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1、Expansion and Progress,April 25,2010,The Westward Movement,Two frontiers The west of early United States, the region between the Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River. Texas,The Great West (Far West), stretching from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, can be subdivided into two sectio

2、ns: the territory between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains and the region between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific coast. California,Territorial Changes of U.S,Pioneers,Daniel Boone the most famous pioneer Wilderness Road: became a main route to the West for thousands of settlers Pio

3、neers included Easterners from both the North and South, and Europe. For seeking a better life, or in search of religious freedom,Indians,As white people moved westward, native Americans east of the Mississippi River suffered a great deal. “Trail of Tears”,The Age of Jackson,Andrew Jackson was a dom

4、inant figure of the early 19th century. He won fame as an Indian fighter and as a hero in the War of 1812. He was born into a poor family who lived in a log cabin. He gained support from Western farmers, frontiersmen, city laborers and craftmen.,“Jacksonian Democracy”,This term is used to describe t

5、he reforms and reform movements of the period from 1828 to 1850. He carried out the policy of equal political power for all, so by the end of the era, the United States was a more democratic nation than it had been before.,The Rise of “Common man”,President Jackson promised to end the “monopoly” of

6、government by the rich and to protect the interests of the “common man”. In order to protect the interests of the “common man”, Jackson launched a major crusade against the Second National Bank of the United States.,The Rise of Middle Class,In Jacksonian era, the majority of common men found opportu

7、nities in the relatively fluid society to achieve material success, as in those that preceded and followed it, established “middle class” respectability.,The Start of Spoil System,When Jackson became President, many wealthy Easterners held federal government offices. Jackson dismissed many of these

8、people from office, replacing them with his supporters. The spoil system is a practice where a political party, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters as a reward for working toward victory, and as an incentive to keep working for the partyas opposed to a system of awarding o

9、ffices on the basis of some measure of merit independent of political activity.,Two New Parties,Two new parties took form during the age of Jackson. Democratic Party: under the leadership of Jackson National Republicans the Whigs: those who supported John Qunicy Adams,Indian removal,the most controv

10、ersial aspect of Jacksons presidency was his policy regarding American Indians, which involved the ethnic cleansing of several Indian tribes. Many tribes and portions of tribes had been removed to Arkansas Territory and further west of the Mississippi River without the suffering and tragedies of what later became known as the Trail of Tears.,


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