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1、http:/ A4纸打印,两端对齐,行间距1.25倍页:79行间距的设置:选“格式”“段落”在“段落”的“行距”中选“多倍行距”并在其右边框内输入“1.25”。,左边距3厘米,右边距2.5厘米,上下边距2.5厘米。Promoting Dynamic Interplay between Studyand Research in ELT Practice左顶格,Times New Roman小四号,黑正体。居中,Times New Roman三号,黑正体。如有副标题,用冒号将主、副标题隔开。Wu Benhu居中,Times New Roman四号,正体。左顶格,Times New Roman小四号

2、,正体。Abstract: This paper first explores the significance of research in comparison to the other two sources of human knowledge (i.e. experience and reasoning) in the context of ELT practice in China. It then elaborates the four kinds of study: receptive study, productive study, critical study and cr

3、eative study, and proposes a practice of ever-advancing integration of various types of study with different levels of depth of information processing. It finally discusses possible relationships between study and research and suggests research-based study and study-oriented research as two potentia

4、l approaches to mutual stimulation between study and research in ELT practice in China.Key words: study; research; English language teachingTimes New Roman小四号,正体。关键词以35个为宜,中间以分号隔开左顶格,Times New Roman小四号,黑正体。居中,宋体三号,黑正体。如有副标题,另起一行,居中,前加破折号。在英语教学中力求学习与研究的相互促进居中,宋体四号,正体。吴本虎摘要: 本文首先结合中国英语教学实际探讨了研究在教学中的重大

5、作用,指出它是人类知识三大来源中最重要的一项;然后阐述了学习的四个层次,即接受性学习、运用性学习、评析性学习和创造性学习,还提出英语学习的全过程应当是一个在学习层次上包容性不断提高的实践,即能够融汇越来越多高层次学习的过程;最后讨论了学习与研究间的关系,并提出了在英语教学中实现学习研究相互促进的两种途径,即以研究为基点的学习和以学习为前导的研究。宋体小四号,正体。关键词以3-5个为宜,中间以分号隔开关键词:学习;研究;英语教学 左顶格,宋体小四号,黑正体。Contents页:80目录的生成步骤:1、在正文中对各级标题根据级别设置章节目录:先选定一个标题,然后在“样式”中选定相应级别的“标题”。

6、2、在目录页选定位置上生成论文目录:在“插入”中选“索引和目录”,再在其中选“目录”后确定即可。(注意:1、在生成目录之前,“Abstract” 和 “摘要”必须单独占一行,否则所有的摘要内容都会出现在目录中)。2、如果生成的目录中的字体、字号等跟规定不符,只要将所有目录项目选中后作相应调整即可。)页:80页眉的设置:先在“视图”中选“页眉和页脚”,然后输入论文题目,输入完了之后“关闭”。居中,Times New Roman 三号,黑正体。1. Introduction822. Three sources of knowledge822.1 Experience822.2 Reasoning8

7、32.3 Research843. Four types of study853.1 Receptive study863.2 Productive study863.3 Critical study873.4 Creative study874. Promoting dynamic interplay between study and research884.1 Some possible ways of ELT practice concerning study and research884.2 Two approaches to mutual stimulation between

8、study and research in ELT895. Conclusion89Works Cited90居中,Times New Roman三号,黑正体。如有副标题,用冒号将主、副标题隔开。Promoting Dynamic Interplay between Study and Research in ELT PracticeGuangdong University of Foreign Studies 2001 XXX章节标题或一级小标题单独占一行,左顶格,Times New Roman小四号,黑正体。居中,Times New Roman四号,正体。Tutor: Professor

9、YYY1. Introduction两端对齐,Times New Roman小四号,正体。Study and research are two of the most confusing terms used in educational settings because they can sometimes use quite interchangeably while on other occasions they may refer to something remarkably different. When we say, “Were doing a study into how m

10、uch time middle school students spend learning English”, we mean that we are doing research into this issue. However, in the sentence “After six years of study in school, he successfully entered Zhejiang University at the age of 17”, the “study” used here is generally not interpreted as “research”.N

11、owadays, it is reasonably acceptable to say that students can not only study but also research. Researchers need to study in the course of research. To be teachers, they should do some research while continuing their study of what they are teaching in further education. In order to promote English l

12、anguage teaching (ELT) in schools and colleges in China, this paper will first discuss the role of research in the acquisition of knowledge, then examine the kinds of study, and finally explore the dynamic interaction between study and research in terms of educational theory and practice in ELT sett

13、ings.2. Three sources of knowledge二级及以下各级小标题单独占一行,左顶格,Times New Roman小四号,正体。Research is one of the three major means for human beings to acquire knowledge of the environment including the natural world and our human society. The other two are “experience” and “reasoning”(Cohen and Manion 1)页:81夹注的格式

14、要求:所引文献的作者在正文中不出现的情形:根据MLA格式,“作者的姓”加上“引文出现的页码”,不加文献的出版年份。所有夹注必须跟“参考文献目录”中的文献篇目完全对应。(见MLA科研论文写作规范第212-213页。). The role of research in the acquisition of human knowledge can hardly be understood fully without being studied in connection to that of experience and reasoning. For the purpose of achieving

15、 a better understanding of research, the role of experience and reasoning will be considered before that of research.2.1 ExperienceExperience is a kind of development of personal knowledge of the world. It is regarded as an individually accumulated body of knowledge (Cohen and Manion 1). In a proble

16、m-solving situation, people tend to resort to personal experience first. However, where solutions to problems clearly lie beyond this body of personal experience, it is often helpless to resort to personal experience. In the case of foreign language learning, the learners native language often inter

17、feres with or facilitates the learning of the target language. This can be considered as a clear indication of the learners reliance on the personal experience in his or her first language. It is arguable that the personal experience is by no means reliable although it is sometimes helpful because i

18、t cannot guarantee smooth progress and success in foreign language learning.As for English language teaching, our experience of English examinations can be resorted to when we help our students prepare for the college entrance examination of English. However, it is difficult for us to resort to our

19、previous personal experience when we are facing the problem of how to motivate middle school students in communicative language teaching as many of them can hardly see any chance to communicate directly with native speakers of English.2.2 ReasoningReasoning is the act of forming conclusions, judgeme

20、nts or inferences by thinking in a logical manner. There are two basic types of reasoning: one is inductive reasoning and the other is deductive reasoning.Inductive reasoning begins with observations and evidence of empirical regularities or empirical relationships (Howard 8). This is a mental proce

21、ss from a number of specific cases to a general idea underlying them. When a learner of English comes across expressions such as “three books”, “many ships”, “two minutes”, he or she may form a hypothesis that “-s” is used to indicate the idea of “two or more”. It is not difficult to see that induct

22、ive reasoning in foreign language learning often leads to hypothesis formation.Deductive reasoning begins with basic beliefs, theories, assumptions, propositions, and so on, the validity of which is assumed and untested (Howard 8)页:82夹注的格式要求:所引文献的作者在正文中不出现的情形:根据MLA格式,“作者的姓”加上“引文出现的页码”,不加文献的出版年份。所有夹注

23、必须跟“参考文献目录”中的文献篇目完全对应。(见MLA科研论文写作规范第212-213页。). This is a mental activity from a general idea to specific cases. In foreign language learning, if we learn a grammatical rule or a word-formation rule first, then we apply it to make a sentence or to coin a new word. For example, according to the Engli

24、sh word-formation rule that the prefix “un-” and an adjective may combine to form another adjective with negative or opposite force in it: “un-” and “happy” go together to form “unhappy” with the meaning of “not happy”.There is an obvious limitation in reasoning as an activity. According to Cohen an

25、d Manion, “it reasoning was no longer related to observation and experience and became merely a mental exercise” (3).页:83夹注的格式要求:所引文献的作者在正文中出现的情形:根据MLA格式,只要列出“引文出现的页码”就可,不用加文献的出版年份,也不用再列上作者的姓。(见MLA科研论文写作规范第212-213,64页。) That is to say, the credibility of reasoning, whether inductive or deductive, wi

26、ll be questionable once reasoning is not connected to the reality. Now consider the hypothesis that “-s” used with a countable noun indicates the idea of “two or more” again. As noted by Quirk and his co-authors, “unlike some languages where plural implies two or more, English makes the division aft

27、er more than one: one half day, one day But: one and a half days, two days, one or two days” (297).页:83夹注的格式要求:所引文献的作者在正文中出现的情形:根据MLA格式,只要列出“引文出现的页码”就可,不用加文献的出版年份,也不用再列上作者的姓。(见MLA科研论文写作规范第212-213页。) Here, it is clear that reasoning itself cannot guarantee its self-correction. Similarly, the applicat

28、ion of the word-formation rule in the previous paragraph cannot prevent learners from making unacceptable adjectives such as “*unhonest”, “*unactive”. When such errors occur, they are considered as cases of overgeneralization reflecting the limitation of inductive reasoning.Although reasoning has it

29、s weaknesses, its contributions to the human knowledge are enormous. As Cohen and Manion state, the role of reasoning in the acquisition of human knowledge is threefold: 1) the suggestion of hypotheses; 2) the logical development of these hypotheses; and 3) the clarification and interpretation of sc

30、ientific findings and their synthesis into a conceptual framework (4). The implication of their remarks hints that reasoning not only directs but also constructs the development of human knowledge, including our knowledge of language and language learning and teaching.2.3 ResearchResearch can be def

31、ined from different perspectives. From the view of information processing, research refers to the process of obtaining and analysing information (Hitchcock and Hughes 5). Considering its design features, research “has been defined by Kerlinger as the systematic, controlled, empirical and critical in

32、vestigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena (Cohen and Manion 4).Cohen and Manion elaborate the three advantages of research in comparison to experience and reasoning: First, research is systematic and controlled because its operations are based on reasoning whereas experience cannot be systematic and self-correcting bec


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