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1、常用英语医学口语句型,多看多背一样很快能提高临床口语,遇到老外病人就不会尽是恩恩啊啊了。我先贴一些临床常用的语句,每个科其实都有很大的不同,希望大家积极跟贴,写出你们给老外看病时的常用句型或经验He has pain in his teeth or jaw. (他的牙齒和下巴疼痛。) He has some problems with his teeth. (他牙齒有問題。) The tooth hurts only when he bites down on it. (他咬東西時,牙齒就痛。) His gums are red and swollen. (他的牙床紅腫。) His tongu

2、e is red and sore all over. (他的舌頭到處紅和痛。) His breath smells bad and he has a foul taste in his mouth. (他口裡有怪味。) His gums do bleed. (他牙床有出血。) He has some sore swellings on his gum or jaw. (他的牙床和下巴腫痛。) He has sore places on or around the lip. (他的嘴唇和周圍都很痛。) There are cracks at the corners of his mouth.

3、(他的嘴巴角落破了。) There are some discolored areas inside on his tongue. (他舌頭裡邊有些地方顏色怪怪的。) My tooth is aching again.(我的牙又疼了。)One of my teeth is trouble me.(我有一颗牙疼。)I have got anawful toothach .It kept me awake the whole night.(我得牙很疼,整晚都睡不着觉。)One of my incisors is loose and aching.(我的一颗门牙松动而且疼。)This tooth o

4、n the lower jaw is sensitive to heat and hot.(下颌的这颗牙对冷热很敏感。)I think one of the back ones at the top is giving most of trouble.(我觉得上排有一个后牙疼的最厉害。)I suffer pain when my teeth are exposed to heat.(我的牙碰到热时感到疼痛。)There are several painful spots in my mouth,and salty and sour things make it sting.(我嘴里有几块地方疼

5、,咸的和酸的都蜇着疼。)I have a burning and thickening sensation in my mouth.(我嘴里有灼热和增厚的感觉。)I cant lift my right arm. I cough a great deal at night . I dont feel like eating anything. I feel a bit off color. I feel a pain in my left leg. I feel absolutely rotten. I feel chilly. I feel dizzy and Ive got no appe

6、tite. I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold. I feel like Im burning up. I feel like vomiting. I feel poorly. I feel rather unwell. I feel shivery and Ive got a sore throat. I feel sick. I feel so ill. I feel very bad. I feel a dull pain in the stomach. I have a headache. I have a splitting headache.

7、I have a stomach-ache. I have a stuffed-up nose. I just feel all pooped out. I keep feeling dizzy. I really feel terrible. I seem to have pain all over. I think Im dying. I tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. Im a bit stuffed up. Im aching all over. Im afraid Ive got a tempe

8、rature. Im feeling rather out of sorts these days . Im having some trouble sleeping. Im rather sick. Im running a fever. Im running a temperature . Im suffering from insomnia. Im under the weather.It all began yesterday. It came on last night.It hurts terrible. It keeps hanging on. It sort of hung o

9、n.二、Seeing the doctor 看医生1、Whats your trouble/complaint?你怎么啦?Im not quite myself today.今天我感到有点不舒服。2、What is troubling/bothering you?你哪儿不舒服?Ive been feeling bad for two days.我身体不适已有两天了。3、What are the symptoms?有何症状?I have a cough and get a high temperature.我咳嗽并发高烧。4、What should I do?I feel terribly aw

10、ful.我该怎么办?我感觉糟透了。It doesnt matter. Its only a cold.Ill give you some medcine.Youd better stay in bed for a couple of days.没关系。只是感冒了。我给你开点药。你最好卧床休息几天。5、Whats the matter with you?你有什么病?I have a pain in my abdomen/我腹部疼痛。6、Could you point out the place that you feel most painful?你能指出哪儿是你感到最疼痛的地方吗?Oh!Its

11、 the very place.The pain is just getting worse and worse.哎哟!正是这个部位。疼痛越来越厉害了。7、Let me examine it. There is nothing serious.让我检查一下。并不太严重。But it troubles me so much.但我怪难受的。8、Dont be nervous.Take it easy.别紧张,放轻松点。What shall I do,doctor?医生,我该怎么办呢?9、Youll have to stay in the hospital for several days.你得住院

12、几天。Youd better be hospitalized for several days.你最好住院几天。10、Oh,its bad. Is it necessary to be hospitalized?糟了,一定要住院吗?Yes, it will be more convenient for us to watch your condition.是。这样便于我们观察你的病情。11、Do I need to have some more examinations?我还要做些检查吗?First of all,you need to do a CT scanning.首先,你需要做一个CT

13、扫描。12、Where will it be done?在什么地方做?In the CT room of the Radiological Department.在放射科的CT室。13、All right, Ill do it tomorrow morning.By the way,I hate injection.Can I take some medicine orally?好!我明天早晨就去做。顺便说一声,我不喜欢打针。能吃些口服药吗?No,oral medicine is no use for you.不能,口服药对你不起作用。14、I think injection is very

14、effective in your case.我想你的情况打针会很有效。Then Ill follow your advice.那好。我服从您的安排。15、Are you feeling better this morning?你今天早上好些了吗?I feel more myself today than yesterday.我今天感到比昨天好多了。16、Do you have confidence in the treatment of your disease?你对治疗有信心吗?With your careful treatment,Im sure I can make a quick r

15、ecovery.有您的精心治疗,我相信我能很快康复。三、Admission to a hospital 住院1、Excuse me.Id like to know where I should go for the admission procedures.请问在哪儿办理住院手术?In the inpatient department.Its not in the building.Its in the opposite building.在住院部办理。住院部不在本楼,在对面楼里。2、May I go through the admission procedures?可以办理住院手续吗?Yes

16、,please show me your inpatient appointment card.可以,请出示你的住院证。3、What shall I do next?下一步我应该怎么做?You have to fill in this form carefully and Ill make you a recard of hospitalization.你仔细填写这张表格,我好给你建个住院病例。4、Can I be admitted now or later?你现在住院还是过一会儿?Not now,Im afraid.There is no bed available now.恐怕现在不行。现

17、在没有空床位。5、When can I get a bed?什么时候有床位?A patient will be discharged at noon, so you may be admitted this afernoon.中午有位病人出院,所以你只能下午来住院。6、Thats great. To be honest,Im not prepared.太好了,说老实话,我还没准备好。please come this afternoon and not later than 4:00 p.m.You are in ward 8.请下午来,不要超过4点。你在8号病房。7、Ive never bee

18、n in a hospital,so Im a litter scared.这是我第一次住院,所以我有点害怕。Dont worry about it.I hope youll feel at home here.别担心。希望你在这儿不要感到拘束。8、What daily articles should I bring along?我需要带些什么日常用品?Youd better bring toothbrush,toothpaste,comb,slippers,and towels.你要带牙刷、牙膏、梳子、拖鞋和毛巾。9、What else should I bring?我还要带什么吗?No m

19、ore.There are quilt,bed sheet and hospital pajama in the ward.不用了。病房里备有被子,床单和病服。10、Could you tell me the visiting hours?您能告诉我探视时间的规定吗?The visiting hours are from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.探视时间是从下午3点至8点。11、Are there any beds available now?Ive got registered this morning.有空床位了吗?我今天早晨已经办好手续。Yes,please follow me

20、.Lets go to your ward.有的,请跟我来。我们去你住的病房吧。12、Is this my bed?这是我的床位吗?Yes.Look,the panel on the head of the bed is equipped with a nurse=-call system.是。瞧,床头墙上的控制板上装有呼叫护士的装置。13、Whats the use of it?这个装置有什么用?If you have something emergent,please press the button by the beside. A nurse will come as soon as

21、possible.如有什么紧急事情,请按床头边的按钮,护士会立即赶来。14、When will the morning ward round begin?早上查房什么时候开始?The ward round and treatment start at 8:00 a.m. every morning.每天早上8点开始查房和治疗。15、Will the nurse watch the patients at night?护士晚上也观察病人吗?Yes,the nurse on duty makes two rounds of the wards during the night.值班护士每夜查两次房

22、。一、hospital 医院1、what is the purpose of a hospital?医院的目的是什么?A hospital is an institution in which sick or injured persons are given medical or surgical treatment.医院时给患病者或受伤者进行药物或手术治疗的机构。2、What are the two main parts of a hospital?医院的两大部门是什么?They are the outpatient and the inpatient department.它们是门诊部和

23、住院部。3、What are the clinical departments in providing medical services?在提供医疗服务方面有哪些临床科室?There are the department of internal medicine,department of surgery,department of obstetrics and gynecology,department of pediatrics and so on.有内科、外科、妇产科、小儿科等。4、which medical department is the best known?哪个医疗科室最有名

24、?The medical department that is the best known is probably surgery.最有名的医疗科室或许要算外科了。5、What is the duty of doctors in this division?这个部门医生的职责是什么?The doctors in this division are alse called surgeons who perform operations on patients when they are needed.这个部门的医生也叫外科医生,他们给那些需要手术的病人施行手术。6、What about the

25、 doctors in the internal medicine department?那么内科的医生又是干什么的呢?They are often called physicians and treat patients mainly with medcines.他们常常被称为内科医生,主要用药物治疗病人。7、Are there any additional supporting units in a hospital?医院是否有一些另外的辅助单位呢?Yes,there are paramedical units,such as pharmacy,laboratory, blood bank

26、,renal dialyss section,CT room and magnetic resonance imaging section (MRI).是。医院还有一些辅助科室,例如药房、化疗室、血库、肾透析室、CT和磁共振室。8、What are function of radiological and imaging techniques?放射技术和影像技术的功能是什么?With the assistance of radiological and imaging techniques,bones and inner organs of the body are photographed.

27、在放射和影像技术的帮助下,可拍照人体的骨头和内部器官。9、Do the paramedical units have modern equipment?相关辅助科室拥有现代化设备吗?Surely.They make the greatest use of technique equipment in the hospital.的确有。他们利用医院的技术设备最为充分。10、Are advance in medical science related to the medical services of a hospital?医学科学的进展与医院的医疗服务有关吗?Yes,of course.Adv

28、ances in science have greatly increased the quality of medical care available to hospital patients.当然。医学科学的进展极大地提高了对医院患者治疗的质量。11、Could you describe the medical staff of a hospital?您能说一说医院的医疗人员吗?The doctors form the core of the medical force in a hospital.They are at four levels:chief physicians,asso

29、ciate chief physicians,attending(visiting) physicians and resident.医生是医院医疗治疗力量的核心。他们有四个级别:主任医师、副主任医师、主治医师和住院医师。12、How about the nurses?护士的情况怎样?Doctors could not provide effective medical care to their patients without the help of nurses and technicians. As a rule, there are more nurses than doctors

30、in a hospital.没有护士和技术人员的辅助,医生不可能给病人提供有效的医疗。一般来说,医院里护士的数量多于医生。13、Is there any change in the nursing education?护士教育有什么变化吗?Yes. In the past most nurses were graduated from secondary nursing schools, but now nurses are required to receive higher education so as to master an adequate theoretical knowledg

31、e and undergo more specialized training.有。过去大多数护士系从中级护校毕业,而现在的护士要求接受高等教育以便掌握足够的理论知识和进行更多的专业训练。14、Are there many different kins of hospital?医院有不同的种类吗?Yes,in addition to the general ( or comprehensive) hospitals, there are various kinds of specialized hospitals.是。除综合医院外,还有各种专科的医院。15、Could you give som

32、e examples?您能举些例子吗?Surely. For example ,large cities alse have hospitals of traditional Chinese medcine,childrens hospitals, infection hospitals,tumor hospitals,tuberculosis hospitals, and some even with psychiatric hospitals,leprosy hospitals and plastic surgery hospitals.可以。例如大城市医院往往还有中医院、儿童医院、传染病

33、医院、肿瘤医院、结核医院,有些城市还有精神病院、麻风病院和整形外科医院。16、What is a teaching hospital?教学医院是什么?Its a hospital affiliated to a medical university or college for the purpose of teaching. Medical students go there for clinical practice before graduation.它是附属于医科大学或医学院作为教学的医院。医学生在毕业前都要到哪里去进行临床实习。17、How many teaching hospitals does a medical university have?一个医科大学有多少教学医院?It usually has two or three teaching hospitals.Some may have even more.通常有两个到三个。有的甚至更多。2008考博英语辅导班全套资料报名预定,详情请登录 http:/ 或直接与我联系


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