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5、号:二号。阅后删除此文本框。论文题目(申请文学学士学位)院别:外国语学院专业:英语学生:指导教师:职称: 天津工业大学外国语学院20XX年X月注:此处是论文英文题目,与中文题目对应,居中,字体:Times New Roman,加粗,字号:二号。阅后删除此文本框。A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Idioms Containing NumeralsA Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillmentof the Requirements forthe Degree of Bachelor of ArtsX XXUn

6、der the Supervision ofX XXForeign Languages CollegeTianjin Polytechnic UniversityJune 20XX天津工业大学学士学位论文注:此项单独成页,标题上面和下面各空一个回车。阅后删除此文本框。注:在该页面中点击鼠标右键,选择“更新域”,若出现弹出窗口的话则选择“更新整个目录”并确定,即可自动生成目录。在目录自动生成后,双击目录中“Acknowledgements”一词以选中整个目录,再将字体设为“Times New Roman”,字号设为“小四”,字体不要倾斜。然后右键单击目录内容,选中“段落”,设为1.5倍行距即可。

7、阅后删除此文本框。ContentsAcknowledgementsiiiAbstractiv摘 要vIntroduction1Chapter 1 General View of Brand and Brand Names21.1 Classification of Brand Names21.2 Classification of Brand Names31.3 Classification of Brand Names51.4 Classification of Brand Names61.5 Classification of Brand Names71.6 Classification

8、of Brand Names9Chapter 2 General View of Brand and Brand Names112.1 Classification of Brand Names112.2 Classification of Brand Names122.3 Classification of Brand Names142.4 Classification of Brand Names152.5 Classification of Brand Names162.6 Classification of Brand Names18Chapter 3 General View of

9、Brand and Brand Names203.1 Classification of Brand Names20注:偶数页页眉,居中,Times New Roman,五号,加粗,请将本人论文的英文(日文)题目粘贴于此。阅后删除此文本框。3.2 Classification of Brand Names213.3 Classification of Brand Names233.4 Classification of Brand Names243.5 Classification of Brand Names253.6 Classification of Brand Names27Chapt

10、er 4 General View of Brand and Brand Names294.1 Classification of Brand Names294.2 Classification of Brand Names304.3 Classification of Brand Names324.4 Classification of Brand Names334.5 Classification of Brand Names344.6 Classification of Brand Names36Chapter 5 General View of Brand and Brand Name

11、s385.1 Classification of Brand Names385.2 Classification of Brand Names395.3 Classification of Brand Names415.4 Classification of Brand Names425.5 Classification of Brand Names435.6 Classification of Brand Names45Chapter 6 General View of Brand and Brand Names476.1 Classification of Brand Names476.2

12、 Classification of Brand Names486.3 Classification of Brand Names506.4 Classification of Brand Names516.5 Classification of Brand Names526.6 Classification of Brand Names54Conclusion56Works Cited57Appendix58注:此项单独成页,标题上面和下面各空一个回车。阅后删除此文本框。AcknowledgementsFirst I would like to express my heartfelt gr

13、atitude to Professor Wu Yanhua who supervises my thesis, for her constructive guidance and patient assistance. The accomplishment of the thesis is attributed to my supervisors elicitation and instruction. I am greatly impressed by her erudition and kind personality.I should deliver my special thanks

14、 to Prof. Wu Yanhua who gave a lot of suggestions for the selection of the topic.My sincere thanks should also be given to those professors who taught me at Tianjin Polytechnic University when I studied there for the courses of Bachelors Degree. They are Prof. Shi Jinhai, Prof.Yu Xiaodan, Prof. Qin

15、Jianguo, Prof. Zhang Guoqiang, and Prof. Wang Guizhi. They are of great help for me.注:此项单独成页,标题上面和下面各空一个回车。阅后删除此文本框。Abstract With the rapid development of the world economy, the international business among countries is extending to almost every field. As the deeper process of our Opening Policy, Ch

16、ina has ranked in the first group in the annual export and import. China has joined WTO for several years. More and more international commodities are crushing into our markets, as well as a lot of Chinese goods are going to be exported to compete with the other products and services. Nevertheless,

17、the brand name becomes the first image to the oversea users. How to build world-class brands and design their English names to help the promotion has already become a big issue of every Chinese enterprise.This thesis will study the brand names from the cultural aspect. The translation of brand names

18、 in the foreign market should be given as much attention as the original brand names do. Also be sure that the translation must avoid cultural conflict and unfavorable association. The thesis has a further discussion on the famous international brands naming, translating and cultural meaning, hoping

19、 to provide some feasible suggestion to help Chinese products entering into the world market.Key words: brand brand names cultural meaning translation of brand names 注:此项单独成页,标题上面和下面各空一个回车。阅后删除此文本框。摘 要随着全球经济的快速发展,国际贸易几乎涉及到了所有领域。伴随着改革开放的进一步深入,中国已经跻身世界进出口大国。中国加入世界贸易组织也有了几个年头,越来越多的国际品牌开始冲击着国内的市场,与此同时中国

20、本土的公司也渐渐的进入国际市场这个大舞台与世界其他公司竞争。无论如何商标都会成为商品的第一印象展现给国外的消费者。如何打造一个国际知名品牌,又如何把这个品牌在国际市场上推销出去已经成为中国企业目前面临的重要问题。本文就商标的文化特征进行了有益的探究。商标的翻译不仅仅要考虑到原商标的涵义,更要了解译后商标在国外市场上所包涵的韵味。商标的翻译要回避与译入文化的冲突。这篇文章对一些国际知名品牌的商标,翻译及文化蕴意进行了深入的探讨。以期能为我国产品顺利进入国际市场提供一些有益的帮助。关键词:商标 商标名 商标翻译 文化蕴意v天津工业大学学士学位论文注:此项另起一页。阅后删除此文本框。Introduc

21、tionFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names. Thus, the branding and translating of bran

22、d names entered into our horizon and aroused the entrepreneurs interest.At present, there is no one voice on “how to brand?” The first group argues that the brand name should be same in all the place of the world, which they called standardization. The second group has an opposite view to the first

23、one; they believe that the brand names should be localized. The last point of view is meeting the above views at halfway-the delivery of the brand names should be based on the cultural meanings. 注:每章另起一页。每个实词首字大写。阅后删除此文本框。注:偶数页页眉,居中,Times New Roman,五号,加粗,请将本人论文的英文(日文)题目粘贴于此。阅后删除此文本框。Chapter 1 Genera

24、l View of Brand and Brand NamesWith rapid development of our economy, more and more of our native enterprises realize that one of their most valuable assets is the brand name, associated with their products. 1.1 Classification of Brand Names注:三级标题每个实词首字大写。阅后删除此文本框。From the beginning of the last cent

25、ury, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.1.1 Persons Names as Brand Names注:四级标题每个实词首字大写。阅后删除此文本框。From the beginning of th

26、e last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.1.2 Place-names as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century,

27、 the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.1.3 Exotic Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming o

28、f advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.1.4 Common Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising

29、and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.1.5 Coined Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing

30、stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.1.6 Coined Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the

31、 prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.2 Classification of Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of

32、 the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.2.1 Persons Names as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world ec

33、onomy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.2.2 Place-names as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the

34、 development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.2.3 Exotic Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development o

35、f advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.2.4 Common Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising

36、and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.2.5 Coined Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing,

37、 more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.2.6 Coined Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more

38、 companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.3 Classification of Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies hav

39、e paid much attention to their products names.1.3.1 Persons Names as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much a

40、ttention to their products names.1.3.2 Place-names as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to the

41、ir products names.1.3.3 Exotic Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products na

42、mes.1.3.4 Common Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.3.5 Coin

43、ed Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy.With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.3.6 Coined Words as Bra

44、nd NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.4 Classification of Brand NamesFrom t

45、he beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.4.1 Persons Names as Brand NamesFrom the beginning

46、of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.4.2 Place-names as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last cen

47、tury, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the prosperity of the world economy. With the development of advertising and marketing, more and more companies have paid much attention to their products names.1.4.3 Exotic Words as Brand NamesFrom the beginning of the last century, the booming of advertising and marketing stimulates the


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