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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?(作业) 一、翻译或根据词语的适当形式填空1. library is in the (北部) of our school.Lets walk (到处).A day without (阳光) is like night.There are two supermarkets in my (街区).The food in that (餐馆) is very delicious.This (小镇) is really beautiful.Your ticket(票) is (免费

2、的).The post office is at the first (cross).The police (be) waiting for him.The Internet is very useful for us. We can (easy) find information(信息).二、单选( )11. still some milk in the glass.A.There have B. There areC. There is D. There be( )12. There some books and a pen on the desk. A. be B. is C. are

3、D. have( )13. Is there a restaurant near here?No, .A. there isnt B. it isntC. they arent D. there is( )14. The park is the hotel and the bank.A. across B. next C. in D. between ( )15. Go this street and you can find the bank.A. in B. on C. of D. down ( )16. The post office is from the policestation.

4、A. across B. crossing C. cross D.front ( )17. You can 20yuanfor this bag.A. buy B. pay C. spend D. sell( )18. I 2 hours doing my homework every day. A. give B. take C. pay D. spend( )19. I enjoy _ my bike in the mountains.A. riding B. rides C. to ride D. ride1( )20. Lily loves to watch the cat the t

5、ree.A. climbed B. climbs C. climbing D. to climb 三、完成句子21.需要我帮忙吗?(翻译)你可以花 50 元买下这条裙子。(翻译)这儿附近有一家餐馆和一个邮局。(翻译)There are some children in the classroom. (变成否定句)There are five people in my family. (对划线部分提问)四、看图填词A : Hello! Is there a bank 26. here?B : 27. , there is. But its a little far 28.

6、 here.A : Can you tell me how to 29. to the bank?B : Sure. Go 30. this street, and walk across the 31.over the river. Then turn 32. onZhongshan Road. Go along Zhongshan Road and turn 33.at the third turning( 转 弯 处 ). Then you can 34. it. Its next to the 35. .2【参考答案】一、1.north 2. around 3. sunshine 4.

7、 neighborhood 5. restaurant 6. town 7. free 8. crossing9. are 10. easily二、11-15 CCADD 16-20 ABDAC三、 can I help you? 或 Can I help you? 或 What can I do for you? You can pay 50 yuan for this dress. 或 You can spend 50 yuan on this dress. 或 You can spend 50 yuan in buying this dress. There is a restaurant and a post office near here.There arent any children in the classroom.How many people are there in your family?四、26. near/around 27. Yes 28. from 29. get 30. along/down 31. bridge 32. right 33. left 34. see/find 35. hotel3


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