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1、 四年级英语(下册)第一次月考试卷四、连线。(10 分)1、Its 6:30 oclock .2、Its 12 oclock .姓名得分Its time for lunch.一、我爱记单词。(12 分)Its time to go home .Its time to go to bed .Its time to go to bed .Its time for English class .()1、家庭作业)2、图书馆)3、学校A、homeworkA、first floorA、classB、housework3、Its 3 oclock .B、library4、Its 5 oclock .B、s

2、chool5、Its 9 oclock .)4、起床A、get upB、go to bedB、music classB、go to school五、选出正确的答语(10 分)5、美术教室)6、上床睡觉A、art classA、go to bed()1、Do you have a library ?)2、What time is it ?二、找出下列单词不同类的一项。(10 分)3、Is that the art room ?()1、A、first floor)2、A、fortyB、Class 2B、thirtyC、second floorC、two)4、How many students ar

3、e there in your class ?)5、Wheres the teachers office ?)3、A、music class B、PE classC、music roomC、dinnerA、No , it isnt . Its the music room .B、There are thirty one students.C、Yes , we do .)4、A、class)5、A、wayB、breakfastB、art roomC、gym三、我会填地点。(8 分)D、Its on the first floor .E、Its 8 oclock .A、teachers offic

4、e1. Go to theB、libraryC、gardenD、playground. Read a book .六、选择题。(20 分)2. Go to the. Say hello to Miss White . Play football with your friend . Water the flowers .()1、Do you haveB、theart room ?3. Go to theA、a(C、an4. Go to the)2、Its 7:05 . Its timego to school .1 A、forB、to)3、- Is this the teachers offi

5、ce ?- No ,A、it isntC、of(2、room is the art where (.)3、floor on is the it second (.)4、the that room lunch is (?)5、time what it is ?B、it notC、it is()4、Howstudents are there in your class ?C、manyA、muchB、more()5、-What time is it now ?-A、Its 8 yuanB、Its 8 oclockC、Its black()6、Lets go toB、a)7、Its timeschoo

6、l .八、阅读理解。(15 分)A、the(C、/Hello ! Im Amy . Welcome to our school ! We have a big playground , alibrary , a canteen , a music room , an art room , a computer room , a TV room , agym and two washrooms . We have six teachers offices and eighteen classrooms .There are forty- five students in my class . W

7、e have breakfast at school , but wedont have lunch at school . The music room is on the second floor , and thecomputer room is on the first floor . Our school is big and beautiful .English class .C、ofA、for(B、to)8、WelcomeB、tomy school .C、inA、for()9、How manythere in your schoolbag ?C、books arethe first floor .C、atA、book areB、book isB、on()1、The playground is very big .()10、My classroom is)2、We have three teachers offices .)3、There are forth-five classrooms in our school .)4、We have lunch at school .A、in七、连词成句。(15 分)1、school is my this (.)5、The computer room is on the first floor .2


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