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1、中国外交学院留学生在华事务担保人保证书Letter from guardian for the international student who study at CFAU被担保人姓名name of the student:国籍nationality:担保人申明Guardians Affirmation我愿做上述学生在中国外交学院学习期间的担保人并保证下列各项:I am willing to be the guardian of the student mentioned above during his /her study at China Foreign Affairs Univers

2、ity, and hereby affirm the following terms:一、监督该生不做非法活动并保证遵守中国的法律;To supervise the student to make sure that he/she will abide by the laws of Chinese government and will not engage in any illegal activity.二、督促该生努力学习并遵守学校的各项规章制度;To ensure that the student will study hard and observe all rules and reg

3、ulations of CFAU.三、督促该生按时缴纳各项费用,该生不能支付有关费用时,由我负责支付;To ensure that the student will pay on time the expenses required and once he/she is unable to do it, I will bear the expenses.四、负责该生在学校学习期间发生意外事故时的处理工作。To be responsible for any unexpected event that happens during his/her stay at CFAU.担保人资料Guardia

4、ns Information:姓名Name: 性别Sex: 年龄Age:国籍Nationality:与被担保学生关系Relationship with the student: 工作单位Company:在华住址Home Address:电话Tel: 传真Fax:签名Signature: 日期Date:说明Note:1 凡与该生有关系的成年人或合法机构,只要在中国境内,均可作为该生的担保人;The guardian of the student could be an individual adult, or an organization in China.2 担保人记录应如实填写,并需附有担保人有效证件的复印件。All the above information must be accurate and complete, and a copy of the guardians ID or passport must be provided together with this letter.


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