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1、专业英语八级(听力)-试卷 157(总分:60.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、 LISTENING COMPREHENSION(总题数:6,分数:60.00)1.PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (分数:10.00)_解析:2.SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about w

2、hat was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview

3、the questions. (分数:10.00) _解析:(分数:10.00 )A.He is a local volunteer.B.He is a member of parliament.C. He is the Minister of Transportation.D. He is the project engineer for upgrading roads and bridges.解析:解析:本题设题点在问题陈述处。根据句(1) 可知,Jamie Briggs 是议会议员(MP) ,是负责基础设 施和地方发展的助理部长,因此答案为B 。A. His experience may

4、 help fix dangerous intersections of roads.B. His experience may contribute to raising more federal fund.C. His experience may enhance the committees work efficiency.D.His experience may ensure the most efficient use of the federal fund.解析:解析:本题设题点在定语从句处。根据句(2) 可知,约翰柯布给“黑点计划”委员会带来了一些经 验,这将确保项目资金能够发挥

5、其最大的价值,因此答案为D 。A.It is run by the government of New South Whales.B.It has an annual budget of $60 million.C. The Federal Government runs it for coastal states.D. It requires the application from states.解析:解析:本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(3) 可知,“黑点计划”是由联邦政府运作,每年有 6000 千万美元的预算,覆盖各个州,新南威尔士占很大份额,因此答案为B 。A. By filling

6、 in some online forms about local crash history.B. By identifying some black spots of the local committees.C.By recognizing accident-prone roads and reporting them. D.By donating money to the funding program on the Internet.解析:解析:本题考查重要细节。根据句(4)可知,当地人也可以参与“黑点计划”,将那些以前出过事故 的道路找出来,并向委员会指认这些“黑点”,因此答案为C

7、 。A.It has adopted many new safety policies.B.It has got a great economic result.C. It functions poorly due to a lack of funding.D. It is in serious deficit.解析:解析:本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(5)可知,“黑点计划”的运行记录非常好,带来很好的经 济效益,提升了很多地铁和地方道路的安全运行水平,因此答案为B 。(分数:10.00 )A.They will be whitewashed soon.B.Nothing has been

8、said about them in the election. C.There will be a specific program to upgrade them. D.They have to wait for more funding to come.解析:解析:本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(6)可知,桥梁的升级是联合政府在竞选中就已纳入的计划, 不久会有一个专门的项目用于升级各地方的桥梁,因此答案为C 。A. It attracts funding to the local economic development.B. It ensures the best value of t

9、he freight exported overseas.C.It enhances the productive capacity of the economic infrastructure. D.It makes significant profit in the local infrastructure projects.解析:解析:本题设题点在因果关系处。根据句(7)可知,修复升级道路对地区的发展做出了重要贡献,因 为它能确保许多不合格的基础设施得到改造并发挥出更大的生产能力,因此答案为C 。A. It involves $1.5 billion investment to upgr

10、ade bridges.B. It involves plans of transporting the staff easily to the airports.C. It involves projects of decreasing the freight capacity of ports.D.It involves the private investment besides the federal funding.解析:解析:本题设题点在举例处。根据句(8 1)可知,澳大利亚政府投入了大量资金升级主要道路,以 悉尼为例,政府已经按照“西区连通”项目的提议,投入了 15 亿美元进行基

11、础设施建设,这一项目对机场 和港口的货运能力产生了积极影响。由句(8 2)可知,在“西区连通”的项目中,私营企业投入资金并参 与其中,因此答案为D 。A.Some businesses have already provided fund to upgrade the roads. B.It has not yet been involved in the program.C. The government tries to exclude it.D. It fights to get involved.解析:解析:本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(9)可知,某些企业已经参与了某些资助项目,国家

12、仍致力 于进一步寻找吸引私营企业投资的方法,因此答案为A 。A.Business sector provides investment through pricing.B.Private sectors are given incentives to fund infrastructure. C.Businesses are set up in certain areas to help fund roads. D.Private investment is needed to deal with Labors debt.解析:解析:本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(10 一 1)和句(10 2

13、)可知,国家面临的挑战就是进一步寻 找吸引私营部门投资的方法,这有时是通过定价来实现的。不难看出,私营部门被鼓励为基础设施建设提 供资金,因此答案为B 。(分数:10.00 )A.The cultural aspect of a complaint.B.How to make a complaint.C. How to handle a complaint.D. The psychological aspect of a complaint.解析:解析:本题设题点在问题陈述处。根据句(1) 可知,Lida Baker 是一位英语老师,将要讨论如何进 行投诉这一话题,因此B 为答案。A.The

14、linguistic part of the complaining.B.The cultural behavior of being straightforward. C.Taking the products back to the stores. D.Understanding the refund policy of the stores.解析:解析:本题设题点为转折处。根据句(2)可知,另外一个部分更重要,即直截了当地表达“这就是问 题所在”。在美国我们有这样的文化行为,即对我们想要的表现得非常直接,而对于来自不同文化的学生 来说,这比学会表达抱怨更难,因此B 为答案。A. To t

15、each what to say.B. To teach relevant body language.C. To provide store information.D.To provide cultural background.解析:解析:本题设题点在对话回答处。根据句(3)可知,教授如何投诉的第一步是提供文化背景,如商店 的退换规定等,因此D 为答案。A.To show that the return policy may differ from store to store. B.To show that the clothes didnt fit her daughter.C. T

16、o express her anger for not getting money back.D. To indicate she wasnt used to these kind of stores.解析:解析:本题设题点在举例论证处。根据句(4)可知,在教学中,第一步是提供文化背景,比如商店的 退货政策,并且明白在这些政策上店与店之间是不同的。接下来 Lida 引用该例子是为了要证明不同商店可 能有不同的退货政策,故答案为A 。A. She was mad at him.B. She thought he was at fault.C. She was infuriated with hi

17、s attitude.D.She reminded herself that he was not to blame.解析:解析:本题设题点在对话回答处。根据句(5) 可知,Lida 表现出惊讶,但提醒自己这并非是售货员 的错,毕竟商店的规定不是他制定的,因此D 为答案。(分数:10.00 )A. $20.B. $36.99.C. $4.99.D.$32.解析:解析:本题设题点在数字信息处。根据句(6) 可知,女孩想退的款项是 32 美元,故答案为D 。 A.What the problem is.B. What correction she wants.C. A neutral tone.D

18、.Showing her anger.解析:解析:本题考查重要细节。根据句(7)可知,女孩在投诉信中说明了问题是什么,想让商家怎么处理, 并且使用了很中性的语调,并没有勃然大怒或提出过分要求,因此答案为D 。A.Give them the cultural information about complaint.B.Give them a model letter and ask them to write one similar to that. C.Familiarize the students with necessary vocabularies.D.Show the student

19、s the necessary writing styles and formats.解析:解析:本题考查重要细节。根据句(8)可知,讲授如何写投诉信的方法是,先给学生看一些样例,然 后让学生按其中一封样例学写投诉信,因此答案为B 。A. Face-to-face verbal complaint.B. Written complaint.C. Phone complaint.D. E-mail complaint.解析:解析:本题考查重要细节。根据句(9) 可知,比较困难的是得到亲身口头投诉的经验,因此答案为A 。 A.Creating a situation where students can complain.B. Providing model complaints for students to follow.C. Analyzing the languages and structures for complaints.D.Giving students practice on how to complain by role play.解析:解析:本题考查重要细节。根据句(10) 可知,更为困难的是让人们亲身体验投诉经历,因此正确答 案为D 。


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