lot, lots, a lot, a lot of, lots of等的用法_名词 英语语法.docx

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《lot, lots, a lot, a lot of, lots of等的用法_名词 英语语法.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《lot, lots, a lot, a lot of, lots of等的用法_名词 英语语法.docx(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、lot, lots, a lot, a lot of, lots of 等的用法_名词1. 用于 a lot of (=lots of),意为许多,可用于修饰可数或不可数 名词。如:We need a lot of lots of money. 我们需要很多钱。He has quite a lot of lots of friends. 他有很多朋友。修饰主语时,谓语的数取决于它所修饰名词的数。如:A lot of money was spent on it. 在它上面花了很多钱。A lot of people were interested in it. 对此感兴趣的人很多。2. 单独用的

2、a lot 具有以下用法:(1) 用作主语。如:A lot hangs on this decision. 很多事情都取决于这一决定。A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge. 在很大程度 上将取决于她对这一难题的反应。(2) 用作宾语。可用动词宾语或介词宾语。如:Sophia must have been through a lot. 索菲娅一定受过很多苦。I have learned a lot from him since I have known him. 了他,我向他学到许多东西。(3) 用作表语。如:自从我认识Tw

3、o hundred pounds is a lot to spend on a dress. 200 英镑是够多的。买一件衣服要花(4) 用作状语。一是用于修饰比较级,二是用于修饰动词:修饰比较级,相当于 much,意为得多。如:Its a lot colder today than it was yesterday. 今天比昨天冷得多。Houses are a lot more expensive these days. 如今的房价贵多了。修饰动词,一是表示程度,意为很很多非常等;二是表示频率, 意为经常。如:He has helped me a lot. 他给予了我很大的帮助。George smokes a lot. 乔治烟抽得很多。I play tennis quite a lot in the summer. 夏天我经常打网球。She is very pretty and goes out a lot. 她长得很漂亮,常常到外头玩。 在口语中,有时可用 lots 代替 a lot。如:S he loves him lots. 她非常爱他。T heres lots we can do. 有许多事情我们可以做。I eat lots less than I used to. 我吃得比从前少得多。


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