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1、 1.c_ _eful 小心的A. aeA. oyA. aB. arB. oiB. eC. aoC. ouC. i外研版小学英语(三起)六年级下册第一模块测试题姓名:_ 分数:_2.enj_ _3.m_lk享受牛奶一餐喝4.m_ _l5.dr_ _kA. eeA. inB. eaB. anC. aeC. en一连线,给图片选择合适的单词。(5 分)六、写出下列单词的相应形式。(10 分)1.know(同音词)_3.for(同音词)_2.hot(反义词)_4.cent(同音词)_ABCDE5.dont(完全形式)_ 6.too(同音词)_7.(完全形式)_9.I(宾格)8.want(第三人称单数

2、)_10.cola(复数)_1. dollar2. shoes3. cola4. hot dog5. hamburger七、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10 分)1.Does he_(want) an apple?二选出不属于同一类的词。(10 分)() 1. A. chicken) 2. A. pearB. foodC. hot dog2.My father_(want) a cola and I_(want)some milk.3.Do you_(want)_(eat) noodles? No,I dont.4.Can you help_(we)?B. appleB. pandaB. bo

3、okC. fruitC. monkeyC. cent) 3. A. animal) 4. A. dollar) 5. A. look5.Lets go and help_(he).B. carefulB. friendB. shortB. doctorC. enjoyC. HarbinC. long6.I want_(find) a pen friend in China.7.He and I _(be) at school now.) 6. A. Beijing) 7. A. knife) 8. A. mother) 9. A. football)10. A. six8._(not clos

4、e) the window, please.9.-What does she want to_(eat)?-She_(want) to eat a hamburger.10.All our food_(be) very very nice.C. nurseC. yellowC. seventyB. basketballB. drink三、读一读,把划线部分发音不同的选项找出来。(5 分)八、单项选择:(15 分)() 1. A. colaB. hotB. centB. goodB. flyB. riceC. dollarC. carefulC. noodlesC. my() 1.-Do you

5、 want some rice? -A. Yes ,I want. B. Yes, I do.) 2.How_hot dogs do you want?A. much B. many) 3.-How_are they?) 2. A. cashier) 3. A. lookC. No, you dont.C. some) 4. A. really) 5. A. chickenC. ice-Theyre 12 dollars.C. any-A cola.A. much B. many) 4.-What do you want_?四、英汉短语互译。(10 分)1.look good_2.three

6、dollars and five cents_4.a humburger for me_6.want to drink_A. to eat) 5.Amy wants three_, and you?A. cola B. colas) 6.- How much is it?B. to drinkC. to take3.how much_e in_7.Here you are._9.Be careful _C. colaes8.enjoy your meal_-_.10.three colas_A. Its three dollars and seventy-five cents.B. Its t

7、hree dollar and seventy-five cent.C. Its three dollars and seventy-five cent.五根据中文意思,圈出正确的选项补全单词。(5 分) () 7.-What does the girl want?A. want B. wants-She_ a hot dog.C. wanted.2.it, how ,much, is(?)_3.want,I,chicken,please,some( .) 8. The red T-shirt is eight _ .A. dollar B. dollars) 9. _ are these b

8、ananas ? They are $ 20.C. cent_4.what,does,eat,Daming,to, want( ?)A. How many) 10. -_ hamburgers do you want?A. How many B. What) 11. -Can I help you?A. to B. at) 12._Amy _ some rice ?B. WhatC. How much-Three.C. How much_5.dollars,cents,thirteen,twenty-five,and,is,it( . )_-A cola _me, please.C. for十

9、二、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。(5 分)Mother: Sally, can you help me, please? I want to go shopping.Sally :OK. Mum. What do you want to buy?Mum : Some eggs, some oranges, some milk, and some chicken for supper. What can wehave for lunch tomorrow?A. Do, wantB. Does, wantC. Does, wantsC. their) 13.Let me t

10、ake _.A. themB. they) 14.A hot dogA. lookgood.Sally : I dont know.B. looking.C. looksMother : Oh ,yes it is. Some fish.)15.Its oneA. dollars centand fiveSally : Is fish very expensive ( 昂贵的)?Mother :Yes ,it is. But dad likes fish.Sally : What about some rice?B. dollar centsC. dollar cent九、找出最佳组合。(5

11、分)Mother : I want some nice bread.()1. What do you want , Daming?)2. How much is the hot dog?)3. Here you are.A. Yes, I can . I can sing many English songs.B. Thank youC. Yes , I do.Sally : OK. Let s go.() 1. Sally and mum want to buy some food, some milk and some fruit.) 2. They want to buy some br

12、ead.)4. Do you like watermelons?)5. Can you sing an English song?D. It is two dollars.) 3. Fish is cheap. ( 便宜的)E. I want some noodles and fruits.) 4. Sally s father likes fish.) 5. Sally wants to have chicken and rice for lunch tomorrow.十、情景交际选择。(5 分)()1. 假如你是餐馆服务员,你向顾客说的第一句话,应该是:十三、选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整

13、:(5 分)A. Can I help you?B. Can you help me?A:Can I help you?B:)2. 当你想喝一些可乐时,可以说:A. I want to eat some bread.)3. 当你想要许多奶酪时,可以说:A. I want to take them.B. I want to drink some colas.B. I want lots of cheese.A:OK.B:Coffee,please.A:Thats 15 dollars.B:)4. 当你想询问某物多少钱时,可以问:A. How much is it?B. How many are they?A:_)5. 当你想询问对方想喝些什么时,可以说:A:Thank you.A.Here you areB. And what do you want to drink?A. What do you want to eat?B. What do you want to drink?C. Enjoy your meal. D. How much is it?E.I want some fish and rice.十一、连词组句:(10 分)1.you,do, what, drink, to, want,(?)_


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