Unit 1 Touch and feel教案2.docx

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《Unit 1 Touch and feel教案2.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Touch and feel教案2.docx(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 1 Touch and feel 教案一、教学目标1知识与技能:掌握祈使句和相关形容词的用法。2过程与方法:学会灵活的自编小对话。3情感、态度与价值:学会礼貌的待人接物。二、教学重点1.Using adjectives to describe things2.Using imperatives to give instructions3.Asking How questions to find out the texture of a thing三、教学用具A cassette player, A soft toy, a bag, a balloon, an apple and a

2、 pineapple四、教学过程Pre-task preparation1. Ask students to touch their desk.Say: Touch your desk. How does it feel?S: Its hard/smooth.Prompt students to say: Its hard and smooth.2.Choose some classroom objects.Invite some more able students to describe the objects usingmore than one adjective.e.g. Its .

3、and .While-task procedure1.Divide students into groups. Students take turns to feel the objects.Other students say: Touch the .How does it feel?The student who feels the object says: Its2.Other students feel that object and see if they agree.3.Students are required to tick the real objects that they

4、 have touched but not those objects printedon the table. Students tick the table in their books.Post-task activity1.Divide students into groups.2.Students stick the letters on card then cut out the letters and put them on the desk. Alternativelydistribute commercially produced magnetic letters if available.3.Choose a group leader. Blindfold the other students. Ask them to touch and guess.Say: Its .Group leader gives the members answers: Yes/No.Students take turns to be the group leader.五、Homework将盲人摸象的故事用自己的语言说给父母听并与小伙伴交流。


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