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1、 北京市朝阳区六年级期末测试听力部分(70 分)一、听句子,判断与图片内容是否相符。用()()表示。每个句子读两遍(10 分)1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )6. ( )7. ( )8. ( )9. ( ) 10. ( )二、听每组对话,依据对话内容给下列图片排顺序。每段对话读两遍(10 分)ABCDE11. ( )12. ( )13. ( )14. ()15. ( )三、听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍(10 分)16. Lily went to the _ last weekend.Abook shop17. Jim is good at_.Adan

2、cingBmuseumCclothes shopCskatingBsinging18. Toms uncle was born in the Year of the_.Arat BroosterCmonkey19. They are talking about_.Athe medalsBthe Olympics GamesCChinese sports men20. Sara went to work_ this morning. Aon foot四、听短文,将信息卡补充完整。(10 分)My holidayBby bikeCby bus21. Wherego:_22. Howgo: _25.

3、 Things did on Thursday: _and had a picnic五、读单词,将单词按照相同的类别分类,将其标号填写在相应的横线上。(10 分)AskirtBRatCFridayIRabbitDjeansJOxESaturdayKmoveFMondayGjacket Hsuit生肖 26. _星期 29. _服装 3 2. _27. _28. _31. _30. _33. _34. _ 35. _六、读短语看图,选择与图片相对应的短语,将其标号填写在括号里。(10 分)Aset five bowls Bline up Ca pair of leather shoes Dtoo

4、k a planeEwent to supermarket Fclean the windows Ganimal stamps Hsaw the dentistIwalked the dogJfeel sick36. ()37. ()38. ( )39. ()40. ()41.()42.()43.()44.()45.()七、读句子。选择正确的选项,将其标号填在括号里。(10 分)46. You should stop_, its bad for your body?AsmokeBsmokesCsmoking 47. I_ a letter yesterday afternoon.Asend B

5、sentCsending48. - _did you come hack from London?-Last week.AHow49. What_ they often wear to school?Adid Bare50. Amy_ born in the Year of the Rat.BWhenCWhoCdoAwas51. What are_ like?AoxBisedCwereBoxenCoxes52. _plus five hundred is one thousand.AFive hundredBFive hundredsCFifth hundredCcame53. Look! H

6、ere is NO. 7 bus_.AcomingBcomes54. There are so many people in the photo. Who is your uncle?This is my uncle. He is wearing a black suit_ a blue tie.Aand55. Did Tom_ in the sea this summer?Aswims BswamBwatchCwithCswim综合运用(30 分)八、读对话。根据所给情景。选择最佳答案。字母填在对话前的括号内。(10 分)AShe read that book last month.)BSh

7、e had to line up for everything.CShe went to the Great Wall in April.57.()BHe is wearing a blue suit with a silver tie.CHe is wearing a denim skirt. )BDid you have a cold?CWhat happened to your nose?九、阅读理解。(15 分)(一)、根据短文内容选择出最佳答案,将该选项的字母标号填入括号。(10 分)It was October 1st. It was Toms birthday. He saw a

8、 card on the table when he came backhome. It said, Theres a present for you, Tom. Look for it in your room. Tom ran into his room.His parents were watching him and smiling. On his bed, he saw a new red box. There was a cardin the box. He took it out and read, Dear Tom, Im your present. My first lett

9、er is in the word pear,but not in bear. My second letter is in tell, but not in tall, and you can find my last letter in bothorange and ink. What am I? Tom thought hard and soon smiled, Aha, I know, Mom. But whereis it? His mother told him it was in his schoolbag and he found his present in it. What

10、 is it? Doyou know?61. Toms birthday was on_.AOctober 2nd62. Tom saw a box_.Aon his bedBOctober 1stCOctober 3rdCon the chairBon the table63. What did he find in the box? _.AHe found a new pen.BHe found nothing.CHe found a card.64. The card in the box told him_.AWhat color his present was BHow much h

11、is present wasCWhat his present was65. Toms present was_.Aa letterBa penCa bag(二)根据短文内容判断正确或者错误。正确(T)。错误(F)。(5 分)John doesnt like to do his homework late at night. He likes to do it in the afternoon after hegets home from school. Johns mother, Mrs. Henry, is a teacher and she is at home after school

12、.John and his sister, Kelly, get off the bus at about three thirty.John usually spends about an hour on his homework. After that John calls his friend Zach.Zach lives next door and he is a very good student. Hes in a football team, and is usually at homebefore four oclock. The two boys play together

13、 from five oclock to six oclock. Zachs father getshome at six and Johns dad comes home at half past six. The boys know they should be at home tohave dinner with their families. And they like spending time with their fathers.66. John likes to do his homework late at night.67. Johns mother is a teache

14、r.68. John often spends half an hour on his homework.69. Zach lives next door and is a very good student.70. Zach and John dont like spending time with their fathers.十、书面表达:(5 分)根据所给的信息,仿照例文,写一篇关于Nancy 的小短文。要求:1条理清楚,意思连贯,标点正确,书写清晰规范。2要将提示信息内容体现在短文中。3短文内容不少于五句话。NameJim生肖DragonRabbitTraitsPopular and generouskind,polite and patientteachersingerNancyAugust l5thHi, my name is Jim. I was born on May 11th. I am a dragon. So I am popular and generous. I wantto be a good teacher in the future. I am happy to be a dragon. Hi, here is a friend of mine. She isNancy._


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