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1、 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 280(总分:44.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 DICTATION(总题数:2,分数:4.00)1.PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will beread to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listenand try to understand the meaning. For the second

2、 and third readings, the passage will be readsentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading willbe done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. (分数:2.00)_解析:2.(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: Music Music is the abstract art of arranging

3、vocal or instrumental sounds/ in a manner that produces a flowing, unified and thoughtful composition / that has melody, harmony,rhythm. / In contrast to the other arts, music is not a readily tangible form of expression. /Music may be called both the most mathematical and the most abstract of the a

4、rts. / Unlike words,images, or dance, however, / musical tones in themselves have no concrete associations, / andonly gain meaning when they are combined into patterns. / Music is an important part of our lives,/ and has been an important part of every civilization known to man. /)解析:二、 LISTENING CO

5、MPREHENSION(总题数:6,分数:40.00)3.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION_解析:4.SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. Whilelistening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.Make sure the word (s) youfill in is (are) both gra

6、mmatically and semantically acceptable. Youmay use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task._解析:Reading Skills and Strategies1. Speed readingAim: to increase reading speed withoutunderstanding1StrategiesIdentifyingwithout focusing on each letter 2Notall

7、 words 3Spendingless time on somephrases than othersthrough small sections 42. Active readingAim: to get anunderstanding 5Keypointsthe most important parts 6Use one or twofor headings 7Prepare questions before you startreadingSummarize finished portion in your own wordsGo through the text again and

8、check3. SQ3RstrategyAim: to help a deep understanding StepsSurvey: to get a quick idea of the writingQuestion:to create questions and look for the answersRead: to readif looking for specifics 8:to try andanswer the questions 9Review: to the entire text in your mind 10Reading Skills and Strategies1.

9、Speed readingAim: to increase reading speed withoutunderstanding11StrategiesIdentifyingwithout focusing on each letter 12Notall words 13Spending less time onsome phrases than othersthrough small sections 142. Active readingAim: to get anunderstanding15Key pointsthe most important parts 16Use one or

10、twofor headings 17Prepare questions before youstart readingSummarize finished portion in your own wordsGo through the text again and check3.SQ3R strategyAim: to help a deep understanding StepsSurvey: to get a quick idea of the writingQuestion: to create questions and look for the answersRead: to rea

11、dif looking for specifics18:to try and answer the questions 19Review: to the entire text in your mind 20(分数:20.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:influencing)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:words)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:sounding out)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Skimming)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:in-depth)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Identify and highlightunderline)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:keyword

12、skey words)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:selectively)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Recite)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:summarize)解析:解析:本题考查对分述点的把握,要求填入SQ3R阅读策略的第五个步骤的内容。根据录音内容,第五个步骤是 review or summarize(回顾或总结),即在头脑中对整篇阅读内容进行回顾和总结。故本题填入 summarize。6.SECTION B CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of eachconversat

13、ion , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and thequestions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. Duringthe pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answerto each question on ANSWER SHEET

14、TWO.You have thirty seconds to preview the questions._解析:(分数:10.00)A.Ask the tenant to turn off the music.B.Ask the tenant to turn down the volume. C.Ask the tenant to sleep after 10 oclock.D.Ask the tenant to get out of this apartment.解析:解析:在对话开头,男士告诉女士,每到晚上九点钟,就会听到很大声的摇滚音乐,以致他无法入睡。因此他希望女士可以找住在 4B公

15、寓的房客谈一谈,让他把音乐的音量调小,特别是晚上 10点以后。由此可见。B项为正确答案。A.Because its not her job to take care of the noise.B.Because the big tenant might pose a threat to her. C.Because she cant communicate with the tenant.D.Because the tenant is unfriendly and unreasonable.解析:解析:选项都以Because开头,可预测本题问某事的原因。对话中,当男士要求女士找4B公寓的房客谈

16、一谈时,女士表示很为难,她说“我只是负责收房租而已。他还是业主的儿子,而且长得很壮硕”。可见。女士是怕与这个租客见面时对自己构成威胁。B项符合对话内容,故为正确答案。A.She thinks nothing can be done about it. B.She thinks the man should use perfume.C.She will talk to the owners very soon.D.She will use perfume to cover the smell.解析:解析:对话中,男士在投诉完邻居音乐声过大的问题之后,接着投诉屋子里闻到的臭味。可见,第二个投诉内容

17、为屋内的恶臭。对于这个问题,女士表示这个区域本来就是农业和牲畜用地,因此她无权干涉。A项“她认为无计可施”符合这一对话内容,为正确答案。A.The military is fighting in the artillery range.B.A coal company resumed its mining operations.C.The military has restarted its training exercises. D.The protests against the military have begun. 解析:解析:在对话的后面,男士向女士提出了第三个投诉内容,即屋内不时

18、听到的噪音。女士听了之后猜测是因为军队又重新开始进行炮兵射程演练,由此可见,C项为正确答案。A 项“军队正在炮靶场战斗”、B项“煤矿公司重新开始开采煤矿”以及 D项“反军队的游行示威已经开始”都不符合对话内容。A.The man cannot move out from the apartment.B.The man should rent the apartment for 6 months.C.The man only gets $500 back if he breaks it.D.The man gets back $125 if he moves out earlier. 解析:解析

19、:对话中,女士提醒男士,如果他提前搬离的话,则只能拿回 500美元押金的四分之一,因为他签合同的时候承诺住满一年。由此可见,D项“如果他提早搬离的话可以拿回 125美元”正确。A 项“他不能搬离这间公寓”、B项“男士应该租这个公寓 6个月”以及 C项“男士违约只能得到 500美元”不符合对话内容。因此都不正确。(分数:10.00)A.Because her dad doesnt show his anxiety.B.Because her dad can live in his own way.C.Because her dad wants to get free from her.D.Bec

20、ause her dad says he can save money. 解析:解析:选项都以 Because开头,可推测本题问某事的原因。对话开头,女儿问父亲在她去上大学之后是否会想念她,因为他常常说如果她不在的话可以省很多燃气、水费和伙食等方面的花销。言下之意就是父亲经常这么说,她不确定他是否会想念她。根据这一对话内容可知,D项“因为她父亲说这样可以省钱”是正确答案。A.She should pay the money for re-scheduling.B.She must call the professors for extension.C.She needs to apply fo

21、r all the courses again. D.She has to wait until next year to register.解析:解析:对话中,父亲与女儿确认是否做好了开学的准备,其中第一件确认的事情是女儿是否有按时缴学费和住宿费。在确认的时候父亲说道,如果没有按时缴费的话,之前确定的课程安排就没用了,那就得重新进行选课。因此,C项“她需要重新申请全部课程”符合对话内容,为正确答案。A项“她应该要为重新调整时间缴费”、B项“她必须打电话给教授们申请延时”以及 D项“她不得不等到下一年才能注册”不符合对话内容,都不正确。A.To give advice on how to ch

22、oose the classes. B.To teach students how to prepare for classes.C.To help students to excel in the future classes.D.To write instruction for students academic life.解析:解析:对话中,父亲向女儿确认的第三件事是女儿是否已经与学业导师约好时间见面,让导师帮助她选择将来的课程。从这一对话内容可以推断学业导师的工作就是为学生提供选课方面的帮助和指导。因此,A项“提供选课方面的建议”为正确答案。A.Its about animal imm

23、igration.B.Its about wildlife conservation. C.Its about animal extinction.D.Its about wildlife reproduction.解析:解析:在父亲向女儿确认上大学准备事宜的过程中,女儿无意中透露了自己转去野生动物科学专业的事情。对此,女儿向父亲解释说,野生动物科学专业就是分析、维护和保护国家的森林和野生动物资源。根据这一。对话内容可知,B项“关于野生动物保护”为正确答案。A 项“关于动物迁徙”、C项“关于动物灭绝”以及 D项“关于野生动物繁殖”与对话内容不符,都不正确。A.Hes the womans academic advisor.B.Hes a specialist in wildlife science.C.Hes the boyfriend of the woman. D.Hes a student in the womans class. 解析:解析:在对话的最后,女儿向父亲透露她在大学毕业之后会继续读研究生,而这个教育深造计划会在她和 Todd 结婚之后。由此可见,女儿和 Todd 应该是情侣关系,所以 C 项“他是女士的男朋友”最合理,为正确答案。A 项“他是女士的学业导师”、B 项“他是野生动物科学的专家”和 D 项“他是女士班上的同学”不符合对话内容,都不正确。


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