is .B. Yes , he is . .)2.A. Shes Miss Lin . B. Hes tall.)3. A.Yes, he is quiet . B. No, he is总分题号得分一二三四五Listening Part 听力部分(30 分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词(10 分)4. A. Id like some beef.B. We have carrots.)5. A. I dont like onions . B. I have

2、 onions for lunch today.()1. A. Monday)2. A.MusicB. TuesdayB. MissC. WednesdayC. mathsC. foodWriting Part 笔试部分(70 分))3. A. favourite)4. A. healthy)5. A.youngB. fruit四、 按要求写词。(10 分)B. deliciousB.cleverC.sweet1. can not(缩写形式)_2. I would(缩写)_2. sandwich(复数形式) _4、help(形容词) _5. well(完全形式) _C.old二、 听录音,选出

3、你所听到的句子.(10 分)五、用所给的特殊疑问词完成下列句子,填序号。(20 分)A. How B. Where C. How many D. What E. Who1. _ about you ?()1. A. Id like some noodlesB. Its tastyC. We have tomatoes.2. _ is your music teacher? Miss Lin.3. _are they? They are in the classroom.4. _boys are there in your class? -Thirty .5. _is your good fri

4、end like ? -He is strong and tall.六、单项选择。(20 分)()2. A. I dont like some ice cream. B. Sorry, I have no ice creamC. The apples are sweet.( )3. A.She is our art teacher. B. He is our math teacher.C. She is our math teacher.( )1.I often watch TV _Saturday ?A. on( )2. I often play_football on Sundays.A.

5、 the B. a C. )3.Do you often read books in this park?B. inC. at()4. A. Is Mr White friendly? B. Is Miss White friendly?C.Is Mr White funny?() 5. A. Its next to the cinema. B. On foot. C. By bus A. Yes, I am( ) 4.We _ a new Chinese teacher .A. has B. have C. having) 5. Whats _ favourite food?A. he B.

6、 himB. No, I dontC. No, he doesnt.3. have, and , fish, We , tomatoes(.)(Beef.C. his4. cant , She , draw , cartoons5.is like What she (?)(.)6._ are my favourite .A. reading storiesB.read storiesC. reads stories)7.Id like some _ and _.九、阅读。(10 分)A.Tomato;potato B. tomatoes;potatoes C. tomatoes;potatoe

7、sHello, I am John.I have three new teachers . They are Mr Carter , MissGreen and Mr Black . Mr Carter is young, and he teaches us maths . His classis funny . We all like him very much . Miss Green is our art teacher . She isstrict but shes very kind . Mrs Black is shy . They are all nice and we all

8、likethem)8.Whats _ favourite drink?A. Sarah)9.He can _A. danceB. SarahsC. SarahsC.dancingB. dances)10 She _English.A.like B.likes七、为下列问句选择正确的答语。(10 分)()1.John has _ new teachers.A. three. B. two.)2. Mr Carter is a(n) _ teacher.C. likingC. four.( )1. What would he like to drink for dinner?( )2.Are be

9、ef noodles delicious?( )3. Do you like sandwiches?( )4. What do you often do on the weekend?( )5. Is your mother strict?A. Yes, I do.A. English.B. maths.C. Chinese)3. _ is strict but kind.A. Mr Carter.B. Mrs Black.C. Miss Green.()4._ is an art teacher.B. Hed like some tea.A. Mr Carter.)5. _ is shy .A. Mr Carter .B. Mrs Black.B. Mrs Black.C. Miss Green.C. I often wash my clothes.D. No, I dont .E. Yes ,she is kind,too.八、连词成句,注意标点。(10 分)1 You , play, should, every, day, sports (?)C. Miss Green.2. Mike, has , on , Tuesday ,maths(.)


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