新版PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit6 Shopping试卷.docx

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1、 四年级英语测练题(七)Unit6ClassNameNo.Marks听力部分(53 分)一、听录音,选出你到所听的单词。(15 分)( )1、A. garden( )2、A. sixB. gloveB. sunglassesB. youC. greenC. glassC. cheapC. underC. size( )3、A. your( )4、A. umbrella( )5、A. shirt( )6、A. dollar( )7、A. ball( )8、A. play( )9、A. scarf( )10、A. niceB. runB. skirtB. dogC. dollB. saleC. t

2、allB. pigC. prettyC. cakeB. carB. moreC. expensive二、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(用阿拉伯数字表示)(8 分)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )1 三、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。(10 分)1. My dress is (cheap / expensive).2. Your (shirts / shoes) are under the bed.3. I have a (pretty / potato) sweater.4. Amys (hand / hat) is beautiful.5. Her coat is (nice /

3、 size).四、听录音,判断录音内容与图意是()否()相符。(10 分)1.( )五、听句子,选答语。(10 分)( ) 1. A. Yes, please. B. No, it isnt.2.( ) 3.( )4.( ) 5.( )C. Yes, you are.( ) 2.A.Yes, I can. B. Sure, here you are. C. Yes, please. A sweater.( ) 3. A. Its fifty yuan. B. Theyre forty yuan. C. Theyre jeans.( ) 4. A. No, its blue.B. Yes, it

4、 is.C. Yes, its hot.( ) 5.A.Its fifteen Yuan. B. Theyre forty Yuan. C. Theyre black.笔试部分(47 分)六、选择题。(10 分)()1、are they? They are ten yuan.B、How muchA、How manyC、What2 ()2、The shirt isnt expensive. ItsA、cheap B、colour( ) 3、 -_C、pair-Sure. Here you are.A. Can I go outside? B. Can I try them on? C. Can

5、I help you?( ) 4、 Can I help you? _.A. Thank you. B. No, youcant. C. Yes, please.( ) 5、_ the sunglasses cheap?A. am B. is C. are( ) 6、 Look at that dress. Its _.A. pretty B. colour C. shirt( ) 7、-_-Its very pretty.A. How do you like this coat?B. How do you like these shoes?C. What do you like this s

6、hirt?七、看句子,找答语。(10 分)1、( ) How much is this scarf?2、( ) Can I help you ?A、Yes, please.B、Its twelve yuan.C、No, They are too small.D、Its pretty.3、( )Are they cheap?4、( ) How do you like this skirt?5、( ) Are they OK?E、No, they are too expensive.八、选出不同类的单词。(9 分)( )1、A. orangeB. sunglassesC. green3 ( )2、

7、A. cheap( )3、A. dollar( )4、A. nice( )5、A. forty( )6、 expensiveB. tomatoB. horseB. hotC. potatoC. henC. prettyC. scarfB. thirtyB. cheapC. sweater九、用所给出的单词填空。(用序号表示)(10 分)yuanhelptake much niceyou?Assistant: Can IJohn: Yes. The socks are _. Howare they?Assistant: Ninety.John: Illthem.十、根据对话选择正确的答案。(8 分)4


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