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1、七年级英语下补全对话专项训练(一)根据上下文和首字母提示完成句中所缺的英语单词。AA : Hey, John.B : Hi, Michael.A : What a 1 are you doing?B : I m r 2 a book.A : Do you want to c 3 over to my house? We can w 4 a video.B : OK. W 5 your house?A : Its o 6 Bridge Street. Its a quiet street off Fifth Avenue.B : I k 7 where that is. T 8 a new ho

2、tel on the corner.A : Yes.There is a supermarket on the street. My house is a 9 from supermarket.B : OK! Ill see you a 10 two-thirty.BA :. Where do you w 1 to go now?B : L 2 see the elephants.A :. The elephants? W 3 do you like elephants?B : Because they are i 4 . And they are r 5 clever.A :. B 6 th

3、ey are ugly, t 7B : Oh, Tony. So where do you want to go?A : Lets see the pandas. They are k 8 of cute.B : I love pandas. They are b 9 , but they are a 10 shy.CA : Hey, Sally! I didnt see you last w 1 .What did you do?B : I s 2 at home.A : Why?B :I h 3 lots of thinks to do. I c 4 my room then I d 5

4、my homework. What about you?A : On S 6 afternoon I played soccer. On Sunday morning I went to a movie. And on Sunday n 7 I v 8 my friends.B : Wow, you had f 9 .A: Yes. But I d 10 do my homework, so school this morning I was bad.(二)根据对话内容,选出能填入空白处的最佳句子。DA : Hello, Sam?B : Maria? Hi? 1A : I m in Mexic

5、o! 2B : Oh, thanks.A : So how is it going there?B : Great! 3A: Pretty good. 4B: I m having a party. My whole family is here.A : That sounds like fun. 5B : Terrible. Its cold and raining.A : Are you having a party?B : How is the weather?C : Where are you?D : What do you do?E : I m calling to say happ

6、y birthday!F : What are you doing?G : How is it going with you?EA : Hi, Vera. How was your vacation?B : It was great!A : 1B : I went to Tokyo with my family.A : Really? Wow! 2B : Well, we went to a lot of museums.A : Oh, how were they?B : They were really interesting. But they were also very crowded

7、.A : 3B : Yeah, I did.A : 4B : Oh, they were very expensive.A : 5 Did you meet any Japanese people?B : Yeah, the people were really friendly. My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their house.A 1: How was the food?A : It was delicious. I love Japanese food.A : Were the Japanese

8、 people very friendly?B : How were the stores?C : When did you go there?D : Where did you go?E : Did you go shopping?F : What did you do there?G : How were the people?(三)根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处写出一个完整的句子,使对话意思完整。FA : I s that your new pen pal?B : Yes,it is.A : 1B : Her name is Maria.A: 2B: Shes from Canada.A

9、 : 3B : She lives in Toronto.A : 4B : Yes, she does. She has two brothers and sisters.A : 5B : Yes. She speaks English.GA : Hello, House of dumplings!B : Hello! I want to order some food.A : What would you like?B :Id like sixteen dumplings.A : 1B : Mutton and carrot dumplings, please.A : 2B :Yes, pl

10、ease. One large green tea and one small orange juice.A : 3B : 15 Peace Road.A : 4B : 398-2233 5A:Theyll be $34.Key:A)1.are 2. reading e 4.watch 5.Wheres6.on 7.know 8.Theres 9.across 10.atB)1.want 2.Lets 3.Why 4.interesting 5.really6.But 7.too 8.kind 9.beautiful 10.alsoC)1.weekend 2.stayed 3.had 4.cl

11、eaned 5.did6.Saturday 7.night 8.visited 9. fun 10.didntD) 15CEGFBE) 15 DFEBGF) 1.Whats her name? 2.Wheres she from? 3. Where does she live?4.Does she have any brothers or sisters? 5.Does she speak English?G)1.What kind of dumplings would you like? 2.Would you like some drinks? 3.Whats address? 4. Whats your telephone number? 5.How much are they?


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