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1、.Unit 3Could you please clean your room? Section A 1a-1c 练习一、词组翻译。1. 做家务 _2. 洗碗_3. 倒垃圾 _4. 叠衣服 _5. 扫地_6. 铺床 _7. 打扫起居室_8. 不得不_二、单选。1. _ use your book, David?Sure. Here you are.A. Could B. Would C. Need D. Must2. Could I use your iPad?Yes, you_ .A. could B. can C. must D. need3.-I have a cold. You are

2、 near the window._please close it ? -ok . You should look after yourself well.A could I B could you C can I D can you4. Tom,could you please_ the trash(垃圾)?Of course,Mom.Atake after Btake off Ctake out Dtake care of5. I dont like _ the dishes, but I like to _ my bed.A. making; make B. to do; making

3、C. doing; make D. do; make6. Could you please sweep the floor? _ Im busy babysitting my sister.ASorry,you cant BYes,sure CYes,I can DSorry,I cant 7. How terrible the rubbish smells! Please_ when you go out.A. take it out B. take out itC. take them out D. take out them8.Could you please pass me the d

4、ictionary?_.A. Yes, could B. Sure, here you areC. No, I couldnt D. No, thats no problem三、用所给词适当形式填空。1. Could you please _(make)your bed.2. Mary_ (make) her bed every day.1. Look! my mother _(fold) the clothes1. Do I have to _ (clean) my room?5 He _(sweep)the floor and _(take) out the rubbish yesterd

5、ay .6. Could you please _ (not go) to the movies?四、完成句子。1.房间里垃圾太多了。请你带出去倒掉好吗?There is too much rubbish in the room. Could you please_ _ _? 2.-请你洗餐具,好吗?-对不起,我不能,我得做作业-Could you please _ _ _?-Sorry, I cant. I _ _ do my homework.3. -请你扫一下地好吗? -没问题。-_you_ _the floor?-_ _.4.起床后,请整理床铺。Please _ _ _ after y

6、ou get up.5.-我可以去看电影吗?-对不起, 你不能去。你得学习准备数学考试。-_I _ to the movies?-Sorry, you _. You _ _ study for the math test.Unit 3Could you please clean your room? Section A 1a-1c 练习答案一、1. do chores2. do the dishes3. take out the trash4. fold the clothes5. sweep the floor6. make the bed7. clean the living room8. have to2、 1-8 ABBC CDCB3、 1.make 2.makes 3.is folding 4.clean 5.swept;took 6.not go 四、1. take them out2. do the dishes;have to3. Could please sweep;No problem4. Make your bed2. Could I go;cant;have to.


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