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1、Topic 3 My school life is very interesting.Section ASection A needs 12 periods. Section A需用12课时。The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn days of the week:Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday(2)Learn subjects:physics, geography, P. E. , art, math, scie

2、nce, history, biology, politics(3)Learn other new words and phrases:today, meeting, outdoor activity, lesson, learn2. Learn Wh-questions.What day is it today?What time does the class begin?3. Talk about subjects and timetables.What class are they having?They are having a music class.What time is it

3、over? At a quarter to eleven.How many lessons does he have every weekday?What lessons does he have on Wednesdays?How often does he do outdoor activities?. Teaching aids 教具录音机/图片/小黑板/单词卡片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)通过复习, 导入1a。1. (师生共同说唱, 复习现在进行时。)T: Lets chant“What a

4、re you doing?”What are you doing now?Im singing now.What are you doing now?Im dancing now.What are you doing now?Im walking now.What are you doing now?Im playing now.(一边唱, 一边做动作, 全班学生跟着唱, 一起做动作, 活跃课堂气氛, 激发学生学习兴趣。)2. (通过师生问答, 导入1a。)T:What are you doing now?Ss:We are singing a chant.T: What are we doi

5、ng now? We can say, “We are having a class now.” What class are we having? Ss: We are having an English class.(老师帮助学生回答。)T:Do we have an English class every day?Ss:Yes, we do.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)呈现1a。1. (老师呈现表示星期和学科的单词卡片或幻灯片,进行问答练习,学习新单词。)T:What day is it today? (举着星期二的卡片。)Ss:Its Tues

6、day.(帮助学生回答。)T:Do you have a P. E. class on Tuesday?Ss:No, we dont.T:What time does the class begin?Ss:At eight oclock.T:What time is it over?Ss:At a quarter to nine.(让学生两人一组利用板书和画线句型编对话。) T:Work in pairs and make a dialog.Example: S1:What day is it today? S2:Its Tuesday. S1:Do you have an English c

7、lass on Tuesday? S2:(板书)It is Monday.physics Tuesday. geography Wednesday. P. E. Thursday. art Friday. math history biologypoliticsscience 2. (让学生听1a的录音并回答黑板上的问题。)T: Listen to 1a carefully and find out the answers to these questions.(板书)(1) What day is it today?(2) What time does the class begin?(3)

8、 What time is it over?(播放录音。)3. (核对答案。)T:OK. Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T: Lets check the answers. The first question, who can answer it?S3:It is Wednesday.T: Yeah, very good. The second one?S4:At ten oclock.T: Good job. What about the third one?S5:At a quarter to eleven.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟

9、)巩固1a, 完成1b。1. (让学生听1a,跟读,并标出语音和语调。)T: Listen to 1a, follow it and mark the pronunciation and intonation.2. (朗读1a,并核对语音和语调。)T: Read 1a loudly and check the pronunciation and intonation.3. (让学生背诵1a)T: Now, please recite 1a. Are you ready?Ss:Yes.4. (让学生看图片和所给信息, 完成1b。)T: Look at the pictures and infor

10、mation in 1b, and practice the dialog with your partner.Example:S1: What day is it today?S2: Its S1: What class are they having?S2: Theyre S1: What time does the class begin?S2: At S1: What time is the class over?S2: At Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)复习有关科目和星期的单词,练习现在进行时态,完成2a和3。1. (老师把2a中的课程表贴在黑板上或

11、呈现在幻灯片上。)T: Whats this? Do you know?Ss:课程表。T: Youre clever. Its a timetable. Do you know how to read the timetable?Ss:Yes.T: OK. Read this timetable carefully, and then answer the questions in 2a. Begin!(板书并教生词。)timetableclass meetingoutdoor activitylesson2. (核对答案, 并对有困难的学生给予指导。)T: OK. Are you ready

12、 now? Ss:Yes.T: Good! Who wants to share the answers with us? The first question?S3:He has six lessons every day.T: Well done. The second one?S4:He has five English lessons every week.T: Right. The third one?S5:T: Any questions?S6:3. (取出小黑板, 呈现科目表格, 练习询问科目以及上、下课时间的句型。)SubjectTime(beginfinish)DayEngl

13、ish7:508:35every dayMath8:459:30every dayGeography9:5010:35MondayHistory10:4511:30TuesdayBiology14:0014:45WednesdayArt14:5515:40ThursdayP. E.15:5016:35FridayT:Look at the blackboard/slide, and answer my questions. Do you have a math class every day?Ss:Yes, we do.T:What time does the class begin?Ss:A

14、tT:What time is the class over?Ss:At (方案一:给学生两分钟时间练习对话。一名学生问, 一名学生答, 然后交换角色。)T: Now, Ill give you two minutes to practice the dialog. One asks, the other answers, and then exchange the roles.(方案二:给学生3分钟分组活动练习对话, 并进行表演, 评出优秀小组。)T:Now, Ill give you three minutes to practice and act out the dialogs.(找学

15、生表演他们的对话。)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Who wants to act out your dialog?G1:We want.S1:Whats your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is art.S1:Do you have an art class every day?S2:No, we dont.S1:What day do you have an art class?S2:On Thursday.S1:T:Thats great. Next group?G2:4. (猜一猜。使用动作或单词卡片让学生复习有

16、关科目和星期的单词。完成3。)(1)T: Now, look at me and guess what class I am having.(做出唱歌跳舞的动作。)Ss:You are having a music class.T:What day do you have a music class?Ss:On Wednesday.(让一名学生做动作, 另外两名学生一问一答。)Example:S3:(做画画动作。)S4:What class is he having?S5:He is having an art class.(板书)learn, about, work on/out, talk

17、 Using the expressions in the box to make some sentences.(2)(练习现在进行时。)T: Now, make similar conversations with the phrases in the box of 3 with your partner.Example:S1: They are learning about the past in the class. What class are they having?S2: They are having a history class.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探

18、究活动(时间:10分钟)通过调查, 探究学生对科目的喜好。1. (让学生做一个调查, 采访班上的学生, 了解他们一周中每一天喜欢上的科目及原因。)T: Please interview your classmates and learn about their favorite subjects and reasons.TimeFavorite subjectLike/DislikeReasonDay8:009:00artlike very muchlike drawing picturesMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday2. (让学生完成调查表格后,

19、把调查结果汇报给全班学生。)T: You can report it to the class like this:On Monday, my favorite subject is art. It begins at eight and finishes at nine. I like it very much, because I like drawing pictures 3. (家庭作业。)(1)(让学生用英语设计一个自己的课程表。完成2b。)(2)(预习Section B,找出有用的短语和句子。).疑点探究1. Sunday意为“星期日,星期天”。在英国它被看做是一周的最后一天,在美国则被看做是一周的第一天。2. class指整个课堂, 包括老师讲授和学生听讲, 比如英语课,美术课等。 lesson是课文本身, 范围非常小, 比如:Lesson One第一课6


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