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1、 Hyperbole 夸张英语 hyperbole 一词源于希腊语的 huperbole,原意为 excess(超过)。Definition:A figure of speech consisting in exaggerated or extravagant statement, used toexpress strong feeling or produce a strong impression, and not intended to beunderstood literally.-Oxford English Dictionary这是一种故意夸大其词或言过其实的修辞手法,其特点是对表

2、达对象进行有违常识或不合逻辑的夸张性描写,以此来取得强烈的修辞效果。1)Havent seen you for ages.2) I could sleep for a year.3) Were all tired (thirsty) to death.Classification:按性质分类: Extended hyperbole & Reduced hyperbole按构成方式分类:lexical & grammatical按性质分类:Extended hyperbole 扩大夸张将描写对象的形象、数量、作用、程度等 说得特别高、特别大。Reduced hyperbole 缩小夸张将描写对象

3、的形象、数量、作用、程度等 说得特别低、特别小。1)His eloquence would split rocks!2) It is the last straw that breaks the camels back.3) A drop of ink may make a million think.一滴墨水写成的文字可让千万人思索。按构成方式分类:1. 用词汇表示 (lexical)A. 用数词表示1) This made him roar like a thousand bulls.这使他像千牛怒吼一般咆哮起来。2) One father is more than a hundred s

4、choolmasters.-George Herbert一个父亲的作用大于 100 个教师。3) I love Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of lovemake up my sum.-William Shakespeare: Hamlet我爱奥菲莉亚:40 000 个兄弟的爱合起来,还抵不过我对她的爱。B.动词表示1) In its wake, budget cuts and food shortage have hit the new nation of Russia andpric

5、es have shot out of the world.-Newsweek, Feb. 17, 1992随其解体后(指前苏联),预算缩减和食品短缺已经沉重地打击了俄罗斯这个新生国家而且物价飞涨,直冲云霄。2) We not only saw but heard it: the report positively reverberated down the Rhine. -George B. Shaw我们不仅看见了,而且听见了。这个报告简直响遍了整个莱茵河。3) His anger nearly burst his belly.他气得肚子简直炸裂了。C.名词Its a crime to st

6、ay inside on such a beautiful day.a crime = a great pity今天阳光明媚,躲在家中实在太遗憾了。2. 用虚拟语气表示Noise proves nothing: often a hen who has merely laid an egg crackles as if shehad laid an asteroid.-Mark Twain嗓子大证明不了什么事情:只生下一只蛋的母鸡也常会咯咯叫,像是生下了小行星似的。3.用形容词比较级和最高级表示She is the prettiest girl in the world.My Faith is

7、larger than the Hills.Hyperbole 与其他辞格:1) Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and sedan chair. -CharlesDickens(hyperbole, zeugma)2) Poly, I love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars and theconstellation of outer space. -Max Shulman(hyperbole, climax)3) A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.(hyperbole, personification)4) A drop of ink may make a millionthink.(hyperbole, metonymy, contrast)


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