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1、 After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced_1_for a few days, I was_2_to wait tables on my own. All went_3_that first week. When Saturday night came,I was luckily_4_the tables not far from the kitchen,_5_, I still felt it a little hard to carry

2、 the heavy trays . Before I knew i t, the_6_was full of people. I moved slowly ,_7_every step. I remember how_8_I was whenI saw the tray stand near the tables, it looked different from the one I was_9_on. It had nice handles, which made it_10_to move around. I was pleased with everything and beganto

3、_11_I was a natural at this job. Then, an old man came to me and said, “Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved_12_you work. It seems your tray stand has been very_13_to you, but we are getting ready to_14_now, and my wife needs her_15_back. ”At first his_16_did not get across.“What was he talking abou

4、t!” Then I got it. I had set my trays on his wifes orthopedic walker . I stood frozen as ice, but my face was_17_ I wanted to get into a hole and_18_.Since then, I have learned from many mistakes such as the one I just_19_. I have learned to be more_20_and not to be too sure of myself.1. A. manager2

5、. A. promised3. A. wellB. assistantB. invitedB. quicklyB. givenC. cookD. waitressD. advisedD. wrongD. shownD. finallyD. tableC. allowedC. safelyC. broughtC. otherwiseC. restaurantC. takingC. sad4. A. left5. A. therefore6. A. kitchen7. A. minding8. A. angry9. A. fixedB. howeverB. streetB. changingB.

6、calmD. savingD. happyD. waitedD. easierD. pretendD. havingD. interestingD. leaveB. trainedB. lighterB. agreeC. loadedC. quieterC. regret10. A. slower11. A. believe12. A. letting13. A. useful14. A. restB. makingB. familiarB. orderC. watchingC. unusualC. eat15. A. bagB. walkerB. praiseC. trayD. coat16

7、. A. ideaC. messageC. paleD. need17. A. coldB. full of joyB. hideD. on fireD. stay18. A. lieC. defendC. corrected19. A. repeated20. A. carefulB. discoveredB. patientD. describedC. honest D. practical D. practical 【答案与解析】作者在餐馆工作时,误把别人的助步器当成托盘架使用,这一错误让作者认识到:做事要更细心,不要过于相信自己。1. D。由于刚开始在餐馆里当服务员,所以应先与一个有经

8、验的服务员一起工作。2. C。这里指的是 “我”跟着有经验的服务员工作几天后,就可以单独招待客人了。be allowed to do sth 意为“被准许做某事”。3. A。根据下文可知,作者在工作中遇到了一些状况,与之相对,这里是指 “在最初的一个星期里我的工作很顺利”。4. B。上文中说到作者可以单独招待客人了,这里指的是作者分配到的餐桌离厨房较近,故用 given。5. B。根据空格后面的句子 I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays可推知,虽然作者负责的餐桌离厨房较近,但她端着那些沉重的装菜的托盘仍然觉得有点吃力,所以

9、空格前后句之间是转折关系,故用 however。6. C。因为作者是在餐馆工作,所以这里应该是指“餐馆”(restaurant)里坐满了客人。7. A。根据空格前面的 I moved slowly 以及作者前面提到的她端着托盘有点吃力,可推知这里指的是作者每走一步都很小心,即 mind every step。8. D。由于托盘架可减轻劳动强度,作者当然感到高兴。9. B。这里说的是作者看见的托盘架与她平时练习所使用的托盘架不同。即她觉得这个托盘架比通常用的托盘架更好,这从下文可以看出。10. D。根据空格前面的 It had nice handles 以及空格后面的.to move aroun

10、d 可推知此句话的意思是:因为托盘架装有手柄,所以推起来更容易一些。11. A。根据上下文语境可知,这里说的是作者使用托盘架很顺手、很满意,并开始觉得自己天生就是当服务员的好手。12. C。根据下文的 It seems your tray stand has been.可知,这位老人与他的妻子看着作者工作已有一会儿了,故此处用 watch,表示“观看”。13. A。因为上文提到作者使用这个“托盘架”很顺手,所以此处老人的意思是:看来这个“托盘架”对你很有用呀!14. D。根据后文可知,作者误把老人妻子的助步器当成托盘架使用了。这里是指老人和他妻子用餐完毕,准备离开餐馆,向作者要回助步器。15.

11、 B。参见上面第 14 题的解析。16. C。根据空格后面的 What was he talking about 可知,作者一开始并没有明白老人话中的意思。17. D。根据空格前面的 frozen as ice 以及 but 可知,此处要填入一个与 ice 相对的词,再根据语境,作者把老人妻子的助步器当成了托盘架,当她意识到这一点的时候,自然会因尴尬而脸红,故答案选 D。18. B。根据空格前面的.to get into a hole 可推知,作者当时觉得很尴尬,恨不得有个洞可以躲进去,故答案选 B。19. D。因本文主要是描述作者在餐馆当服务员时所犯的一个尴尬错误,故答案选D。20. A。根

12、据上下文语境,作者因为大意而误把别人的助步器当成了托盘架,但她也学到了一条经验:做事要更细心,不要过于相信自己。 In 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the middle of complete damage and disorder, a father rushed to the school where his sonwas supposed to be, _1_ that the building was _

13、2_.After the unforgettably shock, he _3_ the promise he had made to his son: No matter _4_, Ill always be there for you! And tears began to _5_ his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his _6_ to his son. He rushed there and started _7_ the ruins.As he

14、 was digging, other helpless parents arrived, _8_: Its too late! Theyre all dead! _9_, face reality, theres nothing you can do! To each parent he responded with _10_: Are yougoing to help me now? No one helped. And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.Courageously he went on alone be

15、cause he needed to know _11_: Is my boy _12_ or is he dead? He dug for eight hours.12 hours.24 hours.36 hours.then, in _13_ hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his sons _14_. He screamed his sons name, ARMAND!He heard back, Dad!?! Its me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them

16、 that if you werealive, you _15_ me and _16_ you saved me, theyd be saved. You promised, No matterwhat happens, Ill always be there for you! You did it, Dad! Whats going on in there? the father asked.There are 14 of us _17_ _18_ 33, Dad. Were scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful yourehere. When the

17、building collapsed, it made _19_, and it saved us. Come out, boy!No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, _20_ I know youll get me! No matter what happens, Iknow youll always be there for me!1. A. only discovering B. only to discoverC. only realizingD. only to realize2. A. as flat as a pancakeB. as hi

18、gh as a mountain C. as strong as an ox D. as weak as a kitte3. A. memorized4. A. whatB. forgotC. keptD. rememberedD. whoB. what happenB. fill inC. whichC. come5. A. fillD. burst6. A. picture7. A. digging8. A. to sayB. promiseB. digging throughB. saidC. presentC. digging outC. and sayingC. Come onC.

19、one rowC. by himselfC. aliveD. encourageD. digging intoD. saying9. A. Come out10. A. one word11. A. for himself12. A. liveB. Come againB. one soundB. of himselfB. livingD. Come offD. one lineD. to himselfD. lively13. A. 38B. the 38C. 38thD. the 38thD. tone14. A. sound15. A. will save16. A. when17. A

20、. remained18. A. forB. voiceC. noiseB. would saveB. becauseB. missingB. behindC. saveD. would have savedD. thoughC. even ifC. leftD. goneC. out ofC. roomD. over19. A. a promise20. A. becauseB. spaceD. a triangleD. even thoughB. thoughC. when 本文是一篇故事情节较强的记叙文。文章讲述了“父亲如何履行自己曾对儿子许下的诺言”,故事生动、感人,极富吸引力。解题指

21、导:1. B only to do sth.“结果却,不料”,作结果状语,表示该结果在主语的预料之外;现在分词作结果状语,表示由主句所产生的逻辑上的结果。realize 在脑海里经过思维“认识到,了解”;find 在表面上就能“发现,看出”。2. A 这 四 个 选 项 都 是 英 语 成 语 , 根 据 本 段 第 一 句an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America判断,选择 A 项。3. D 从意义上判断,“他想起了他曾对他儿子许下的诺言”;memorized 是“背诵,熟记”。4. A 从结构上分析,该句是省略了谓语动词的省略句,省略谓语之后,意义

22、仍然清楚,如不省略动词,则使用第三人称单数 happens。从意义上分析,可排除 C、D 项。5. A 表示“流泪”,这几个动词都可能表示这种意义,但句式搭配不同,其表现形式分别为 Tears fill his eyes;Tears come into his eyes;He bursts into tears。6. B 从上下文意义判断,“他不停地想起他对他儿子许下的诺言”。7. B 动词和动词短语是完形填空设项的重点之一。此题要分清这四项的不同含义。dig及物动词,“掘(土),挖”;dig through“(为找)在里挖掘”;dig out “发掘出” dig into“钻研”。8. D

23、从结构上分析,应该用现在分词作伴随状语,用and 则表示并列,用 said。9. C Come on 表示劝说,不耐烦,意为“得啦!,来!”,可用 Come, Come,代替。10. D 从词义上判断 one line“一句话(台词)”,A 项中的 one word 干扰性较大,它表示“一个词”,如用 words 是正确的。11. A “介词+反身代词”有固定含义,for oneself 独自地,亲自;by oneself 单独地;of oneself 自行地,自动地;to oneself 对(着)自己。12. C 这四个词都有“活着的”之意,live 仅用作定语,作表语用 living ,a

24、live 。living和 alive 在意义上有细微差别,living 可作定语和表语,含有“本以为死了,然而还活着”,又如:I cant believe my first teacher is still living。alive 作表语和后置定语,其含义与 dead相对应。lively“生动的,活跃的”。13. D “在第 38 小时的时候,”,序数词之前要用定冠词。14. B 注意这四个词的区别:sound (“ 各种)声音”;voice “(人们说话的)嗓音” noise(“ 不悦耳的)嘈音”;tone“(人们说话的)语气,语调”。15. B 这是表将来的虚拟语气,主句中用would

25、 +动词原形,从下文的句子中也能找到类似的句子。16. A 从意义上判断,“如果你来救我,他们也会得救。”是条件状语从句,应该用 if 引导,然而选项中没有if,when 与 if 同义,引导条件状语从句。even if 引导让步状语从句。17. C 此题包含一个固定句型:There are left. “还有剩余下来”。18. C 14 out of 33 意为:33 人中有 14 人活下来。out of “从里面”。特别注意此题中的介词与前面的 left 没有任何联系。如果没有意识到这点,极可能会选错。19. D 从 意 义 上 判 断 , “ 房 屋 倒 塌 时 , 自 然 形 成 的

26、三 角 空 隙 ” 。 而make room; make space 意为“(有意识地)为腾出空间”。20. A 从上下文意义判断,此句为原因状语从句。 My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as,“oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I cant help falling in love with him!” Or “what perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I agree1 some degree, though I som

27、etimes do want to ask them how much they 2 Beckham, apart from his appearance and how much they know about football 3 scoring goals. It seems funny that we are crazy for things, with which we are unfamiliar or 4 we are uncertain, but we all, my friends 5 I, consider this 6 . We need these pleasures

28、to brighten up our lives. But thatdoesnt amount to craziness 7 nonsense(胡闹). As an old saying 8 :“Dont judge a book by its cover.” We should not 9 anything from its appearance. We should all know, it isones good character and great contribution that 10 one astar and unforgettable. Thereforewed bette

29、r say 11 about Beckhams good looks.If we close our eyes, 12 in deep thought, we can find that the things 13 us to be in truth happy, sad or moved 14 a clear meaning. If wedont go deeper and just satisfied with superficialthings, 15 we will find that we have not really gained anything 16 our first im

30、pression has blinded and misled us, and well remain ignorant 17 we realize that and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is sign of great 18 . If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it 19 us, we will finally prove how much we

31、 have grown up, how much more sensible, mature, and intelligent we have 20 .1. A. toB. onC. inD. at2. A. learn from3. A. rather than4. A. with which5. A. notB. learnC. knowD. know aboutD. apart fromD. whichD. butB. except forB. about thatB. as well asC. exceptC. about whichC. rather than6. A. one of

32、 lifes pleasures B. pleasures of life C. one oflifes sorrow D. one of lifes regrets7. A. norB. andC. orD. or elseD. goes8. A. speaks9. A. takeB. talksC. tellsB. judgeC. acceptC. buildsC. worseC. fallingC. moveC. includeC. in a whileC. becauseC. unlessC. effortC. worriesC. hadD. concludeD. createD. l

33、ess10. A. makes11. A. more12. A. fellB. causesB. muchB. fallenD. fall13. A. that move14. A. lack15. A. in fact16. A. soB. that movesB. haveD. movesD. coverD. sooner or laterD. althoughD. ifB. indeedB. even thoughB. althoughB. progressB. pains17. A. even if18. A. joyD. work19. A. cares20. A. comeD. m

34、indsD. becomeB. made 本文是一篇具有一定哲理和教育意义的、夹叙夹议的议论文。文章通过讲述“盲目追星”这一事例,阐明了“看问题不要只看表面,而要Go Deep注重内含”这一论点。解题指导:1.A 介词的固定搭配,“在某种程度上”。2.D know about “了解”从下文中也能找到相同的短语。3.D apart from “除外,还有”,具有“附加性质”。其他选项具有“排他性质”。从上文中也能找到相同的短语。4.C 此题为“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句,about 与 be uncertain 搭配。5.B 从上文中的 we all 判断,“不仅仅是我,还有我的朋友”。6.

35、A 从结构上判断,此句含有宾语和宾补结构,宾语为this,后用单数。从下文的意义上判断,为“生活中的乐趣之一”。7.C 否定句中用 or 连接。“不要达到疯狂和胡闹的程度”。8.D “正如俗语所说的 ”,此四个选项都有 “说”之意,然而它们都有自己的搭配,A. speaks“说语言,演讲”;B. talks “交谈”;C. tells“告诉”;如用 says 是正确的,此题中的goes 与 says 同义。9.B judgeby或 judge from“根据判断”,从上句中能找到相同的意义。10.A “是一个人好的品德和贡献才得以成为明星”。make 之后接复合宾语。11.D 从上下文意义上判

36、断,“在外貌上要少说”。12.C 从句子结构上分析,用现在分词形式作伴随状语。13.A 从句子结构上分析,此处为定语从句,that 代替先行词 things,所以谓语用复数形式,关系代词在从句中作主语,that 不能省略。14.B 此句的句子结构较复杂,主语是前面的the things ,此题要填谓语动词,由于主语和谓语之间有一个定语从句,造成了句子的复杂性。意义为“有明确的意义”。15.D 从意义上判断,“如果我们不注重内含,满足表面的东西,迟早会发现我们将一无所获”。16.C 从句子的连接上分析有“因果”关系。17.C 从意义上判断,“除非我们意识到这点并做某些改变,否则的话”。18.B

37、从意义上判断,“更注重内含是一个人进步(成熟)的象征”。19.B pains 在此为及物动词,意为“费(苦)心”,这种意义与上下文是相通的。20.D 根据句子结构判断,应该用系动词。 We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another. Then we get _36_ because our children are not old enough, and that _37_ will be well whenthey are older. Then we

38、are frust rated _38_ they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely well be _39_ when they grow out of the teen years.We tell ourselves our _40_will be better when our spouse(配偶)gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a _41_, when we finally retire. The _42_

39、is that there is no better time to be happy than _43_. If not, then when? Your life will always be full of _44_. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy_45_it all.For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start-real life.But there was always some obstacle(挫折)along the wa

40、y, an ordeal(苦难 ) to _46_, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be _47_. Then life would _48_. It finally dawned on me that that those _49_ were part of life. Little by little, that point of _50_ also helped me see that there isnt any road to happiness.Happiness is the road. So

41、, _51_ every moment. And bear in mind that _52_ waits for noone. So stop _53_ school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to _54_ ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married, before deciding to be happy.Happiness is a voyage, not a destination. There is no _55_ time to be happythan

42、NOW! Live and enjoy the moment.1. A. pleased2. A. weB. happyB. theyC. frustratedC. allD. frightenedD. nothingD. and3. A. because4. A. luckier5. A. lifeB. butC. soB. happierB. studyB. bathC. olderD. healthierD. conditionD. vacationD. thoughtD. right nowD. chancesD. up toC. childrenC. breathC. truth6.

43、 A. rest7. A. ideaB. opinionB. ever8. A. before9. A. challenges10. A. instead of11. A. meet with12. A. paidC. just thenC. awardsB. troublesB. in addition to C. in spite ofB. go aheadB. gotC. turn toC. askedC. rewardC. dutiesC. positionC. enjoyD. get throughD. printedD. appearD. opinionsD. conditionD

44、. wait13. A. endB. start14. A. achievements15. A. viewB. obstaclesB. life16. A. work17. A. happiness18. A. asking for19. A. gainB. studyB. timeC. ageD. roadB. supposingB. reduceB. betterC. waiting forC. weighC. moreD. hoping forD. enjoy20. A. worseD. less 【文章大意】本文是议论文。全文论述了在享受幸福时不要期待将来,要把握现在。1. C 联系

45、空后的内容 because our children are not old enough 我们可以,因为孩子太小,我们感到沮丧。2. C 本句的意思是“当他们大了以后,一切会好起来。 ” 本题中 A 项干扰性最大。We will be well意思是“身体好”,因此可排除。 3. A 前后为因果关系,因此选 because。4. B 联系空后的 when they grow out of the teen years 我们知道,有时我们错误地认为“孩子长大了我们就更幸福了”。5. A 联系第一段第一句我们可以得此答案。本题中 D 项大干扰性最大,全文讲述的是生活中的幸福,因此可排除。6. D 联系前后的 a nicer car 及空后的 retire 我们知道,人们常盼望有一个假


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