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1、 北师大版小学英语各年级知识点汇总 54、What do you do on Monday?你星期一干什么?我去公园。今天星期几?今天是星期五read-reads watch-watches1.I (have) English class today.He (has) English class today.3.I (go) to school every dayl.Mocy (goes) to school on Monday.精品文档2.What (do) you do on Monday?What (does) he do on Monday? Monday Tuesday Wednes

2、day ThursdayFriday Saturday Sunday dayweek every diary tomorrow class swimmingshopping visit holidaygo play learn4.go to the park(去公园) 5.go to the bank(去银行)(小提琴课)ow ou /au/精品文档 I ts time for.时间表达方法four five six seven精品文档 1.Go home ( 回家)2.visit the doctor(看医生)3.take the cat to the vet (带着猫去看宠物医生)4.vi

3、sit grandpa in the hospital(在医院看祖父)5.dads birthday party(父亲的生日聚会)6.write my diary (写我的日记)音标/oi/精品文档 例:He is having breakfadt. (他正在吃早饭)He/She often goes to the store.5、读背 30 页对话,并默写。小黑板上对话读背及默写。(他/她经常去商店。)语法:频度副词用法,复习现在进行时。do /does 的用法 does 用在第三人称单数前其他人都用 domorning afternoon evening when get up eat s

4、leep after精品文档 词组: at night(在夜晚) at home (在家) get home (到家) at 7:00 oclock(在七点)get up(起床) go to bed(上床睡觉)have/eat breakfast/lunch/dinner (吃早饭/午饭/晚饭)in the morning/afternoon/eveningswimming pool(游泳池)Morning short nor more lordlot not hot got dot精品文档 (让我们读一本书)(让我们看电视)Shall we go swimming?(我们去游泳怎么样?)Sh

5、all we go to a movie? (我们去看电影怎么样?)(我们乘公共汽车怎么样?)8、Its free.(他是免费的).Its 30 yuan.精品文档 Shall weair fair pair chair repairwear swear care dare share精品文档 Its going to be a fine/ cold/ hot/ windy/ rainy day.Its going to be sunny.She/He is going to Im/ W ere going to Whats the weather like? Its windy.语法知识:能

6、够初步了解一般过去时态的用法及动词 has, have, be(am , is ,are)的过去式 had, was, were语音知识:了解字母 r, l 在单词中的发音,并能区分他们发音的不同;didnt eat.put see sit window精品文档 How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.Theyre spring, summer, autumn and winter.Whats the date today? Its October 5th.He is 147 centimeters tall.语法知识:能够熟悉形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则并初步运用语音知识:能准确地读出字母 a, e 在重读闭音节中的发音;精品文档 She wanted to see a movieWords: mine yours his hers theirs ours backpack suitcase getThis book is the most exciting.精品文档 Show /Pass/ Give me the cookbook.精品文档


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