魔鬼辞典freakish phrases.doc

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1、Week 1Ice makerDefinition: the opposite of ice breaker. Something you do that makes it super awkward, right after meeting someone.Dan: Hey, youre in my spanish class right? Im Dan.Christine: Oh yeah, Im Christine. We should totally hang out some time.Tony (butting in): Dude DAN we gotta go over to m

2、y place, were gonna have a huge orgy with these Brazilian quadruplets.Dan: Uh.(Tony has introduced an ice maker.)Foad pizza Definition: a dead animal in the roadLooks like those crows were after the road pizza.Attachment disorder Definition: When a person forgets to attach a document to an e-mail af

3、ter explicitly stating that it is present.Erin: RE: Look at this picture!Message: You did not attach that picture on your last e-mail.Jeremy: Re: RE: Look at this picture!Message: I always forget to attach the picture before I hit send. I must have an attachment disorder.Disneyfication Definition: T

4、he act of taming the world to make it all safe, clean, and completely simlar to a theme park.To remove the sharp edges and darkness that is life.NYC suffered from disneyfication under Rudy, and now is as boring as any small town USAWeek 2Shoulder surfing Definition: To look over the shoulder(s) of a

5、 person with whom you are currently engaged in conversation to see if you can find someone better to talk to.Connotes a lack of interest in the current interlocutor and/or in what they are currently saying, and displays a desire to, if possible, upgrade to someone better (e.g. of higher social statu

6、s, better looks, etc.).While engaged in a conversation with a person at a party, you could be accused of (or at least suspected to be) shoulder surfing if you look over his/her shoulder(s) to check out who else is in attendance.Word out Definition: to mark the end of a conversation and your departur

7、e. opposite of word upDude, I gotta run, word outFacebookable Definition: Content is considered appropriate enough to be viewed by the general public of the facebook community i.e friends/significant others/family/coworkers without having to worry about explaining a sketchy situationYou know it was

8、a good night when only 3 out of 152 pics are facebookableBackseat surfer Definition: Anyone who stands over your shoulder as you use the internet, directing your internet(s) navigationNo, I dont want to check out this totally amazing video on youtube. Stop being a backseat surfer douche bag.Week 3Re

9、frigerator blindness Definition: Selective loss of visual acuity in association with common foraging of the refrigerator. Predominantly seen in children and males.Honey, wheres the orange juice?Are you blind? Second shelf on the right!Googleganger Definition: Similar to that of a doppleganger, it is

10、 another individual with the same name as you whose records and/or stories are mixed in with your own when you Google yourself.Hey, I just googled my name and found that I have three googlegangers!OCT Definition: On Company Time. The place where most Americans pay their bills, catch up with loved on

11、es via e-mail, make weekend plans, purchase plane tickets and e-bay items, and spend most of their restroom time during the day.Im tired of talking to people when I get home at night. Thats why I made plans for the weekend on company time.Vajority Definition: The majority of women.The vajority will

12、vote for Hillary in 2008.Monthiversary Definition: Similar to anniversary, but ccurring every month. For people who are overzealous about a new relationship.Cara and Sloopys monthiversary is January 5, 2008.Week 4Game or lame Definition: The unofficial replacement for in or out when asking a friend

13、if they are up for doing something or if they are not up for doing that something. Game represents those who are spontaneous and exciting. Lame represents those who are unadventurous and boring.Were going to run rampant through the bars downtown. Are you game or lame?Mall hangover Definition: the he

14、adache, tiredness and sometimes nausea one gets after going to the mall.I was at the mall for like five hours and when I got home I had a major mall hangover.Christmas Adam Definition: The day before Christmas Eve. Since Adam was created before Eve, and the need to be equitable in the holiday season

15、, Christmas Adam creates further anticipation of Christmas Day.When is your family coming to our place?On Christmas Adam and leaving New Years Day.Christmas Adam is the last chance to prepare for the Christmas Eve party.Friends Definition: people who are aware of how retarded you are and still manag

16、e to be seen in public with you. people who make you laugh till you pee your pants. people who cry for you when one of your special items disappear. when you dont have enough money to get a ice cream, they chip in. knows all of your internet passwords. who would never make you cry just to be mean.I

17、think I have a lot of friends that would fit this perfectly.Week 5First name basis Definition: When you know someone well enough that you call them by their first name.I had known Mrs. Jones so long I always called her Martha. We are on a first name basis.No name basis Definition: When you become so

18、 comfortable with someone that you no longer even refer to them by their first name. I.e. being beyond first name basis.Man: Honey, Im home!Woman: Hey baby, how was your day?Man: It was great sweetheart.Woman: Whats my name?Man: Ummmmmmmmm. sweetheart?Woman: What, are we on no name basis now?Holidaz

19、e Definition: term that defines the feelings of confusion and excitement people have between thanksgiving and christmas; the blur one feels after/during shopping for gifts in crowded retail stores with heavy holiday trafficFinley sat on the couch in a holidaze, after a day of hectic Christmas shoppi

20、ng on Black Friday.Black Friday Definition: The day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. Its traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year (and sometimes considered to be the beginning of the Christmas season). A.K.A.: Green FridayIm holding out on buying my Christmas gifts this year until black frid

21、ay rolls around, so I can get the best deals.Week 6Facebook limbo Definition: The electronic space between accepting and rejecting a facebook friendship. In facebook limbo, the user fails to accept or reject friend requests from would-be facebook friends from a variety of sources (e.g., random annoy

22、ing classmates, despised work associates, ex-girlfriends, etc), because the user is uncertain if he or she will have to interact with these individuals in the future.(At the bar)Jim: How about that new kid, Ryan. Hes so cool.Thom: I dunno man, he already tried to facebook me, wtf?Jim: So?Thom: So Im

23、 leaving him in facebook limbo, I dont want him mouth-watering over pictures of my drunk girlfriend.(At the lunchroom)Alexs Stalker Ex: Why didnt you add me to your friends on facebook? I friend requested you last week! I thought we were friends now! How come every day when I go through your whole l

24、ist of friends Im not on there?Alex: Baby, its okay, I just havent had a chance to approve you.Voluntold Definition: The exact opposite of volunteering. Always used in reference to an unpleasant task to which you have been assigned by your boss.Example 1:Co-worker 1: I hear you got a transfer.Co-wor

25、ker 2: Yeah. I didnt want to, but I was voluntold.Example 2:Co-worker 1: You want to go fishing Saturday?Co-worker 2: I cant, I got voluntold I have to work this weekend.Compunicate Definition: When you are in the same room with someone, each on seperate computers, and you talk via Instant Messenger

26、 instead of speaking to them out loud, in personEven though they are sitting right next to each other, Jesse and Justin only compunicate when they have to tell each other something.Week 7Ice Definition: diamondsI keep my girlfriend flooded with ice.One-upper Definition: A one-upper who always has to

27、 be bigger or better than you. If your uncle has 20 ft. boat, his uncle or cousin has 21 ft. boat. A one-upper never loses in the world of story-telling.Chris is a nice guy, but hes a big one-upper. He always follows my stories with a better one!Mental constipation Definition: An inability to articu

28、late ones thoughts or ideas, resulting in significant psychological distress and frustration.Typically, this form of cognitive impaction is self-resolving. However, in cases where productive interchange with the afflicted is urgently needed, a deadline may be administered; indeed, this has proven to

29、 be one of the most effective treatments for stubborn cases of mental constipation.Mark: So, you know, its like. uh, er. damn, you know, that, uh. thing!Dave: Yeesh. Its too bad that they dont make a laxative for mental constipation!Dine and dash Definition: The action to go in a restaurant, sit at

30、a table, order whatever you want, eat and then leave quick without paying.Johnnay: Yesterday I went to this fancy ass restaurant, ordered a 200$ meal with the best wine out there and when the waitress turned around I left in a second! hahahahaha!Bobby: HAHAHA, I see you busted a dine and dash again!

31、Johnnay: THATS RIGHT!Week 8Clark Kent job Definition: your day job, or a job that help pays the bills but its not what you really want to do.whats your clark kent job?Fake take Definition: Pretending to enter and store someones phone number into your mobile phone after they generously offer up their

32、 phone number and say Take my number and give me a call sometimeJeff: Why did you take that losers number and tell him youll call him?Chris: Dont worry dude, it was a fake takePhone Grope Definition: Grabbing at pockets, patting yourself down to make sure you have your cell phone and dont need to tu

33、rn around and go back home for it. This behaviour tends to be heightened in people who also have a habit of going back to check the locks on the doors several times before leaving home.Dude, stop that.What?Quit the phone grope. Youre always grabbing at your pockets as soon as were on the road. Didnt

34、 you remember your cell?Cinematard Definition: One who is completely lacking movie knowledge.Heather - Hey Greta, wanna see that new Tom Hanks movie, Mission Difficult II?Greta - Um you mean the new Tom CRUISE movie, Mission Impossible III? Girl, you are a real cinematard!Week 9Hollywood marriage De

35、finition: A measure of time equal to approximately one month.Stupid celebrity watcher 1: OMG LOL DID U HEER DREW BARRYMORE DIVORCED TOM GREENStupid celebrity watcher 2: NO WAIMyself: Apparently, its a sport watching these hollywood marriages.Dotcomrade Definition: An Internet acquaintance; someone y

36、ou chat with but have never actually met.So whos this NrdPowr32 guy?I dunno. Just a dotcomrade of mine.Anchor Definition: A person who can slow down an entire group.A person who requires constant help or attention from some one else.What an anchor! She helled up an entire line at the check out for n

37、o reason.That gut is such an anchor. He made us all wait half an hour so he could go kill a badger.I do not want to bring Dave any where. He is such an anchor. A short trip takes all day with him.Pizza tumor Definition: A large burned air bubble that sometimes forms in the crust of a pizza, renderin

38、g the slice that contains it significantly less appealing.Customer: Id like a slice of cheese, please.Sbarro employee: Customer: Not that one with the pizza tumor!Week 10Man Stand Definition: The act of a man standing outside a shop while his wife/girlfriend/partner shops inside. Man Standing involv

39、es looking into space, at other women, or in the case of multi story shopping centers, leaning on the railings of an upper floor watching the people below.Ive been doing the Man Stand outside New Look for an hour!Identity crash Definition: Sudden and catastrophic collapse of an individuals ability t

40、o keep all the threads of his or her online identity straight when the individual joins one too many social networks.I was ok keeping up with Facebook, Flickr, and Myspace, but after throwing lawlink, Last.fm, and Orkut into the mix, I had a total identity crash and forgot what went where.Nillionair

41、e Definition: Person without any money of their own.He looks rich but its all borrowed and his bank account is nil, hes a nillionaire.Everythings in his wifes name, hes just a nillionaire.Elevision Definition: The act of people in an elevator staring up, uncomfortably, at the numbers as they light u

42、p when the car moves. Practiced out of nervousness.When the elevator began moving, silence ensued as each person practiced their elevision.Mouse arrest Definition: Getting grounded from the family computer.Thats it, you are under mouse arrest mister! Week 11Dinner badge Definition: Dried stains of k

43、ebab juice, curry sauce or gravy all over your shirt from messy eating.Thats an impressive dinner badge youve got there. What did you eat, pizza?Nano nap Definition: An unintentional, seconds-long nap that you take most often in class or a really boring meeting. So short that usually nobody but you

44、notices.I caught myself taking a nano nap on that conference call.Voicejail Definition: The loop of options where you get stuck when trying to navigate your voice mail.I tried changing my phone greeting and I got stuck in voicejail.Ex-door Neighbor Definition: The person who used to be, but is no lo

45、nger your next door neighbor.I invited my ex-door neighbor from California; I hope you dont mind.Post-Potter depression Definition: The empty feeling that comes from finishing the seventh book in the Harry Potter series and realizing there will be no more.Lucy started reading the Golden Compass books to fight her post-Potter depression but she said she just kept waiting for Voldemort to show up.


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