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1、“leave+ 宾 语 + 宾 补 ” (即 leave 复合结构 )的用法总结Leave+宾语+宾语补足语,其中宾语补足语 这一成分可以由 过去分词、现在分词、形容词、副词、介词的复合结构 等来充当,意思是”使.处于.状态;听任;让”现分述如下:1由过去分词来充当宾语补足语: leave sth/sb done,常用来表示 宾语所处的状态或表 示动作已经完成。 (宾语和宾补被动关系)(1) He got up slowly, leaving the lunch unfinished.(2) Did you leave the doors and windows firmly fastened

2、?(3) I cant leave such an important matter undone/unfinished. 我不能让这样一件重要的 事半途而废。The moving story left him unmoved. 他对这个 令人激动的故事竟然无动于衷。2. 由 现 在 分 词 来 充 当 宾 语 补 足 语 : leave sb/sth doing, 常用来表示使 某人或某物一直做 某事(宾语和宾补被动关系 ).(1) Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain.(1) They went off together and left m

3、e sitting there.(2) We left him painting the gate.可用于被动语态:The papers were left lying around.3.由形容词来充当宾语补足语:(1) Youd better leave the drawing-room door open.(1) His illness has left him weak.用于被动语态:The window was left open.4.由副词作宾语补足语(1) What has left him away for so long? 什么 事使他离开了这么长时间 ?(2) We cant

4、 leave the light on when leaving. 5. 由介词的复合结构充当宾语补足语: (1)Leave him in peace!(2)His illness left him with a weak heart. (3)Youve left her name off the list. (4)This matter left her without a way ofhope. 这件事使她没有一丝一毫的希望。可用于被动语态:I was left without a ray of hope.5.由名词作宾语补足语The earthquake left him an orph

5、an.【试题精选】1.A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left_.(06 天津卷)A.unsatisfied B.unsatisfyingC.to be unsatisfying Dbeing unsatisfied 2. His remarks left me _ about his real purpose.A. wondered B. wonderC. to wonder D. wondering3. John rushed out in a hurry, _ the door _.A.leaving, unlocked B. leaving, unlocking C. left, unlocked D. to leave, unlocking 4. Dont leave the water _ while you brush your teeth.A. running B. runC. being run D. to run答案:A D A A


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