2020届高考英语二轮复习书面表达书信提升练习 申请信(含答案).docx

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1、 2020 届高考英语二轮复习书面表达书信提升练习 申请信题型特点申请信有很多种,比如求职申请、加入某组织或活动的申请、报考申请、留学申请等,其目的在于让对方了解自己的经验、能力、成就以及愿望等,所以个人情况的介绍应该是申请信的核心内容,应尽可能向对方说明本人的长处,以便留下好印象,获得面谈的机会。由于此类题目常有较多的文字提示,写作时除应注意格式上的要求外,也应注意审题全面,不能遗漏要点,并要注意人称和时态的变化,避免出现逻辑混乱。其结构为:点明目的,自我介绍,点出信息来源申请信详述个人优势,简述个人要求表达感谢,简述获准后的打算,期待对方优先考虑黄金模板Dear Sir/Madam,Im_

2、.( 简 单 自 我 介 绍 ) When I was reading theadvertisement,_.(表达看到相关广告后的感受) I think its a goodopportunity for me to_.(应聘的原因)Therefore I recommend myself toyou without hesitation .I_.( 陈 述 本 人 的 性 格 优 势 ) For one thing, Ican_.( 陈 述 本 人 特 长 一 ) For another thing, Ican_.(陈述本人特长二) Please contact me at_ (你的联系方

3、式一:电话号码).Or e-mail meat_(你的联系方式二:电子邮箱地址).I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua三、 申请信的篇章布局和首段、中段、尾段涉及到的重要句型【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明信息来源,并提出申请。1. Im Li Hua, from Class One, Senior Two. 我是李华,来自高二一班。2. I have read in the newspaper that a secretary is wanted in your company.我在报纸上看到你们公司在招聘

4、一名秘书。3. I read the announcement of the Experience Life that you have posted on the Internet and I am interested in it. 我在网上看到你们发布的体验生活的消息,我对此很感兴趣。4. I am extremly pleased to see your advertisement for an English tutor(家庭教师/助教)in the newspaper.我很高兴在报纸上看到你们招聘家庭教师/助教的广告。5. I am writing to apply for the

5、 summer camp in your school.我写信是想申请加入你们学校的夏令营。6. I am writing to tell you that Im suitable for the job you are advertising.我写信是想告诉你,我适合做你们在广告上刊登的这份工作。7. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of the job.我写信是询问(我得到)这份工作的可能性。8. I am writing to join the program.我写信是想加入这个项目。9. I would like to app

6、ly for it during the summer vacation.我想要暑假申请它。【篇中句】突出自己特点,具体说明胜任理由。1. I think Im qualified for the position. 我认为对于这个职位我是有资格的。2. In the first place, I have strong written and spoken communication skills.首先,我有很好的写作和交流技巧。3. Whats more, I am well acquainted with the western culture.(be acquainted with 熟

7、悉) 而且,我非常熟悉西方文化。4. Last but not the least, I have good personality, and I am independent in life.最后但也是很重要的一点是,我有很好的性格,并且在生活中很独立。5. I think its of great use to me. For one thing, I can gain some experience for my future job; for another, I canmake more friends.我认为它对我是有好处的。一则,我能够为未来的工作获得经验;二则,我可以交到更多的

8、朋友。6. I am sure I can do my best in the job.我保证在工作中会尽最大努力。7. Thats why I am applying for the position.那就是我申请这个职位的原因。8. I hope I can join you. 我希望我能够加入你们。【篇尾句】请求给予机会,期望尽快回复。1. I will be much grateful if you can give me the opportunity.如果你能给我这个机会,我会非常感激。2. I hope you can offer me the opportunity.我希望你能

9、提供给我这个机会。3. I hope I can be accepted as a member of your summer camp.我希望我能够成为你们夏令营的一员。4. If you need to know more about me, please contact me at 189.如果你需要了解我更多,请给我打电话 189.5. I am looking forward to your early reply.期待你的早日恢复。6. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.期待早日收到你的来信。假定你是李华,暑假在伦敦学习,得

10、知当地美术馆要举办中国画展。请写一封信申请做志愿者,内容包括:1写信目的:2个人优势:3能做的事情。注意:1词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3结束语已为你写好。Dear Sir/Madam,Im Li Hua, an outgoing boy, who is studying in London. I am writing to apply to be a volunteer for the Chinesepainting exhibition to be held in London. I have some advantages for the job .First o

11、f all, having lived in China for sixteen years and having learnt English since I was a child, I have a goodcommand of English and Chinese, which is beneficial to introducing Chinese paintings. Besides, having a goodknowledge of Chinese paintings because of my familiarity with Chinese painting culture, I can get foreigners andthe locals to know more about Chinese paintings. Last but not least, through my introduction and efforts,I believe,Ican strengthen the friendship between China and England.I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.Yours,Li Hua


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