精编人教版pep版五年级英语上册Unit 4 单元测试题.docx

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1、 .PEP 五年级英语上册第四单元测试题一、 根据画线部分读音相同的规律将下列单词进行分类。(12 分)zoo, feet, good, sunny, meet, window,look, cow, snow, down, windy, noodles1. too _3. yellow _5. see _二、看图,写词组。(10 分)2. book _4. sorry _6. flower _三、单项选择。(30 分)( )1. Can you play _piano? Yes, I can.A. / B. the C. a. .( )2. What can you do? I _ sing

2、English songs.A. doB. amC. can( )3. What can you do _ the party?A. for( )4. I can do_ kung fu.A. a B. any( )5. Can you sing English songs?A. I do. B. I can.( )6. I cant play _ basketball.A. a B. theB. onC. atC. some No, _.C. I cant.C. /( )7.当你想问对方“你会做什么”时,你说:_.A. What can you do? B. What do you do?

3、C. What will you do?( )8.当你想告诉对方“我会画卡通画”时,你说:_.A. I can speak English.C. I can draw cartoons.B. I can sing English songs.( )9.当你想问对方“你会不会弹琵琶”时,你说:_.A. What can you do?B. Can you play the pipa?C. Can you play the piano?( )10.当你想告诉对方“下周二我们将会进行英语派对”时,你说:_.A. We will have an English party next Tuesday.B

4、. We have an English party on Tuesday. .C. We will have a party next Tuesday.四、排列下列句子,使之成为一段通顺的对话。(8 分)( )A. What can you do?( )B. Great! Can you use a computer?( )C. I can play the pipa.( )D. Yes, I can.五、从方框中选择恰当的词填空。(10 分)Who draw Can do for1. What can you do2. I canthe English party?do some kung

5、 fu.3.you clean the classroom?pictures.4. Mike can5. can dance? Wu Yifan can.六、按要求完成下列句子。(15 分)1. Can you do any kung fu? (做否定回答)_2. What can you do, Chen Jie? (打篮球)_. .3. Sarah, cook, cant (.) (连词成句)4. Robot can speak English. (英译汉)_5. Can you use a computer? (用肯定回答)_七、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(15 分)Hello,

6、boys and girls. I m a robot. My name is Robin. I m not tall butIm clever. Im your good friend. I can see with my eyes. I can hear with myears. I can speak English and Chinese. I can sing English songs for you. Ican cook for you. I can clean the room for you. I can do some kung fu, but Icant swim. I cant play basketball. Would you like to be my friend?( ) 1. Robin can cook.( ) 2. Robin is clever but he isnt tall.( ) 3. Robin cant speak English.( ) 4. Robin can speak Chinese.( ) 5. Robin cant do any kung fu. .


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