五年级上册英语教案-Unit5 What do they do Story time|译林版(三起).docx

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1、 EnglishNew主备人Unit5 What do they do? (Story time)题课1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:teacher, teach, write, work, doctor, help, worker, nurse2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:What does he/she do?导学目标Hes/Shes a teacher/writer/worker教学重点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论家人的职业和具体工作内容。PPT课件、人物图片、人物工作图片、单词卡集体智慧个性设计教学反思Before

2、the lesson, lets enjoy a song. You can singloudly.集体智慧个性设计教学反思 Step 2 Presentation 本课是关于职业工整体呈现语篇,听 作的,课文分为两部力理解,把握大意 分 , 分 别 描 述 了和相关信息Mike 的爸妈职业和Then,listen to the Su Hai 的 爸 妈 职业,思路清晰。教师对此要对学生进行指导,使孩子们发现从三个问题进行描述,并让他们自己学会学习。Teach: teacher, worker, doctor2. We know so jobs. Do you want to know wha

3、t jobs dotheir parents do?本课的导入部分我是通过呈现歌曲来引出新课题,这样做自读第一语段,理 孩子们能直观的学解 难 点 。 teacher, 习新课。处理课文部work 这两个单词 分我是先通过看卡前边已有铺垫,此 通呈现问题处再次明晰,着重 What do they do?然后学习第一部分,分别从三个方面提出问题。学习第二部分时我是通过表格呈现的,这样不仅形式多样且清晰直观。a nurse a policeman a teacher a workerNow, can you tell me your parents jobs? What dothey do?Ss:

4、 My father/mother is a5. 揭题:Yes, we talked about jobs. You know a lot ofjobs. In fact, life will be more beautiful with jobs.此时通过对课文大Listen after the 意的学习教师可以tape and fill in the 对学生进行阅读方Step 3 While-reading.法指导,让孩子们自1. Heres the story time. Lets know the aims of thestory reading.阅读理解方法指 己发现文章是从哪几个方

5、面来谈论职业的,以此来培养孩子们的自主学习能力。2. First, lets watch some nice pictures of the storyjobs and try to get more information from thepictures. Please answer the questions: Who is thenarrator? Whose jobs is the text talking about?Check the answers.(贴图)课上我通过先听再找的形式来学习单词。之后我让孩子们根据图片来复述课文,这样完成了复习部分内容。之后我通过问题What do

6、es yourNow lets listening to the tape, read and underlinetheir jobs on your book.阅读课文,自学 fathers do? or What 3,4 两段。以表格 does your mothers的形式呈现。do ?进行拓展让孩子 们 用 HeWhat are Mikes parents jobs? (贴图)Review the people isShe is.in the text. 来回答。之后我又让Show pictures and 孩子们来说说刚才review words. 发言的同学中谁最Now read

7、the passage about his mother, Can you ask See the pictures 精彩就让谁来表演and retell the text . 一下,这样既考了孩子们的听力,让孩子们练习了口语表达,这样效果较好,自然也就锻炼了学生们听说读的能力。Check with the form: What does he/she do?Ss: He helps(讲解:当主语是第三人称单数时, 理解难点:动词第三人称单数前边已有铺垫,在这里老师可以再次解6. Lets read after the computer. Please pay attention to 释明晰

8、。the raising tone and the falling tone.7. Ask four students to read. Read in Teams.8. Read in groups. Dub for the cartoon.Step 4 Post-readingSuppose, youre Mike. Choose the person you like importantand introduce your and his jobs like this.Im Mike. My father is a teacher. He teachesEnglish.3. We tal

9、ked about our jobs. We also know the jobs Concludeabout Mikes parents and Su Hai s parents. Every manhas his job. (Teach) Now, lets talk about our familysjobs. OK?(示范,学生同桌准备)Oh, most of you can talk about jobs.Step 5 Proverb time 1. Today, we talked a lot about the jobs. Good jobmakes good life. Wha

10、t jobs do you think are good jobs?What jobs do you think are bad jobs?2. If you have good jobs, please continue. If you havebad jobs, please change. Stick to your jobs and enjoyyour life.1. Listen to the tape and follow the tape.(听录音,跟读课文。)1. Copy the words and dialogues.2. Listen to the tape and follow the tape.3. Talk about your familys jobs to your friend.Unit5 What do they doHer father is a doctor.He helps sick people.Her mother is a worker. She makes sweets.


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