专题02 阅读填空(第02期)-2020届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项汇编(原卷版).docx

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专题02 阅读填空(第02期)-2020届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项汇编(原卷版).docx_第1页
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《专题02 阅读填空(第02期)-2020届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项汇编(原卷版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《专题02 阅读填空(第02期)-2020届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项汇编(原卷版).docx(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 2020 届高三百所名校好题速递分项汇编(2)之阅读填空【河南省 2020 届高三入学摸底】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Food will become healthier and the food choices will become smarter and promote healthy eating once. They also give you a head start to start establishing a kiKeep fresh spices and herbs within reachable distance

2、. When you add fresh herbs to your food, you can make it not only healthy but also delicious, which will help you in actively avoiding unhealthy foods like salt, butter, etc. These foods are known to raise the deliciousness. This is why it is hard for us to letit go initially.Keep all your healthy i

3、tems close at hand. Place all the low-calorie snacks easy to reach so that your first response is to grab something healthy when you have a hunger pang. 18 . They can be a17ccessed only when you are facing extreme desire. This way, you can avoid the evil thought of grabbingone every time you enter t

4、he storeroom., chances are that they will end up at theback of the cabinet, never to be used again. Bring out all your small appliances like a juicer that has been eating dirt in your storage cupboards.20. Remove all the items from the fridge and clean it properly. You can also organize it in such a

5、 way that all your healthy food and produce are in the front and the other items are at the back.A. Keep your fridge organized【2020 届重庆市一中高三上学期摸底】根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 选项中有两项为多余选项1 Lead has proved to be a useful metal.bright pigments, used to paint walls, metal work and toys.17 In the worst ca

6、ses it causes comas(昏迷)and death. More often its effects are slowbut harmful. Research shows that lead is a threat to little babies, who are most likely to take in dust and paint chips that contain lead. Their brains can be easily harmed. 1816It goes into car batteries and also helps makeThe dangers

7、 of lead have long been known. American banned it from paint 40 years ago, and by the late 1990s leaded petrol had been stopped gradually in almost all rich countries. But the effects continu19The situation is more alarming in the poor world, where the use of lead-basedpaints is spreading. As people

8、 in Asia and Africa become richer, they start to decorate their homes, but,And industrial use is no exception, because the contamination (污染物)spreads and industrial paint inevitably finds its way into the consumer market. Yet only four sub-Saharan African countries have formally placed bans and loca

9、l factoriesare often unaware of the harm that lead causes.D. Half a million American children are diagnosed with lead poisoning.E. There is no excuse for poor countries to repeat the mistake of rich ones.F. Taking some simple precautions can help protect you and your family from lead exposure.G. But

10、 only years after exposure are the results apparent in lower IQ and learning disabilities.【湖南省长沙市第一中学 2020 届高三第一次月考】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Delayed onset (开始)muscle soreness is a common result of physical activities that stress the muscle tissue beyond what it is accustomed to. Perf

11、orming any type of physical activity, including working out,can cause delayed onset muscle soreness.12Mix up your physical activities by doing both cardioVary your exercise routine.13(心 脏的)and weight training.2 Warm up and cool down for 5-10 minutes each. Do a slower version of your exercise before

12、and afterwards. Warming up helps to warm your muscles in preparation. 14Stop before your body is physically overtaxed(使 超负荷)or in pain. If you arc doing a physical ac15Signals of a worn-out muscle system can include sharp pains, cramps(抽筋),or even loss of muscle power.16A foam(泡沫)roller is exactly w

13、hat it sounds like, a small tube-shaped piece of foam. Sit on an exercise mat on the floor and position the roller to one side of your sore muscles. Applygentle pressure as you roll the foam over your muscles. Repeat this rolling motion until you feel your muscles begin to release.A. Apply a foam ro

14、ller to your sore muscles for 5-10 minutes.B. Cooling down allows your body temperature to return to resting levels.C. Its also important to build up any training plan slowly to avoid overtaxing your body early on.D. If you perform the same action day after day, then your muscles will get overly tir

15、ed, instead of strengthening.E. Most of the soreness should only last for 24-72 hours, but there are ways to avoid the delayed onsetmuscle soreness.F. Before running or playing an intensive sport, the athletes might slowly jog to warm their muscles andincrease their heart rate.G. However, delayed on

16、set muscle soreness isnt necessarily as bad as it sounds, for its a sign that yourbody is on the move to improvements in strength.【内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市一中 20192020 学年高三上学期 9 月月考】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。有两项为多余选项。If something that youre doing doesnt challenge you, then it doesnt change you. We all need som

17、e. So challenge the following limits:1. Figure out what youre scared of and do it continuously.If youre a salesman,and youre scared of talking to people personally or over the phone now,instead of being scared and thinking youll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and3 make

18、a call.17But dont stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the2.Take a class for a hobby youve been wanting to developMake sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this.hobby may also give you extra income.3.Set aside

19、at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your19A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself* Exercisecan not only help you maintain your regular weight,but also make you feel better about yourself.4.

20、Travel and allow yourself to be interested in new people.Dont just limit yourself to your fellow travelerstry to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people theyre going to be* Get out of your house or go online right now to book you20C.You dont need to go to the gym.F. Some e

21、xamples might be cooking,sewing, painting and so on.G. You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.【吉林省梅河口市第五中学等校 2020 届高三上学期 8 月联考】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。The history of writing instruments, with which humans have recorded and conveyed thoughts and feelings,

22、 is the history of civilization itself. This is how we know about our ancestors and their life.The handy sharpened-stone was adapted into the first writing instrument. Around 24,000 BC, the caveman started drawing pictures with the stone onto the walls of his cave.Apollo site in Namibia are believed

23、 to be the oldest rock paintings to date.16Walls at the4 Before paper came along, people used clay or wax tablets on which they wrote with sharp objects suchas metal sticks or bones. Around 6000 years ago, the Egyptians invented the first paperlike material called papyrus. The word “paper” actually

24、comes from the word “papyrus”.Bones or metal sticks were no longer useful as the papyrus could not be scratched. So the18 And thus, ancient Egyptians traAnother writing instrument that remained active in history for a long period was the quill (鹅毛) pen. Introduced around 700 AD, the quill was a pen

25、made from a bird feather. Goose feathers were most common.19For making fine line drawings, crow feathers were the best.When writers had better inks and paper and handwriting had developed into both an art form and an everyday occurrence, mans inventive nature once again turned to improving the writi

26、ng instrument.20C. Swan feathers were of a high quality, being rare and most expensive.D. Bamboo stems were better and much more expensive than goose feathers.E. This led to the development of the modem fountain pen in the 19th century.F. These were mostly the stems of grasses, especially from the b

27、amboo plant.G. These drawings showed events in daily life like the planting of crops or hunting victories.【安徽省芜湖市第一中学 2020 届高三上学期基础检测】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Be Healthy and Happy We all want to be healthy, happy, free of stress and more productive in life.1. Get enough sleep.

28、 It not only keeps you healthy but also you will be happier. It is said that “Earlyto bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”162. Drink plenty of water. 17 The benefits of water are amazing. Water helps keep your skin clear, leaving you feeling happier and better about your body.

29、Water is just simply an amazing source in itself for your overall health. Try to drink 8 glasses a day.5 3. Smile and laugh. Dont get sad over small problems or take any joke seriously which hurts you. Instead, if you feel so hurt, you prefer to slay away from that friend. 18 Respect your friend fro

30、m a good perspective. Smile and laugh all the time and you will be happy.4. 19 Help your mom do the dishes, help out your dad in the kitchen, clean your room, or do anything that could help your family. It will not only make them love you more, but you willfeel happy knowing you have done good even

31、if you moved out twenty years ago and are a father yourself.5. Have goals. Always believe you can achieve. If you can dream it, you can achieve it, no matter what.20Organization plays a very important role in achieving goals, so organize yourself.G. However, dont show him that you dont like him.【河南省

32、十所名校 2020 届高中毕业班尖子生第一次考试】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项Getting along with people can be tough. The following are some suggestions that can help you in some way.Accept human nature. Humans make mistakes. People aren t always nice. They also have all of the prThis is important to

33、 remember when you re trying toget along with people who are very difficult or seem to be ignoring you; everyone is just doing the best that they can.37People are all very different: that s what makes life interesting. And just like people are all different, the world is also very complex. Every sit

34、uation is different, always. Just because someone doesn t make the choice that you would make or just because they take a less efficient or smart path to get where theyre going doesnt make them wrong.6 Practice forgiveness. Forgive people when they do make mistakes. Sometimes you just have to stop a

35、ndgive people the benefit of the doubt ( to believe someone even though you are not sure whether what the person is saying is true). They might really be sorry or they might really not know that what they di3839Forexample, when people invite you to parties, really consider going instead of just brus

36、hing the invitation asYou can work together on a project for school or work. You can also try a new activity together. These activities will give you more to talk about and lots of chances to interact and get to know each other.D. Doing things together is a great way to bond with people and make fri

37、ends.E. You have to forgive them so that you can move on to happier feelings.F. You might think that they hate you but they might be honestly trying to be nice to you.G. Even when someone s making you mad, thank them for their effort to help or their suggestions.【山东省济南市济钢高级中学 2020 届高三第一次诊断】根据短文内容,从短

38、文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to Use Social Media PositivelyNowadays so common is social media in our society that almost everyone is connected to some formof it. We are in a fast-paced, technologically evolving(进化) society and we are addicted to social media.36So how does one ensure a positiv

39、e online reputation? Its simple:Keep it clean. Party photos with alcohol are an absolute no-no. Would you want to have your boss see these photos?and your skills.37Make sure to post contents that you feel positively reflect you, your creativity7 38 You have a private account so you can post anything

40、 you want? This is decidedly not the case.Privacy settings make it harder to see your full account, but its not impossible. Under no circumstanceshould you rely on privacy settings as a way to protect inappropriate contents.Ensure youre careful and professional. Keep it classy (优等的)! Discover your b

41、rand, or what you want people to think of you. Proper spelling and grammar is always a plus, but it may not be your brand.Follow these simple rules and youre on your way to building, or restoring an online reputation. Usingsocial media positively doesnt mean you cant have fun and use it to express y

42、ourself; however, you w40So your post can get yoLike it or not, your social networks reflect youmake sure you look like the shining star that you truly are.E. Be entirely sure about what youre posting.F. Once you click post, theres no looking back.【湖北省部分重点中学 2019-2020 学年高三上学期零模】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空

43、白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Running is a great way to get in shape and just about everyone can do it. Given that its so easy totake up the sport, a lot of beginners jump right into running without actually knowing what it takes toestablish a healthy routine.36. If you are just starting out, avoid the follow

44、ing things to help you increase your chances of running success.Doing too much too soonOne of the biggest mistakes beginners make is doing too much too soon. Picking up a new hobby like running is no doubt exciting. Runners need to ease into the sport before increasing the distance.8 37.38Beginners

45、might think they need to run nearly every day to meet their fitness or weight-loss goals, but this couldnt be further from the truth. 39 , especially for beginners whose muscles and bones havent yet been conditioned for such intense (剧烈的) exercise. So its important to give your body ample rest betwe

46、en workouts. Follow a training plan that includes rest days.Comparing yourself to others40, Youre excited about running, so you are probably reading running blogs, magazines andmessage boards where you might start to feel inadequate about your own running pace. Instead of getting down on yourself, r

47、emember that every runner was once a beginner and use their success as motivation!C. Running is a demanding activity which can be really hard on your bodyD. As mentioned, a healthy routine is what they attach importance toE. When starting out with running, its tough not to compare yourself to others

48、F. Many make a number of common mistakes, which can interfere (干扰) with training or lead to injuryG. It will help reduce the risk of injury, so you can continue with your new running routine【黑龙江省大庆市铁人中学 2020 届高三上学期开学】任务型阅读。根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项,请把答案写在答题卡上。If you need to prove who you are in China, you will us


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