四年级下册英语学案-Unit 8 Weekend Fun 广东开心英语(粤人版).docx

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1、Unit 8 Weekend Fun【学习目标】1 学会听、说、读下列词汇:go to the park、see a movie、play outside、read a story、make a snowman、surf the Internet。2 学会使用:问句“What do you want to do?”与答句“I want to.”来进行交际。【学习重难点】重点:1 单词的认读。2 功能句的理解。3 对课文的理解。难点:1 运用“询问想做什么事”的功能句型进行表述。2 句型:(1) What do you want to do?(2) I want to.【学习过程】一、新知学习。

2、1课文预习。阅读课文,将自己不认识的单词写下来。 _2学习单词和句型。(1) 朗读词汇:go to the park、see a movie、play outside、read a story、make a snowman、 surf the Internet。(2) 朗读句型:1 What do you want to do?2 I want to.(3)小组活动,练习上述句型。S1: What do you want to do?S2: I want to.二、达标检测。1将对话补充完整。(1)What do you want to do? I want to _ _ _. I have a movie ticket.(2)What do you want to do? I want to _ _ _.Its snowing outside.(3)Do you want to read a story?No, I dont. I want to listen to a music2根据给出的例句和关键词,进行仿写造句。Module:What do you want to do? I want to go to the park.(1)I、play outside_(2)Sally、dance_(3)Tom、surf the Internet _


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