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1、PEP 小学英语四年级下册期中检测题姓名-等级-一.找出划线部分发音不同的单词,将其序号填入括号内。 10 分( ) 1. A. face B. cat C. gate( ) 2. A. milk B. ice-cream C. rice( ) 3. A. desk B. she C. dress( ) 4. A. fan B. bag C. class( ) 5. A. white B. six C. picture二 选出不同类的单词。 10 分1.( ) A. skirt B. pants C.short D.jacket 2.( ) A. lunch B. dinner C. cake

2、 D. breakfast 3 ( ) A. . too B. five C. one D. nine 4( ) A. Chinese B. English C. Math D. class 5 ( ) A. . green B. read C. yellow D. white 三把下列单词分类,填序号既可。 10 分jacket nine pear math shirtorange three P.E. sunny cloudyFruit(水果)_ Numbers(数字)_Clothes(衣服)_ Weather(天气):_Class(课程):_四 选择填空。 (20 分)( ) 1. It

3、s 10 oclock. Its time _ go to school.A. to B. for C. of( ) 2. Today is hot, I can wear my _.A. jacket B.T-shirt C. coat( ) 3. Look at the clock, what _ is it?A. class B. time C. can( ) 4. Its 945.Its time _ music class.A .to B. for C. of( ) 5. Its cold _ Beijing.A. on B. in C. is( ) 6. Can I wear my

4、 T-shirt?_A. No, you cant. B. Yes, you cant. C .No, you can. ( ) 7.你想知道你买的东西多少钱,你应该说_A. How much is it? B. How many are they? C. How old are you? ( ) 8.你是售货员,你见到顾客常说_A. How much are they? B. What time is it? C. Can I help you?1( ) 9.你想知道今天天气是不是很凉爽,你问_A. Is it cool today? B. Is it red? C. Is this my

5、ruler?( ) 10.你觉得买的东西太贵了,你说_A. Its too cheap. B .Its too small C. Its too expensive 五. 看图写单词。 10 分六.排列单词成句子,根据正确格式书写在三线格中。 20 分七. 英汉互译。 10 分1.English class_ 2.长裤_3.watermelon _ 4.大的_5.playground _ 6.香蕉_7.colourful _ 8.教室_9.washroom _ 10.短裙_八.阅读短文,判断对错对的在括号内写“T”,错的写“F”。 10%Dear Grandma,How are you? Th

6、ank you for your new sweater. How beautiful is it! I like the colour-orangevery much. Now I am writing at my new school to you. Its a nice school. Trees are green, flowers are red and yellow. The school buildings are white and blue. We2have a music room, an art room, a computer room, a canteen and a

7、 library. I like the playground very much. Its so big and we can play football there.Oh, its four oclockin the afternoon! Its time for P.E. class.I have to stop here. Welcome to my school and welcome to my home!L ove,M ike( ) 1. Mikes new sweater isbrown.( ) 2. Mikes school buildings are white and blue.( ) 3. The playground is not big.( ) 4. Mike can play football in the playground.( ) 5. Its four oclock in the morning. Its time for P.E. class.3


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