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1、 精品文档动词辨析1 spend: sb spend some time /some money on sth / in doing sthpay: sb pay some money for sthbuy: sb buy sth for some moneycost: sth cost sb some moneytake: It take sb some time to do sth.Exercise: 1) Summer holiday is coming soon, he doesnt know how to _ it.2) We have too much homework this

2、week, It _ me ten hours to finish it.3) I _ a book for ten yuan.= The book _me ten yuan= I _ ten yuan for the book.2 bring:把某物从别处带往说话人的地方。take: 把某物从说话人的地方带往别处。get: 到别处取某物并返回说话人的地方。carry: 可以指肩挑、手提、车拉、背扛等,carry 的东西往往比较笨重。Exercise: 1)Please remember to _your homework to school next time, so that I canc

3、heck it.2) I have no chalk to write with, please _some for me.3) The teacher let us _ homework home and finish it.3 remember to do sth : sth 未做remember doing sth: sth 已经做过forget 的用法和 remember 相同Exercise: -Look,the light in the classroom is still on!-Sorry, I forget _(turn) it on just now. I wont for

4、get_(turn) it offwhen I leave next time.3 stop to do sth 这个动作还未做,但将要做。(停下来正在做的事情去做另外一件事情)Stop doing sth 这个动作正在做,但需要停止了。(停下来正在做的事情)Exercise: 1)I saw a pen on the ground, I stopped _(pick) it up.2) I saw a lot of flowers on the side of the road, I stopped_(take) a photo ofthem.3) The teacher asked us

5、stop _(read), then we began to write.4 borrow sth from sb (borrow 指借进来)buy sth from sb=buy sb sth (buy 指买进来)sell sth to sb=sell sb sth (sell 指卖出去)Lend sth to sb=lend sb sth(lend 指借出去)Exercise: 1)I _ a pen from him, and he asked me not to _it to others.2) I _him a pen, but he lost it. He didnt know w

6、hat to do.5.reach sp=get to sp=arrive at/in spWe said goodbye to each other in Zhenzhou, when I _home, he had_ in Beijing.6.speak: vi 演讲、发言、说话等意vt 后只能加语言talk: vi talk to/with sbtalk about sth/sbsay: vt 后必须加说话内容tell: vt tell sb sthtell sb to do sthtell stories/jokes/liesvt 另外 tell 还有说出来“辨别、分辨、说出来-和-的

7、区别”的意思:tell thedifferences.7. watch: vt 指长时间的仔细地“观察或观看”精品文档 精品文档look (at) vi “看”、“看着”,指看的过程see vt “看到”,指结果read:vt 直指看书或看报8. hope: hope to do sthhope +that 从句wish:wish to do sth wish+ that 从句 wish sb sthwish sb to do sthhope 指可能实现的愿望和理想wish 指不可能实现的美好祝愿或愿望 eg:best wishes to you. Wish you a good luck!9

8、.beat:后加某人或由人构成的团体、组织 和 join 相似Win: 后加比赛的名称、奖品或名次等和 take part in 相似10.dress: vi 意思是“穿衣” vt“给某人穿衣” 后只能跟“人”,构成 dress sbput on 动介结构 意为“穿上”,表示动作,后跟“服饰”之类的词wear: vt意为“穿着”,表示状态,后跟“服饰”之类的词11:happen:指突发或偶发事件 eg:交通事故发生take place:指按计划或安排发生的事情。 Eg:家乡发生了很大变化12:receive:“收到”,强调客观上收到accept: “接受”强调主观上接受13:may, can, must 都可以表示可能性,may 和 can 的可能性较小(意思是“可能”),must的可能性很大(意思是“一定”)。表示“不可能”用cant, 少用 may not,不用 mustnt(mustnt 表示禁止)。14:see/hear/watch sb do sth这个动作不是正在进行(看见或听见动作发生的全过程)see/hear/watch sb doing sth 这个动作是正在进行 (看见或听见动作发生的一部分)精品文档


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