五年级下册英语试题Unit 3 My school calendar人教PEP版 .docx

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1、五年级下册英语试题 -Unit 3 My school calendar 人教 PEP 版 (无答案 ) 一、 写出各月份的简写形式及中文意思。1. January _ 2. March _3. May_4. February_5. April _ 6. June_( )3.When is the trip this year? C. 聚会什么时候举行? ( )4. Its in October . Well go to the Great Wall. D. 在 4 月五、将下面节日与月份连线1. Chinas National Day June二、句子对对碰,把方框里句子的字母代号填写在相应

2、句子前的括号里2. Teachers DayOctober( )1. Why do you like spring?( )2. Which season does Miss Chen like best? ( )3. Whats your favourite season?( )4. When is the best time to go to Shanghai?( )5. What can we do in Beijing? A. You can go to the Great Wall.B. Because I can plant trees.C. She likes fall best.

3、D. My favourite season is winter.E. Autumn.三、连一连,读一读。3. Childrens Day September 4. New Years Day March5. Tree-planting day January 六、单项选择( ) 1.- _is Tree Planting Day? -Its in March.A. When B. What C. How( ) 2. The Easter party is _ April.A.in B. on C. A t( ) 3.When _ your birthday?Ais B. am C. Are(

4、 ) 4._ is the first month of a year.1. 我的生日在五月A. When is New years Day?A. February B. December C. January2. 三月植树节!B. Easter is in April.( )5.Is your birthday in June?_.3.什么时候过新年? 4. 四月愚人节。C. My birthday is in May.D. Tree Planting Day is in MarchA. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isnt. C. No, it is( )6. _ is

5、Tree Planting Day Its in March.四、给下列句子选择正确的翻译。( )1.When is the party? A. 今年的(秋)游在什么时候?A. What B. When( )7.Winter vacation is _ February.( )2.Its in April.B.在 10 月。 我们将要去长城。A. in B. on( )8.We have a few fun things _ spring. A. in B. on( ) 3. Whats the date C: its June 6th( ) 4. What day is it today D

6、: Yes , she is( ) 9. 你将制作一张卡片,你可以说:A. Ill cook for my mother. B. Ill make a card.( ) 10. 你想说你喜欢 12 月,你可以说:( ) 5. Is her birthday in July?九、选词填空。winter , likes , summer, go, seasonE: No, she doesntA. I like winter. B. I like December.( ) 11. 你想回答在 5 月,你可以说:A. Its at May. B. Its in May.( )12. 如果你想问别人教

7、师节在哪天,你可以说;A. When is teachers Day? B. When is Teachers Day?There are four _ in a year. Theyre spring _, autumn and winter.Mike _spring best. Because he can _on a picnic with his family. But Amy dontlike spring. She likes _best. Because she can skate and play with snow. And she can have snowball fig

8、hts(打雪仗) with her friends.十、阅读短文,判断句子正( A )误( B )。七、连词成句。Today is Amys birthday. Its June 2nd. She gets some presents and cards from1. when Day Fools April is (?)2. birthday, in , is, my, May (.)3. we, go, to, will, Great Wall, the (.)her friends. Her grandparents give her a lovely doll. Her mother

9、buys her a lot ofdelicious food. She climbs mountains(爬山) with her father. She is very happy today. ( ) 1.Today is _ birthday.A. Amys B. Amys mothers C. Amys fathers( ) 2. When is Amys birthday?A. July 2nd.B. March C. June 2nd.4 .is, the, school, trip, when, year, this (?)八、选择正确的答句,并将序号写在括号里。(10 分)( ) 1.When is your birthday A: Its Monday.( ) 2 Does she have a computer? B :My birthday is October 10th( ) 3. Amys mother buys her_.A. A lot of delicious food B. a doll C. A card( ) 4.Amy climbs mountains with her _.A. Mother B. Father C. friends


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