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1、五年级英语下册第五单元测试卷 一、Read and choose.(读一读,找出不同类的单词。10( ) 1.A.walking B. sing C. swimming( ) 2.A.mine B. hers C. your( ) 3.A.your B. ours C. their( ) 4.A. excited B. read C. jump( ) 5.A. listening B. eating C. sleep二、Read and write.(写出下列单词的-ing 形式) 91. look- 2.listen- 3.run-4. jump- 5.eat- 6.play-7. drin

2、k- 8.fly- 9.climb-三、Read and choose.(读一读,选择最佳答案填空。)20( ) 1.Tom _the book.A. reading B. Are reading C. is reading ( ) 2.The yellow picture is _.A. his B. my C.your( ) 3. -Is he _ water? -No,he isnt.A. drinks B. drinking C. drink( ) 4. - _are you doing? - I_eating dinner.A. What; am B. Why; am C.Where

3、; are ( ) 5. -_cat is this? - Its Mikes.A. What B. Who C. Whose( ) 6.My pen is red. _is yellow.A. You B. Yours C. Your( ) 7. -A:Whose pants are those?B:_( ) 10. Its 7 oclock now.He is _breakfast.A.drinking B. eating C. has( )11-What are the birds doing?-Theyre_Ajumping Bflying Crunning( )12-What are

4、 the fish doing?-Theyre_Aswimming Bswinging Cwalking( )13-What are the horses doing?-Theyre_Aflying Bswimming C running( )14-What are the elephants doing?-Theyre_Awalking Bjumping Cswinging( )15-What are the tigers doing?-Theyre_Aswinging Bswimming Cflying( )16She likes_Aswim Bswimming Cswims( )17-C

5、an you see any monkeys?-_AYes,I can B Yes,I do C Yes,I am ( )18They are _at usAwatching Bseeing Clooking( )19Koalas(考拉熊) live _Australia Ain Bat C/( ) 20The tigers _fightingA. Its mine. B.They are pants.C. They are hers.Ais Bbe Care( ) 8. What _ the pandas doing?A. is B.are C.am( ) 9. _books is in t

6、he classroom._is here.A. Mine;Your B.My;Your C. My;Yours四按要求改写句子(10 分)1 I am riding a bike(对画线部分提问)2 They are drinking water(改为一般疑问句)13 Are you washing clothes? (做出肯定回答)4 I like dancing(改为一般疑问句)5 Can tigers really swim? (做出否定回答)五、Read and write .(读一读,选词填空。) 10Whose hers eating drinking their1. That

7、is Sarahs picture. The picture is _.2. These are _rabbits, these rabbits are theirs.3. - _ _ picture is it?-Its Zhang Pengs.4. That elephant is _water.4. Chen Jie is _breakfast in the kitchen.六、Read and write. (连词成句,注意首字母大写与标点。)10 1. picture the is green mine (.)八、Read, and choose.(读短文,选择正确答案。) 10To

8、day is Sunday. Mikes family is at home.His father Mr Black is reading a book in the living room. His mother is cooking in the kitchen. His brotherTom and his friend John are playing chess in the bedroom. His grandpa and grandma are watching TV in the living room.Where is Mike?( )1.Its_today.A.Sunday

9、 B.sunny C.Saturday( )2. Mr Black is_.A.cooking B.watching TV C.reading a book( )3._ is cooking in the kitchen?A. Mike B.Mikes father C.Mikes mother( ) 4.Tom and John are _ in the bedroom.A. sleeping B.playing chess C.watching TV( ) 5. Mikes grandpa is in the _.A.kitchen B.studay C.living room九、Read

10、 and write.(根据所给提示,写一篇短文。)12请以“The zoo”为题写一篇短文,要求能准确的描绘出你所看到的动物正 在进行的动作。2.arethesedoingrabbits what (?)The zoo3.iswhoseEnglish bookthis (?)Look at the animals. What are they_? The panda is _.The pig is _ _.The horses are _(run). The elephants are4. youcanto the takepark me (?)_ water. The monkey is

11、_the tree.Wow how funny!5. am monkey Iclimbing like a ( .)七、Read and choose.(对答如流。)10( ) 1.What are these rabbits doing ? A. Yes, he is.( ) 2.Can I play with him now? B. No, you cant. ( ) 3.What are you doing? C. They are playing. ( )4. Whose bike is it? D. Im dancing. ( ) 5. Is he drinking water? E

12、. Its hers2办公室卫生管理制度一、主要内容与适用范围1 本制度规定了办公室卫生管理的工作内容和要求及检查与考核。2 此管理制度适用于本公司所有办公室卫生的管理二、定义1 公共区域:包括办公室走道、会议室、卫生间,每天由行政文员进行清扫;2 个人区域:包括个人办公桌及办公区域由各部门工作人员每天自行清扫。 1. 公共区域环境卫生应做到以下几点:1)2)保持公共区域及个人区域地面干净清洁、无污物、污水、浮土,无死角。保持门窗干净、无尘土、玻璃清洁、透明 。3)保持墙壁清洁,表面无灰尘、污迹。4)保持挂件、画框及其他装饰品表面干净整洁。5)保持卫生间、洗手池内无污垢,经常保持清洁,毛巾放在

13、固定(或隐蔽)的地方。6)保持卫生工具用后及时清洁整理,保持清洁、摆放整齐。7)垃圾篓摆放紧靠卫生间并及时清理,无溢满现象。2.1)办公用品的卫生管理应做到以下几点:办公桌面:办公桌面只能摆放必需物品,其它物品应放在个人抽屉,暂不需要的物品就摆回柜子里,不用的物品要及时清理掉。2)办公文件、票据:办公文件、票据等应分类放进文件夹、文件盒中,并整齐的摆放至办公桌左上角上。3)办公小用品如笔、尺、橡皮檫、订书机、启丁器等,应放在办公桌一侧,要从哪取使用完后放到原位。4) 理过期报刊。电脑:电脑键盘要保持干净,下班或是离开公司前电脑要关机。5)报刊:报刊应摆放到报刊架上,要定时清6)饮食水机、灯具、

14、打印机、传真机、文具柜等摆放要整齐,保持表面无污垢,无灰尘,蜘蛛网等,办公室内电器线走向要美观,规范,并用护钉固定不可乱搭接临时线。7) 新进设备的包装和报废设备以及不用的杂物应按规定的程序及时予以清除。3. 个人卫生应注意以下几点:1)2)不随地吐痰,不随地乱扔垃圾。下班后要整理办公桌上的用品,放罢整齐。3)禁止在办公区域抽烟。4)下班后先检查各自办公区域的门窗是否锁好,将一切电源切断后即可离开。5)办公室门口及窗外不得丢弃废纸、烟头、倾倒剩茶。3)4总经理办公室卫生应做到以下几点:1)保持墙壁清洁,表面无灰尘、污迹。4)保持地面干净清洁、无污物、污水、浮土,无死角。2) 保持门窗干净、无尘土、玻璃清洁、透明。 保持挂件、画框及其他装饰品表面干净整洁。三、 检查及考核 每天由领导检查公共区域的环境,如有发现不符合以上要求,罚 10 元/次。3


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