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1、Why is English so difficult to learn?http:/ am a Chinese undergraduate student who wants to study Physics in the U.S. in the future. I began to learn English when I was 13(Im 21 now)and I read English book everyday. But I dont have any foreign(native English-speaking)friends, I have nobody to commun

2、icate with when I want to practise oral or listening skill of English. I must admit that learning English is a very difficult and frustrating thing for most Chinese students. Maybe its easy for European and Indian students. But the language & culture of far oriental countries(China,Korea and Japan)a

3、re very very very DIFFERENT from European and American countries.(China,Korea,Japan and Vietnam have been affected by ancient Chinese culture for more than 2,000 years. Instead,western countries were influenced by Latin Language and ancient Greek,Roman culture) Nobody speaks English in China in dail

4、y life. Most students of Chinese high schools and universities dont like English(very few like it,such as me),the only power to make them insist on English learning is examination. English is compulsory course in all schools(even in kindergartens!) of China.If you want to go to university you must g

5、et a high score in theCollege Entrance Examination which includes English test. In universities of China everyone has to take part in the CET4 and CET6(College English Test(Class 4/6), because a high score in these tests is helpful for seeking a good,well-payed job after graduation,inspite of the fa

6、ct that most people wont use English in their daily work.So Chinese students have to make an effort to master English. But its really frustrating. I read English text daily, but I still forget English words everyday! The amount of common daily words of English is FAR more than Chinese language. I me

7、morize and forget English words everyday. Sometimes I even forget the most frequently-used English words which I have learned in high school.Listening is another difficulty for most Chinese students. English teachers recommand us to listen to BBC or VOA radio. In fact its quite easy to get English l

8、istening-training tapes, CDs, VCDs and MP3 files in China, Hollywood movie DVDs are everywhere. But most of us cant catch the words in the conversations of them(tapes). We(most Chinese students) think that those native speakers speak too fast, so their English sounds like a kind of alien language(on

9、e guy saysits Mars language, not Earth one). Although its a simple conversation, we cant understand most part of it(There is no unknown/new word in the conversation, but Im still unable to understand what they say). So Im extremely nervous when I encounter an American now.Why is English so difficult

10、 to learn? Dear American friends, I need your help.Answers:Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:Ive not had any first hand experience in China, but have heard a lot of stories from people that have taught there. I teach in Taiwan and a lot of the reasons you might be having trouble are similar to reasons s

11、tudents here have trouble. Let me talk about my experience here in Taiwan and see if it fits.One of the biggest challenges you face is that English grammar is so much more complicated than Chinese grammar. At least in Mandarin Chinese, there is no conjugation of the verb. For example, when we think

12、about a sentence in English, there are two things that change the verb we use: The subject of the sentence and the tense (or when it happened). In Chinese, we can translate word for word and say, I go to the store yesterday. In English, the fact that it happened yesterday changes the verb to went. T

13、hats a hard concept to really make natural in a country where the language system that does not naturally do that.There are also no articles, so you dont use a, an, and the in the Chinese language. I have students, even advanced levels, still write, I went to store rather than I went to the store. T

14、he biggest challenge I face here in Taiwan is the testing system that the kids have to go through. The tests actually make it harder to learn. Most teachers in the west view learning in 6 different ways that build on each other. For example, if we read a story, the teacher will guide the student thr

15、ough the following:1) Knowledge/Remembering. Can the student remember the basic information of the story as well as some details?2) Understanding - Can the student describe and explain the story well?3) Apply - Can the student apply the knowledge from this story and relate it to other ideas or conce

16、pts?4) Analyze - Can the student analyze relationships between ideas?5) Evaluate - Can the student make judgements about the story and support them from details of the story?6) Create - Can the student use the information to create something new or change something that already exists into something

17、 better?What happens in Taiwan is that most schools that teach English focus on the first two levels. They ignore the rest and, as a result, make English something that is used more as a means to pass a test than a way to communicate effectively with people.Another thing that has happened here is ev

18、eryone has ignored the development of a language in the student. They seek, for example, to have a spelling test on students that should be working on inventive spelling. (For example, it is much more important that an early language learner spell out the sentence, The giraffe has a long neck by wri

19、ting it out, The jeraff has a lawn nek. These steps in literacy are often skipped in the system here because the focus is not on creating something, but on getting the right answer. This is true of the questions we ask students in stories. When that happens, a foreign language is viewed as more a wa

20、y to have the right and wrong answer to a question than it is to communicate.This also leads over into the listening aspect. Youve likely been trained to listen to get an exact idea of what the speaker is saying rather than listening to get the overall idea and learn to pick out key words and guess

21、at the meaning. This leads, again, to a problem you stated. Now youre nervous when you meet a new foreigner that you dont know. Youre worried they wont understand you. If youre worried, youre less likely to talk. If youre less likely to talk, then youwont talk as much and your English ability will g

22、o down quickly.The final factor for English being taught so poorly here has to do with the people teaching it. Generally speaking, English is taught mainly through school programs run by people that have no experience teaching English. They hire a foreigner who is just out of college and put them in

23、to a situation where they have not been trained to teach anything with a curriculum designed by someone that has never taught English. The larger schools in Taiwan are able to train their teachers. The smaller schools simply hand the teacher a book and tell them what pages theyll be teaching. The te

24、achers coming over might mean well and have the best of intentions. The owners of the school might mean well. The problem is nobody at the school knows what to teach or how to do it.Again, I know were talking about two different places here, but Taiwan and China are not that different in terms of ho

25、w they run a lot of their educational systems. (At least from what I have heard). I hope this answer helps some. The important thing to remember is this: Language is about communication. Youve communicated your ideas perfectly here, so youre in a much better position to use the language than someone

26、 that simply got a better score on a test.Source(s):I have been teaching in Taiwan for 3 years and have taught for 8 years. My current job also involves taking what educational research tells us and applying it to developing a better teacher training program in Taiwan.Other Answers:(4)1. It might de

27、pend on your native language. If someone speaks English, they can learn German easier than a language that uses a different alphabet.2. Why? Well, it just is. There is nothing anyone can do.3. Its an English person you need to help you ,not an American.No wonder you are confused.Our English language

28、 has many different accents which can be hard to pick up.Americans tend to speak much slower but have a different usage of basic English words, and misuse a lot of them as well, so its harder to learn.Listen to BBC.Its the best English you will get .4. Hello Neo,I am very happy to see your discussio

29、n here.English is not a tough language, its depends upon your way of learning. Better to try some easy way to learn English and true pronunciation and follow those word by word and pronounce the word correctly. There are so many English learning kits are available on the market, you can purchase and try to practice according to that.I have gone through the English Learning Kit from a website and found very good for all age groups for learning English. Please go through the link to know about the Online English Learning Kit.Thanks,Source(s):http:/


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