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1、听力部分(共五大题,计 40 分)一、补全单词。(5 分)( )1、l_d A.uo B.ou C.au一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10 分)1.singing sleeping 2.behind beside 3.quiet quick 4.some same( )2、qu _ et ( )3、w_m_nA.o B.i C.aA.a,o B.o,u C.o,a5.glass glasses 6.thirty thirsty 7.say says 8、snack snake( )4、n_w A. o B.u C.a9.man woman 10.red read( )5、sl_pA.ee

2、B.ea C.ae二、听录音,和图片相符的在括号内打“”,不相符的打“”。(10 分)1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10 分)( )1.A.Yes,I can. B.No,I cant.( )2.A.Tea. B.Bananas.( )3.A.No,thanks. B.Sure.( )4.A.Danny is quiet. B. Danny is quick.( )5.A.They are talking. B.They are teachers.四、听录音,排序号。(10 分)( ) I am thirsty.( )I would

3、like some tea.( )Would you like a glass of milk?( )No,thanks.( )Who is thirsty?笔试部分(共七大题,计 60 分)二、眼明手快指不同。(5 分)( )1、A.tea B.pop C.milk D.chicken( )2、A.singing B.talking C.crying D.tired( )3、A.tall B.green C.brown D.pink( )4、A.quick B.loud C.quiet D.sleep( )5、A.sing B.draw C.dance D.park三、按要求写出下列单词(5

4、 分)1、quick ( 近义词) _ 2 、crying ( 动词原形)_ 3、sit(现在分词) _ 4、quiet (反义词) _ 5 、they are(缩略形式) _四、单项选择(10 分)( )1、Would you like some water some tea?A、of B、at C、or( )2、The woman is the train.A、at B、on C、in( )3、Danny sits me.A、to B、 on C、behind( )4、My sister is looking of the window.A、out B、off C、at( )5、Their

5、 tea is too hot drink.1A、at B、to C、in( )6、May I have grapes now?A、a B、an C、some( )7、I would like _ orange.A、at B、to C、an( )8、May I play the baby?A、at B、with C、to( )9、I see tree.A、tall a green B、a green tall C、a tall green( )10、He isnt .A、cries B、crying C、cry五、根据问句找出相应的答语,并连线。(10 分)1、 What is Danny d

6、oing ? A.Jenny is hungry.2、 Who is hungry? B.He is sleeping.3、 Would you like some soup? C.No, thanks.4、 Is he quiet? D.My pop is in my stomach. 5、Where is his pop? E.Yes,he is.六、连词成句(10 分)1、are you doing what_2、 drawing am I a picture3、 he singing is to my mother4、 do point please not5、 you would l

7、ike what七、找出错误的一项。(5 分)( )1.I like dumpling very much.A B C( )2、Please look on your book.A B C( ) 3、This woman is siting on the chair.A B C( ) 4、He father is a man.A B C( ) 5、LiMing does not a baby.A B C八、快乐阅读。(10 分)Today is Saturday.There is no class.But many students are in the school.Look! Danny

8、is looking at a map of China withhis friends.Jenny is writing English words with some girls.Li Ming and Tom are doing their homework carefully.Lucy is reading a book.Everyone is quiet.根据短文内容判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)( ) 1. It is Sunday today.( ) 2. Lucy is writing English words.( ) 3. Danny is looking at a map of China.( ) 4. Tom is reading a book.( ) 5. The students are studying quietly.23


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