河北省中考英语复习题库 词语运用 篇.docx

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1、Passage 1Dear Li Ming,How are you? How was your weekend? I had a greatweekend! Guess what? I can make donuts (甜 甜 圈 ) 1.(I) now. My mum 2. (teach) me onSaturday. Jenny came over and helped us. 3. Aitwas a lot of work, it was fun. Fresh home-made donuts are so 4. d that we all like them very much.Nex

2、t weekend, I am going to climb a mountain! I will gothere with my parents, cousins, aunt and uncle. Its three 5.(hour) away from my house. We are going to take6.bus there. We can sing songs and play games 7. (happy) on the bus. Now Im 8.(prepare) for the songs that I can s ing. Im so 9.(excite)! My

3、uncle will bring his camera and we can take somephotos. I ts our 10.and I cant wait.(one) time to go out togetherDid you have a good weekend? What are you going to donext weekend?Yours,Danny【主旨大意】本文是 Danny 写给李明的一封信。信中主要介绍了 Danny 上个周末 学会自己制作面包圈,并且下个周末他们一家人出去爬山,这是他们一家人第一 次一起出去旅行,他们很兴奋。1. myself【解析】句意为

4、:现在我能 调是“我”自己会制作,应填 myself。制作甜甜圈。根据句意可知此处强2. taught【解析】句意为:我妈妈在周六教我做(甜甜圈)。根据下文可知本篇短文叙述过去发生的事情,故应用动词的一般过去式,故填 taught。3. Although 【解析】句意为:那是很庞大的一项工作,但是很有趣。根据语境可知此处表示让步,再结合首字母提示可知应填 Although。 4. delicious 【解析】句意为:新鲜的家庭制作的甜甜圈是如此的以至于我们都非常喜欢。根据语境可和首字母提示可知此处是指美味的,故填 delicious。 5. hours 【解析】句意为:从我家到那里要三个小时的

5、路程。根据前面的 three 可知此空应填 hour 的复数形式,故填 hours。6. a 【解析】句意为:我们打算乘公共汽车去那儿。take a bus 乘公共汽车,为固 定短语,故填 a。7. happily【解析】句意为:我们可以在公共汽车上高兴地唱歌玩游戏。结合语法 知识可知应用副词修饰动词,因此此处需填 happy 的副词形式来修饰动词 sing 和 play,故填 happily。8. preparing【解析】句意为:我现在正在准备我可以唱的歌。分析句子结构可知此处为现在进行时,故填 preparing。9. excited 【解析】句意为:我很兴奋。分析句子结构,此处需要形容

6、词作表语。 所以应填形容词形式,且此处的形容词修饰人,故填 excited。10. first【解析】句意为:这是我们第一次一起出去旅行,我等不及了。根据句意可知应是第一次出去,应该用序数词。故填first。Passage 2My name is Aaron and I m 16 years old. I live in Sydney,Australia. It is always 1. (sun) here, and we havelots of beaches. Our summers are always very 2. h . Often, the temperature reache

7、s 40 degrees!Seasons in Australia are different 3.seasons in many other countries. Summers here go fromDecember to February. The winter 4. (last) fromJune to August. Summer is my favorite 5. s . 1 don thave to wear 6. (shoe)! We wear shorts and go tothe sea every day. We always swim 7. (free) in the

8、 sea. How nice it is!On a windy day , I can ride the waves on my surfboard. Surfing is very popular here. It is difficult 8.very good exercise. My mum and dad often come to watch 9.(I) surf. My dad likes to bring his camera and takepictures of me. Also, there are always so many people 10.(play) on t

9、he beach. He can never get a goodpicture of me.I hope to be a great surfer one day. I will work hard andpractice every day.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。十六岁的澳大利亚男孩Aaron 讲述了澳大利亚 的季节和他自己的爱好。他希望有一天成为一名优秀的冲浪者。1. sunny【解析】句意为:这里的天气总是晴朗的,我们有很多海滩。分析句子 结构可知,此空需要形容词作表语。故填 sunny。2. hot 【解析】句意为:我们的夏天总是很 。根据后句“Often, the temp

10、erature reaches 40 degrees!气温经常达到 40 度!”再结合首字母 h 可知应是天气很热,故 填 hot。3. from 【解析】句意为:澳大利亚的季节与其他很多国家的季节是不同的。 be different from 与不同,为固定搭配,故填 from。4. lasts 【解析】句意为:冬天从六月持续到八月。主语The winter 为第三人称单 数,故谓语动词也应用第三人称单数形式。故填 lasts。5. season 【解析】句意为:夏天是我最喜欢的 。根据句意和首字母提示 可知此处表达夏天是我最喜欢的季节,故填 season。6. shoes 【解析】句意为:

11、我不用穿鞋!根据给出的shoe 并结合常识可知鞋应是 一双,所以此处需填名词复数形式 shoes。故填 shoes。7. freely【解析】句意为:我们总是在海里自由自在的游泳。分析句子结构,此处 需填副词修饰动词 swim,故填 freely。8. but【解析】句意为:它很难是非常好的锻炼。根据前后两句的意思可知是表示转折关系,故填连词 but。9. me【解析】句意为:我父母常来看我冲浪。分析句子结构可知,动词watch 后面需跟人称代词的宾格形式,故填 me。10. playing 【解析】句意为:而且,总有许多人在沙滩上玩。there are sb. doing sth. 为固定句

12、型,故填 playing。Passage 3I have been in Canada for two weeks. I miss everyone athome! But I am also 1. h to be here. I am living at my auntshouse. I have made many new friends.My cousin Jenny and I 2. (be)in the same class.Today at school, we talked to the class about our favorite subjects.My group tal

13、ked about art. We each 3. (bring)apainting to class. 4. (I)was a picture of the ocean. It had birds, clouds, a boat and the sun on it.Jenny and Bill were next. Their favorite subject was socialstudies. Bill showed us many 5. (photo)of Beijing.J enny played some Chinese music. She also read some lett

14、ers and e-mails from her friends 6. China.K aren and Jack showed us some physics. Jack put very smalltea leaves on the 7. . Then Karen combed her ha irten times very 8. (quick). She has long hair! Sheput the comb beside the tea leaves. The leaves jumped to thecomb! She also made her hair stand up wi

15、th the comb. Everyone was very 9. ( surprise).Finally, Danny and Lisa presented their favorite subject . We went to the gym. Our group p layed 10.exciting game with theirs.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者和他的同学们在班上展示他们最喜 欢的科目的情况。1. happy 【解析】句意为:但是我在这里也很。本句为转折连词but 连接的并列句。根据句子的前一句“我很想家”可知后句是说但是我在这里也很高兴, 又根据首字母可知

16、应填 happy。2. are 【解析】句意为:我的堂姐 Jenny 和我在同一个班。分析句子结构可知 My cousin Jenny and I 为句子的主语,故填 are。3. brought 【解析】句意为:我们每个人都带了一幅画到班上。根据前句的谓语 动词 talked 可知此空也应填动词的过去式,故填brought。4. Mine【解析】句意为:我的是一幅海洋的图画。分子句子成分可知空处缺少名 词性物主代词作主语。句首单词首字母需大写。故填 Mine。5. photos 【解析】句意为:比尔给我们展示了许多北京的照片。根据空前的 many 可知此空应填 photo 的复数形式,故填

17、photos。6. in 【解析】句意为:她也读了一些来自她在中国的朋友的信件和电子邮件。 in China 在中国,为固定短语,故填in。7. desk 【解析】句意为:杰克把非常小的茶叶放在上。根据上文可知是同学们在班上谈论他们喜欢的科目,再根据首字母 d 可知是把茶叶放在课桌上,故填 desk。8. quickly 【解析】句意为:然后 Karen 很快地梳了十次她的头发。分析句子成 分可知空处在句中作状语,结合语法知识可知应用副词修饰动词作状语,故填 quickly。9. surprised 【解析】句意为:每个人都很惊讶。分析句子结构,此处需要形容词 作表语,所以应填形容词形式,句子

18、的主语为人,故填 surprised。10. an 【解析】句意为:我们组和他们组进行了一场令人兴奋的比赛。此处缺少 不定冠词,exciting 是以元音音素开头的单词,故填 an 。Passage 4Dear Mum and Dad,How are you? Im doing well. I have to tell you that I had the flu. But dont worry. Im much 1. (well) now.This week, I got to know my neighborhood. Jenny and Iwalked to school 2. Mond

19、ay. Jenny showed 3.(I) her favorite places. There s a bakery near ourhouse. When we walk to school, we go by it. Sometimes we buybread there. Jenny 4.bookstore. Its on our 5. w(like) to buy books at theto school, too. Across fromthe bookstore, theres a beautiful park.Life in a new place is not very

20、6. e . Yesterday Igot lost. 1 was going to meet Danny at the movie theater. 7.(lucky), a lady showed me the way. Tomorrow Imgoing to buy a map of the city 8. I don lost again.Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. I 9.of my Canadian cousins.t want to get(meet) allI miss you very much. And I will be glad whe

21、n you come tosee me. Im looking forward to 10. you.(hear) fromLove,Brian【主旨大意】本文是一封书信。信中Brain 给他的父母讲述了他的近况。 1. better 【解析】句意为:我现在好多了。根据空前的much 可知此处需用形容 词比较级,故填 better。2. on 【解析】句意为: Jenny 和我在星期一步行去学校。具体的某一天早上用 介词 on。on Monday 在星期一,故填 on。3. me 【解析】句意为:Jenny 让我看她最喜欢的地方。分析句子成分可知空缺处 缺少宾语,故填 I 的宾格 me。4.

22、likes 【解析】句意为:Jenny 喜欢在一家书店买书。主语Jenny 是第三人称单 数,所以谓语动词用单三形式,故填 likes。5. way 【解析】句意为:它也是在我们去学校的。结合语境可知此处指在去学校的路上,并结合首字母可知填 way。6. easy 【解析】句意为:到一个新地方生活不是很 。根据文章前后语境, 可知此处是生活在新环境里不容易,结合首字母提示可知 easy 符合语境,故填easy。7. Luckily【解析】句意为:幸运的是,一位女士给我指了路。分析句子成分可知 空处在句中作状语,需用副词的形式,故填 Luckily。8. because 【解析】句意为:我打算明

23、天去买一张这个城市的地图我不想再次迷路。根据句意可知后半句是前半句的原因,故填 because。9. met 【解析】句意为:我见到了我所有加拿大的堂兄弟(姐妹)。前句谓语动 词为 was, 因此空处也应用动词的过去式,故填met。10. hearing【解析】句意为:我期待收到你们的来信。look forward to doing sth.期 待做某事,为固定搭配,故填 hearing。Passage 5In the school, we are talking about our dreams. Some of 1.(we) have no ideas, but others have v

24、ery 2.cgoals. Some students want to be 3.(fisherman), some want to be teachers, and some want to beartists. There are so many good choices. Itshard to choose asuitable one. The main thing is to know yourself and to choose the right job for you.As for me, I hope to be 4.Liu. She is strict with us but

25、 she 5.good teacher like Ms.punishes us. Shealways encourages us to work hard. She often makes her class 6.(live) and we all like it! So I must study 7.(hard) than before and master more knowledge torealize my dream.My friend Danny is good at 8.(play )basketball. He wants to be a great basketball pl

26、ayer like Jordan. So he goes to the gym to play basketball 9.(two) a week. As the saying goes, 10. p makes perfect. I think our dreams will come true if we try our best.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了作者在学校和同学们谈论各自的梦 想。告诉我们只要付出努力梦想就会实现。1. us 【解析】句意为:我们当中的一些人没有主意。介词 of 后面要跟人称 代词的宾格形式。故填 us。2. clear【解析】句意为:但是另外一些

27、人有非常目标。根据语境可知此处指清楚的,结合首字母可知 clear 符合语境,故填 clear。3. fishermen 【解析】句意为:一些学生想成为渔民,一些想成为教师,一些想 成为画家。根据给出的 fisherman 并结合主语 some students 可知此处需用名词复 数形式,故填 fishermen。4. a 【解析】句意为:对于我来说,我希望成为一名像刘老师那样的好老师。 分析句子结构可知,主语为单数形式,表语也应是一个单数形式,泛指一个名词, 该名词前应有不定冠词修饰,由 good 可知前应用 a 修饰,故填 a。5. never 【解析】句意为:她对我们很严格,但是惩罚我

28、们。but 连接的句子前后为转折关系,所以后半句指的是她从不惩罚我们,故填 never。6. lively【解析】句意为:她经常让她的课 ,我们都喜欢她的课。分析句子结构可知此处需填一个形容词,根据句意和所给的提示词 live 可知此处是 指她的课很生动。故填 lively。7. harder 【解析】句意为:因此我必须比以前更加努力学习并掌握更多的知识来实现我的梦想。根据句中的关键词than 可知此空应填形容词的比较级,故填harder。8. playing 【解析】句意为:我的朋友丹尼擅长打篮球。空前的at 为介词,后跟 v-ing 形式,故填 playing。9. twice 【解析】句

29、意为:因此他一周去体育馆两次打篮球。根据语境可知此处 指的是次数,故填 twice。10. practice【解析】句意为:就像谚语所说,生巧。根据文章前后语境及常识可知是熟能生巧,再根据首字母 p 可知应填 practice。Passage 6I like making model rockets in my free time. I have madeten rockets. I built one of them 1. (I). It smade 2.wood and cardboard. I glued it together, and then Ipainted it. And I

30、3. years ago.(begin) to launch rockets twoLast year, I joined a rocke t 4. c in our city. Ithas about forty members. Some of the members are 5.y like me, but most of the members are adults. Wemeet every month. Sometimes, we have competitions. Everyonelaunches their rockets. The 6. (high) rocket wins

31、. We also give prizes for the best-built rockets.I launched one of my 7. (rocket) two weeks ago.It went too high: 499 meters. I launched it in a field, but it landedon some trees. I couldn t get it 8. (easy). With thehelp of my dad, I got it at last. I usually keep my broken rockets. I have a 9. (co

32、llect) of them in my bedroom.I like my hobby 10.its interesting andchallenging. It is a lot of fun to build and launch rockets.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍的是作者的爱好。他喜欢制作火箭模型, 并且加入了一个火箭俱乐部,他认为自己的爱好很有趣而且具有挑战性。 1. myself【解析】句意为:我自己建造了其中一个。分析句子成分可知空处缺少 对主语起强调作用的成分,故应用反身代词,故填 myself。2. of【解析】句意为:它是由木头和纸板制成的。be made

33、of 由制成(能看 出原材料),为固定的短语,故填 of。3. began 【解析】句意为:我两年前开始发射火箭。根据本句的时间状语 two years ago 可判断此空应填一个动词的过去式,故填began。4. club【解析】句意为:去年,我参加了我们城市里的一个火箭 。根据 语境和首字母提示可知此处指的是俱乐部,故填 club。5. young【解析】句意为:一些成员像我一样 ,但是大部分成员是成年 人。根据文章前后语境和首字母提示可知此处指一些成员和我一样是年轻人,故 填 young。6. highest【解析】句意为:的火箭获胜。根据文章前后语境,可知是发射最高的火箭赢得比赛,此处

34、需用形容词的最高级,故填 highest。7. rockets 【解析】句意为:两周前我发射了我其中的一个火箭。“one of+ 形容词 性物主代词+可数名词的复数”,表示“其中之一”,为固定用法,故填 rockets。8. easily【解析】句意为:我不能把它取下来。分析句子成分可知空处在句中作状语,结合语法知识可知应用副词修饰动词作状语,故填 easily。9. collection【解析】句意为:我在我的卧室里收集着它们。根据空前的不定冠词 a 可知此空应填一个名词,故填collection。10. because【解析】句意为:我喜欢我的爱好它很有趣而且具有挑战性。根据句意可知后半句

35、是前半句的原因,故填 because。Passage 7Dear Wang Mei,It isn t snowing today, but there is still snow on the grass. InEdmonton, the weather in March can be cold and 1.(snow) or warm and sunny. The temperature canbe as 2. las -15C, but it can also reach 15C. Still,sometimes it snows in April and May! The tempera

36、ture dropsbelow zero 3.those snowy days. We 4.(probable) wont see any flowers until May orJune!After school today, we played 5. o . We played“snow” soccer. We had to wear our jackets and boots. It was fun.Danny 6. (fall)into the snow! Maybe next monthwe will play in our shorts and T-shirts!I like th

37、e Chinese name for winter jasmine. Its 7.( interest). Here, we have Groundhog Day onFebruary 2 for the 8.(come) of spring. In spring,many 9. (family) drive to the countryside onweekends. A popular place to go is a sugar bush. Its so much fun to make syrup.I love spring 10. of all the fun activities.

38、 Also, summer follows it! Talk to you soon!Yours,Jenny【主旨大意】本文是詹妮写给王梅的一封信。信中介绍了埃德蒙顿的天气情况以 及一些有趣的活动。1. snowy【解析】句意:在埃德蒙顿三月的天气会寒冷多雪或晴朗暖和。分析句子结构,此处需要形容词作表语,故填 snowy。2. low 【解析】句意:温度可以到零下 15 度,但是它也能达到 15 度。 结合语境和给出的首字母可知此处表示温度低到零下 15 度,as+形容词原级+as,为 同级比较。故填 low。3. on 【解析】句意:在那些下雪天,温度下降到零下。 “在具体的某一天 ”用介

39、词 on,故填 on。4. probably【解析】句意:直到五月或六月,我们才可能看见花!分析句子结构,此处需填副词修饰动词 see。故填 probably。5. outside 【解析】句意:今天放学后,我们玩。根据语境和首字母提示可知此处指到外面玩,故填 outside。6. fell 【解析】句意:丹尼掉进雪里了!前句的谓语动词为was,因此空处也应 用动词的过去式,故填 fell。7. interesting 【解析】句意:它很有趣。分析句子结构,此处需要形容词作表语, 此句的主语为 it,故填 interesting。8. coming【解析】句意:2 月 2 日是土拨鼠日,这是为

40、了迎接春天的到来。分析 句子结构,介词后面跟动名词形式,故填 coming。9. families 【解析】句意:春天许多家庭在周末开车到乡村去。根据给出的 family 并结合空前的 many 可知此处需填名词复数形式 families。10. because 【解析】句意:我喜欢春天因为所有的有趣的活动。because of 因为, 由于,为固定搭配,故填 because。Passage 8Jane loves her grandma very much. One day, Jane receivedsome bad news. Her grandma had a terrible kin

41、d of cancer. This made Jane very 1. s .Janes grandma once had a dream of 2.(travel) around the world. Jane wan ted to he lp 3.(she) realize it, but her grandma was very sick. One day, Janehad a great idea. If Grandma could not travel herself, maybe there was 4. a way.The next day, Jane went online t

42、o tell people her grandma sstory. She posted pictures of her grandma on a blog. She askedpeople if they could help her grandma see the world throughpictures. After a few 5. (day), many people beganto follow Jane sblog. They began posting pictures of Grandma visiting places all over the world. They a

43、lso 6.(send) their blessings and warm wishes with every picture.Grandma was very 7.showed her the pictures. In one 8.( surprise) when Janethem, Grandmawas visiting the Pyramids in Egypt. In another, Grandma wasstanding by the Statue of Liberty in New York. In the 9.(three) picture, Grandma was on th

44、e Great Wall ofChina. In the last one, she was standing in 10. of Big Ben in England.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了简是如何实现她奶奶的愿望的。 1. sad 【解析】句意:这让简感到非常 。根据上句奶奶患了严重的癌 症和首字母提示可知,简应该感到很难过。故填 sad。2. traveling 【解析】句意:简的奶奶曾经有一个周游世界的梦想。分析句子结构, 介词后面应用动名词形式,故填 traveling。3. her【解析】句意:简想帮助她实现这个梦想。分析句子成分可知空处缺少宾语,所以用代词的宾格,故

45、填 her。4. another 【解析】句意:如果祖母不能自己旅行,可能有办法。根据语境可知此处指有另外一种方法,结合首字母可知another 符合语境,故填 another。 5. days 【解析】句意:几天后,许多人开始转发简的博客。根据给出的day 并 结合前面的 a few 可知此处需填名词复数形式 days。故填 days。6. sent 【解析】句意:他们还在每个图片上送上他们的祝福和贴心的祝愿。前句 谓语动词为 began,因此空处也应用动词的过去式,故填sent。7. surprised 【解析】句意:当简给奶奶展示她的图片时,奶奶很惊讶。分析句子 结构,此处需要形容词作表语,主语为人,故填 surprised。8. of 【解析】句意:其中一个是奶奶正在参观埃及的金字塔。one of之一, 为固定短语,故填 of。9. third 【解析】句意:在图片中,奶奶在中国的长城上。分析句子结构可知空处应填序数词形式,意为“第三”,故填 third。 10. front 【解析】句意:最后一张中,她正站在英国大本钟的。分析句子结构并结合常识可知应是站在大本钟的前面,in fr


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