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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学英语四级分类模拟题259大学英语四级分类模拟题259Reading ComprehensionA Reason to Take Google Glass Seriously Google Glass critics may now have a reason to be less skeptical. Wearable Intelligence, a San Francisco-based startup, has 1 an enterprise software that uses Googles

2、 wearable computer glasses to improve the day-to-day 2 of service workers. Medical professionals, for example, can use Google Glass to 3 a patients medical history without referencing traditional charts on a computer, and so diagnose symptoms more 4 . Or a construction worker could work without ever

3、 5 for a building map. Its for the 90% of workers who dont work behind a computer and use their hands a lot, explains Erlich, a 6 Google product manager. So far, about ten organizations have been testing Wearable Intelligences software with Glass. Wearable Intelligence has 7 over $1 million in seed

4、funding. The startup will spend the rest of 2014 adding new 8 say, automatic sign-off after a few hoursand expanding into other industries, the company says. As Erlich notes, Glass isnt a final productthe consumer version is expected later in 2014, and wearable technology remains a nascent (新兴的) mar

5、ket. Despite the skeptics, Glass will 9 have a wide variety of applications in the future, says Erlich. It may take some 10 amount of time, but it will happen. A. accurately E. former I. performance M. skim B. developed F. increased J. quickly N. substance C. eventually G. leap K. raised O. variable

6、 D. features H. numerous L. reaching 1.答案:B解析 动词辨义题。空格所在的句子缺少谓语动词,根据空格前的has可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词的过去分词形式。备选词汇中,increased“增加”和raised“筹措;提高”均不能接software作其宾语,故排除。developed意为“研发”,developed an enterprise software意为“研发一种企业软件”,符合此处语境,故选B。2.答案:I解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的the day-to-day和空格后的of service workers可以判断,此处需要填入一个名词。da

7、y-to-day为形容词,意为“日常的”,相当于daily。备选词汇中能够被day-to-day修饰的只有performance“表现,行为”,故选I。3.答案:M解析 动词辨义题。根据空格前的can use.to和空格后的a patients medical history可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词原形,构成use sth. to do sth.这一结构。备选词汇中leap“跳跃”显然不符合此处语境。skim意为“浏览”,用在此处语义通顺,skim a patients medical history意为“浏览病人的病历”。故选M。4.答案:J解析 副词辨义题。根据空格前的diagnos

8、e symptoms more可以判断,此处需要填入一个副词,修饰动词diagnose。前文中提到,专业医护人员能够使用谷歌眼镜来浏览病人的病历,而无须参考电脑上的传统图表,由此可以推断,专业医护人员的看病速度可能加快,但是看病的准确度与看病历的途径没有必然的关联,因而排除accurately“准确地”。eventually意为“最终”,不能用于比较级,也可排除。quickly“快速地”符合此处语境,故选J。5.答案:L解析 动词辨义题。根据空格前的without ever和空格后的for abuilding map可以判断,此处需要填入一个动名词,且其后能够接介词for。备选词汇中只有rea

9、ching“伸手取(某物)”符合语境,故选L。6.答案:E解析 形容词辨义题。根据空格前的a和空格后的.manager可以判断,此处需要填入一个形容词对Google product manager加以修饰限定。备选词汇中只有former“以前的”符合此处语境。故选E。7.答案:K解析 动词辨义题。空格所在的句子缺少谓语动词,再由空格前的has可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词的过去分词形式。备选词汇中能够接over $1 million这一具体数字作宾语的只有increased和raised。increased意为“增加”,用在此处语义不通,故排除。raised有“筹措;提高”之意,raised

10、over $1 million意为“筹集了100多万美元”,语义通顺,故选K。8.答案:D解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的形容词new可以判断,此处需要填入一个名词。由破折号后面的say推知,破折号后面的内容对前面的new.起到举例说明的作用,automatic sign-off after a few hours意为“在几小时后自动登出系统”,显然不是一种substance“物质”,而更应该是一种“特征”,因而features“特点,特征”符合此处语境,故选D。9.答案:C解析 副词辨义题。空格所在的句子并不缺少任何句子成分,再由空格前的will和空格后的have可以判断,此处需要填入一个副词

11、。备选词汇中eventually“最终”显然最符合此处语境,与句中的in the future相照应。故选C。10.答案:O解析 形容词辨义题。空格所在的句子结构完整,再由空格前的some和空格后的amount可以判断,此处需要填入一个形容词修饰amount“数量”。numerous意为“很多的”,不能被some所修饰,可排除。variable意为“变化不定的”,It may take some variable amount of time意为“可能说不准这会花多长时间”,语义通顺。故选O。Hourly Workers Earning Less Despite gains in the ec

12、onomy, hourly workers in California earned 11 less in 2013 than they did when the Great Recession began, a report says. That is 12 true for Californians in low-wage positions who earn in the bottom 20th percentile (百分位数), according to a report released by California Budget Project, an organization t

13、hat 13 for low-and middle-income families. These workers saw earnings decrease 5.4% to an average of $10.90 an hour, down from an inflation-adjusted prerecession level of $11.52. Middle-wage workers in California did not fare much better. In 2013, they earned an average of $19.10 an hour, which was

14、5.1% below the $20.12 they earned before the 14 , when adjusted for inflation. Higher income workers only 15 a 0.6% drop to $35.23. The slow economic 16 is partly to blame for the slow wage growth, the report said. But the erosion (减少) in earnings also reflects a decades-long trend of widening 17 be

15、tween workers who pull in the big bucks and everyone else. The boom times of the 1990s helped 18 the divide. But further wage stagnation (停滞) beginning in the early 2000s 19 the gains made by low-and mid-wage workers in the late 1990s, the report said. By 2013, these workers earned less than 20 work

16、ers earned in 1979, after adjusting for inflation. A. advocates E. especially I. particular M. similar B. concession F. inequality J. recession N. suffered C. distinctive G. meaningfully K. recovery O. supports D. erased H. narrow L. significantly 11.答案:L解析 副词辨义题。空格所在的句子结构完整,不缺少任何成分,再由空格前的earned和空格后

17、的less可以判断,此处需要填入一个副词,修饰less。备选词汇中只有significantly“显著地”符合此处语境,earned significantly less意为“挣得少多了”。故选L。12.答案:E解析 副词辨义题。空格所在的主句不缺少任何成分,再由空格前的系动词is和空格后的true可以判断,此处需要填入一个副词,修饰true“确实的”。备选词汇中只有especially“尤其”符合此处语境,故选E。13.答案:A解析 动词辨义题。空格位于that引导的定语从句中,其先行词为an organization。该从句中缺少谓语动词,而整个句子的时态是一般现在时,由此可以判断,此处需

18、要填入一个动词的第三人称单数形式,且须能和介词for一起搭配使用。备选词汇中只有advocates“拥护;支持”符合此处语境。故选A。14.答案:J解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的the可以判断,此处需要填入一个名词。前文一直围绕各阶层的工作者在经济大萧条前后的收入落差展开,由此不难推知此处填入recession“衰退,不景气”最符合语境。而且从语义来看,经济复苏之前挣得比经济复苏之后挣得多也违背常理,故而排除recovery“复原,复苏”。concession“承认;让步”和inequality“不平等”也显然不符合此处语境。故选J。15.答案:N解析 动词辨义题。空格所在的分句缺少谓语,而整

19、个段落采用的是一股过去时,由此可以判断此处需要填入一个动词的过去式形式。从语义来看,前文讲到了中低收入群体在经济大萧条前后的收入对比,差距很大,而根据此处空格前的only和空格后的a 0.6%drop不难推知,该句要表达的是那些收入更高的人的工资则只下降了0.6%。suffered“经历,遭受”符合此处语境,erased“抹去;消除”放入原文语义不通,故选N。16.答案:K解析 名词辨义题。空格所在的分句为间接引用的报告中的一句话,该句中缺少主语,由此可以判断此处需要填入一个名词,且能够被空格前面的slow economic所修饰。备选词汇中只有recovery“复原,复苏”符合此处语境。ec

20、onomic recovery意为“经济复苏”。故选K。17.答案:F解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的形容词widening可以判断此处需要填入一个名词,备选词汇中,concession意为“承认;让步”,不符合语境。inequality意为“不平等”,强调高收入者和其他人群间的收入差距进一步扩大,符合此处语境,故选F。18.答案:H解析 动词辨义题。空格前的helped后不能直接接the divide作宾语,由此可以判断此处需要填入一个动词原形。备选词汇中只有narrow“(使)变窄”符合此处语境,故选H。需要注意divide在该句中用作名词,意为“差异,差别”。19.答案:D解析 动词辨义题

21、。空格位于整个句子的主体部分,该部分缺少谓语动词,而该句采用的是一般过去时,由此可以判断此处需要填入一个动词的过去式。备选词汇中只有erased“抹去;消除”符合此处语境,故选D。20.答案:M解析 形容词辨义题。空格所在的句子结构完整,再由空格前的less than和空格后的workers可以判断,此处需要填入一个形容词修饰workers。该句旨在对人们在2013年的收入和1979年的收入进行对比,因而该对比应该是在类似或者相同岗位的人之间进行的,不然也就失去了对比的意义和价值。备选词汇中similar“类似的”符合此处语境,故选M。Is There Water Beneath the Lu

22、nar Surface? You cant squeeze blood from a turnip (萝卜), and 21 you cant squeeze water from moon rocks, either. A new analysis of samples 22 by the Apollo astronauts suggests that there is virtually no chance that water ever existed beneath the lunar (月球的) 23 . Scientists have been 24 for decades abo

23、ut whether the moon contains significant quantities of water. Theoretically, it should because the moon was once part of Earththe moon was 25 by a disastrous collision between our planet and a Mars-size body over 4 billion years ago. Yet 26 chemical analyses in the 1970s and 80s of rocks that had be

24、en brought back by the Apollo missions turned up virtually no evidence of lunar water. More recently, using improved 27 to examine the molecular constituents (分子构成) of the rocks, researchers have found a very small amount of hydrogen (氢) an indicator of water. In 2013, scientists also found evidence

25、 of water ice on the surface of the moon, but where did that ice come from was unclear. It was even 28 deposited by an ancient comet impact. Its an important riddle (谜) to solve, as researchers would like to use lunar water to 29 rocket fuel for future deep-space missions. A team has 30 to solve the

26、 mystery. Recently, the researchers reported online in Science that the moon has basically zero subsurface water. A. apparently E. equipment I. initial M. presumably B. arguing F. facility J. maintaining N. returned C. attempted G. hardly K. manufacture O. surface D. created H. implicit L. potential

27、 21.答案:A解析 副词辨义题。空格所在的句子不缺少任何成分,而空格后为一个结构完整的分句,由此可以判断此处需要填入一个副词,对其后所描述的内容进行修饰。备选词汇中hardly意为“几乎不”,本身包含否定含义,其后不再接类似cant的否定表达,可排除。apparently“显然地”和presumably“可能地”从语法角度来看都符合此空格,但是前者更为符合此处语境,故选A。该分句意为:显然你也不能从月球的岩石中挤出水来。22.答案:N解析 动词辨义题。空格所在的句子主干为A new analysis of samples suggests that.,再由空格后的by the.可以判断,此处

28、需要填入一个动词的过去分词形式,与其后面的内容一起构成过去分词短语,作samples的后置定语。备选词汇中attempted“努力;试图”和created“创造;产生”,显然不能与samples“样品”搭配使用,可排除。returned意为“返回;带回”,samples returned by the Apollo asttonauts意为“由阿波罗号宇航员们带回来的样品”。故选N。23.答案:O解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的beneath the lunar可以判断,此处需要填入一个可以被lunar“月球的”修饰的名词。备选词汇中只有surface“表面”符合此处语境,故选O。24.答案:B

29、解析 动词辨义题。空格所在的分句缺少谓语动词,再由空格前的have been和空格后的for decades可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词的现在分词形式,表示Scientists一直在进行的动作。备选词汇中只有arguing“争论”符合此处语境,故选B。25.答案:D解析 动词辨义题。空格所在的分句缺少谓语,再由空格前的was和空格后的by可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词的过去分词形式表被动含义。备选词汇中符合此处语境的只有created“创造;产生”,故选D。26.答案:I解析 形容词辨义题。空格所在的句子结构完整,再由空格后的chemical analyses可以判断,此处需要填入一个形容词

30、。备选词汇中implicit“含蓄的”和potential“潜在的”均无法修饰“化学分析”,可排除。initial意为“最初的”符合语境,initial chemical analyses意为“初步的化学分析”。故选I。27.答案:E解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前using improved和空格后的不定式短语to examine.可以判断,此处需要填入一个可以被improved“改良的”修饰的名词。备选词汇中较为符合语境的facility意为“能力;设施”,但是在表示“设施”时,通常需要采用facility的复数形式facilities,故可排除。equipment“设备,器材”最为符合语境,

31、improved equipment意为“改良了的设备”。故选E。28.答案:M解析 副词辨义题。空格所在的句子主干为It was.deposited by.。根据空格前的was even和空格后的动词deposited可以判断,此处需要填入一个副词,修饰deposited“存放;沉淀”。从语义来看,前一句中提到在2013年的时候,科学家们发现了月球表明存在水冰的证据,但是水冰的来源尚不清楚。由此可以推知,此处提到的“古老的彗星长期影响沉淀的结果”应该只是一种推测。presumably意为“可能;大概”符合此处语境,故选M。29.答案:K解析 动词辨义题。根据空格前的use lunar wat

32、er to和空格后的rocket fuel可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词原形,其宾语为“火箭燃料”。备选词汇中只有manufacture“制造”符合此处语境,故选K。30.答案:C解析 动词辨义题。空格所在句子缺少谓语动词,再由空格前的has和空格后的to solve.可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词的过去分词形式,与has一起构成现在完成时,且其后须能接不定式。备选词汇中只有attempted“努力;试图”符合此处语境。故选C。Exercise Is Not Always Beneficial If you have a heart disease or condition, high-int

33、ensity exercise for long stretches could actually increase your chance of a massive heart attack or stroke, recent studies found. In the first of two studies 31 in Heart, German researchers spent a decade studying the 32 and intensity of weekly exercise in 1,000 people in their 60s with coronary art

34、ery heart disease (冠心病), almost half of whom were 33 2-4 times a week. Predictably, participants who 34 less than 2 times a week were determined to be at greater risk for a heart attack. However, counter-intuitively (直觉地), participants who exercised more than the average were also twice as likely to

35、 have a heart attack or stroke than the average. A different study found that young men who engage in endurance exercise more than five hours a week may 35 their risk of developing an irregular heart rhythm later in life. Swedish researchers surveyed 44,000 men, ages 45-79, about their exercise 36 a

36、t ages of 15, 30, 50 and over in 2013. Those who exercised 37 for more than five hours a week were 19% more likely to have developed an irregular heartbeat, which is a 38 factor in stroke risk. Despite their findings, researchers 39 sounding the alarm full-force on intense exercise, citing the benef

37、its of exercise while clarifying that the studies reviewed here, and future studies, will serve to maximize benefits obtained by 40 exercise while preventing undesirable effects of intense exercise. A. active E. density I. frequency M. largely B. avoided F. energetic J. increase N. published C. beha

38、vior G. engagement K. intensely O. regular D. consequently H. exercised L. key 31.答案:N解析 动词辨义题。根据空格前的two studies和空格后的in Heart可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词的过去分词形式,与其后的内容一起用作名词studies“研究”的后置定语。备选词汇中能够与studies搭配使用的只有published“出版;发表”,故选N。32.答案:I解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的the和空格后的and intensity可以判断,此处需要填入一个可以以和intensity“强度”并列使用的名词

39、。备选词汇中behavior意为“行为”,density意为“密度”,behavior/density of weekly exercise语义不通,可排除。frequency“频率”符合此处语境,the frequency and intensity of weekly exercise意为“每周运动的频率和强度”。故选I。33.答案:A解析 形容词辨义题。根据空格前的whom were和空格后的2-4 times a week可以判断,此处需要填入一个形容词或动词的过去分词。从语义来看,句子所在的整个段落都在论述人们每周运动的次数与心脏健康之间的关系,由此可以推知,该句说的是参与调查的患者

40、中几乎有一半的人每周运动24次。备选词汇中active“活动的;活跃的”符合此处语境,故选A。34.答案:H解析 动词辨义题。该空格位于who引导的定语从句中,且该从句中缺少谓语动词,又因整个句子采用的是一般过去时,由此可以判断此处需要填入一个动词的过去式。备选词汇中只有exercised“锻炼,运动”符合此处语境,故选H。35.答案:J解析 动词辨义题。根据空格前的情态动词may和空格后their risk.可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词原形。备选词汇中只有increase“增加”符合此处语境,故选J。36.答案:C解析 名词辨义题。根据空格前的about their exercise和空格

41、后的at ages of.可以判断,此处需要填入一个名词,与exercise一起构成名词短语。备选词汇中只有behavior“行为”符合此处语境。故选C。37.答案:K解析 副词辨义题。空格位于who引导的定语从句中,该从句结构完整,再由空格前的动词exercised和空格后的时间状语可以判断,此处需要填入一个副词修饰exercised。备选词汇中只有intensely“剧烈地”符合此处语境,intensely exercised意为“剧烈地运动”。故选K。38.答案:L解析 形容词辨义题。空格位于which引导的非限制性定语从句中,该从句中并不缺少任何成分,再由空格前的不定冠词a和空格后的名

42、词factor可以判断,此处需要填入一个形容词修饰factor“因素”。备选词汇中只有key“关键性的”符合此处语境,故选L。39.答案:B解析 动词辨义题。空格所在的主句缺少谓语动词,空格后的sounding为动词sound的动名词形式,意为“使发出声音”,由此可以判断,此处需要填入一个动词,且其后须能接动名词短语。备选词汇中只有avoided“避开”符合此处语境,故选B。40.答案:O解析 形容词辨义题。根据空格前的maximize benefits和空格后的preventing.intense exercise可以判断,此处需要填入一个能修饰exercise且能与intense形成对比的形容词。备选词汇中energetic意为“精力充沛的”,通常用来修饰人,而不能修饰事物,故排除。regular意为“有规律的”符合此处语境,regular exercise意为“常规运动”。故选O。 17 / 17


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